The UK Growers Thread!

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
Years ago you might have got away with it maybe but not any more, since the "proceeds of crime" bollocks they went silly and wrote certain responsibility's into the casino's licensing objectives.
You have to provide ID when you hit £1000 these days and that's collective, they may well let you keep visiting and paying (they want the money after all) but trust me they inform the authorities as to your actions.
It's been a few years for me mate and I can well imagine they would need to sort it out, the only problem with that is that it's money earned by gambling which as a croupier you will know can be won and lost in minutes! it may be a deterrent but as a solution it is still seriously lacking especially when you consider all the bookies out there which alot of gamblers from casino's visit, tracking gambling money is near impossible and would take armys of employees to enforce, logging amounts is very different to tracing and then trying to enforce any actions upon said money, I can see where it may come in handy in on going cases where individuals may be under surveillance for money laundering to clean money from serious crimes I.E guns and class A sales ranging into the possible hundreds of K's but for small amounts of multiple thousands I don't see it being a problem and it certainly won't be putting me off mate


Well-Known Member
You could set yourself up as a freelance private investigator, then use your fake id to hire yourself to investigate yourself
who knows what you might discover lol


Well-Known Member
lol harvest day and when shit cured gonna be funny as i dont smoke bud...but that day im gonna get batterd.....


Well-Known Member
You could set yourself up as a freelance private investigator, then use your fake id to hire yourself to investigate yourself
who knows what you might discover lol
you could also hire an assasin to take out the PI, then all of ur worries are gone, including feeding schedule haha


Well-Known Member
what about a magician, or a magicians assistant,
learn how to make balloon animals, those fuckers are on £150 per hour
daylight robbery


Well-Known Member
CCTV and facial recognition.
yeah facial recognition aint quite there yet, but contact lenses and wigs? even that stuff that you can paint on ur face and it will give you scars, and they look real, you know how they do it in the movies, might be a bit of an effort just to launder a little bit, but im sure you could pull it off

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
yeah facial recognition aint quite there yet, but contact lenses and wigs? even that stuff that you can paint on ur face and it will give you scars, and they look real, you know how they do it in the movies, might be a bit of an effort just to launder a little bit, but im sure you could pull it off
Lol, no mate it works and has done for years.
You would need to have major reconstructive surgery (move ears and such) for the software not to recognise you, this is real life not the movies.


Well-Known Member
haha, anyone thought of bitcoins? are they actually illegal or what, because for all they know you dropped a couple ton into them a year ago and are just making your haul now at 10x the price you got them for, or even laundering them through bitcoins, dont know how that would work, confuses me abit laundering money, suppose thats what its for confusing folks