USA - Probably the most ****ed up country on earth


New Member
I want to move to Australia just so I can get drunk and bang skimpys everyday, I'd do any skimpy raw.
The fact that the Nuge rode a buffalo on stage makes the USA awesome though
No room bro... Plus there are enough skimpys in the US, should you run out head down south...


Well-Known Member
Stop talking about how bad it is and do something about it. People feel entitled to everything freedom has to offer but the real ploy is for people this day and age to go out and make it on there own. We all know that we are worse of then our fathers and grandfathers that shit is fact. However I for one wont sit here and fucken cry about it...I'll grow my meds work a job and support myself and my family like all Americans before me. The more people wake up to the fact that bitching solves nothing and action means everything the less people will be hallucinating about how there life sucks and that means america sucks... Take your head out of the hole and live your own freedom... Follow the law or don't the only people that give a fuck are you'r neighbors, family and friends.

I take a hard look at myself before i spew bullshit about a country with 40 million people (not fact) 5 million of which lost a family member so that you can sit at your shit company and cry and whine to a forum of people who are here for information and entertainment. The fact that you live in my state and have nothing but shit to talk tells me you wont be happy any where in the United States. Move your ass to mexico and see how life is.


The United States of America, what a rabbit hole. No matter how hard a fiction tries to say it's of America it can never make it happen. America has been here for what, billions of years, and no amount spouting off by a bunch of old fanatical Europeans and their fantasy United States makes the thing that resides in their head anymore legit. Not then (1789) and not now.
Time for the United States Citizen to get out of the American territory and take their jacked up political ideas with them.

  • You don't give a shit what I think? um... Do you wan't me to give a shit that you don't give a shit what I think, or not? no wait let me guess, You don't give a shit, right?
    So then you're one of those people who have been brain washed...... and you basically switch your thinking switch to "OFF MODE" whenever something that is too close to home enters your vision. You're too patriotic to believe your country is ANYTHING but great, and people like me are NASTY NASTY TERRIBLE people who need to be ignores because we're just angry at you for being so great.. Right? that's just the logic you must follow, yeh???

    It's all lies bro! the world is perfect mate! go stick your mouth over a fucking car exhaust because candy air will flow out and blow you up into a giant candy balloon man!

Dude as much as you want me to hate the country where I live it just isn't going to happen. I am proud of the US and I love this country. Sure, the politics are fucked up but goddam do I love the freedom we have. I can go out during deer season and get enough meat for my family and me plus enough to barter. I can go anywhere I wish and do just about anything I want to do. I can buy land and do whatever I want with it. I can drive any car I want. I can practice any religion I want or none at all.

I love this place despite its faults. It's fucking beautiful here my good man!

Lol! look at this troll.. as if anyone in the world is allowed to buy land and do anything they want with it.. Lmao!? and drive any car he wants? You can hunt animals? na man you're trolling. next thing you'l be saying is that you can stroll down to the corner shop and buy some milk! lols! FREEDOM! OOOOH YES 100% I-MERICAN!
Practice any religion you want? na mate, no body in the WORLD is allowed to practice any religion they want! I mean? Shit, isn't that illegal?
And go anywhere you want? I don't believe it, even the girls bathroom? :o

Seriously, anyone who thinks that they have AAALLL of those freedoms listed above is absolutely tripping! They must be HIGH OR SOMTHIN! And if you haven't realised yet that this whole post was sarcastic then you MUST be from the USA! ;)

OP the next time you are out this way I'll take you out and show you what the real America is all about. You watch too much tv bro. You need to get out and interact with nature maybe do a little hunting and fishing. It'll be good for you. We can do that freely here. Lots of open spaces and freedom to do what you wish.

I know about that stuff and I really enjoy the outdoors; Particularly extreme sports, and even the gentler recreational activities like fishing, but for that you need MONEY! (and beer) and in order to get money? well, its not a clear cut situation.
I could grow my self 100,000 Marijuana plants and become rich over night (or do something else even) .... I swear I could, I just need a massive grow tent!.... but then "the law" would come and rain on my parade because they are fucking cunts who pick on you and bully you if you do anything that doesn't fit their "master plan". Anyway... These "law people" are in every country unfortunately. strange isn't it, that marijuana is illegal in most countries despite the well known fact that it isn't a major threat!

I speak from experience when I say this: If you smoke 1000 blunts over the period of a year or two (more or less, whatever) you will just feel like a zombie and you will basically be a stoner (a useless person)... BUT! you can detox your self and be back to your normal life in a few months!!! If you tried the same with Vodka, you'd fucking die.

Now, hopefully you believe me when I say that I KNOW that life is complicated as fuck and that America is most definitely (like any part of the world) a great place with fun things to do (especially if you have cool gear and sports equipment)
BUT, the US Government are smellier than the devils armpits after he's been bathing in rotting fish. This has nothing to do with how often I get out. Its about the negative direction that our world is UNFORTUNATELY heading, and its about the people who are leading us there. It's also about the initiative for everyone to get together and really put a stop to the corrupt groups/governments that are shaping the world.

Look at Egypt man.. They stood right up and they even had their army behind them.... Can Americans top that? Fucking prove it, and I will gladly head around your way and see what America is all about.... Iv seen enough video`s, I'm keen!

angry aussie alert! beware of extreme bitterness!
Don't worry I got it handled.



Active Member
How much money do you need to be happy? Is it money that makes you happy?

Regarding pot: There are very few people that make their money exclusively from pot. What I preach is to learn how to do something of value and growing pot isn't of any value because anyone can do it. If people weren't so affraid of hard work and getting dirty then perhaps things would change. People spend a ton of money to go to college and come out just as useless as they went in. Most colleges are just big marxist propaganda machines and teach nothing of value. Most people don't go to college to get an engineering degree or some kind of science degree. Nope, psychology, anthropology, womens studies and other useless bullshit.

I will admit that there is a large population of people in this country who are fearful of WORK. To actually go out and make something that benefits a society takes skill and most people don't have or want those types of skills. Fuck it, more work for me.

I think it would do you some good to get off your immature ass and learn how to do something productive that would benefit your homeland and quit worrying so much about mine. All of the worlds problems do not rest solely on the shoulders of America. Clean your own backyard first before you start talking shit about my backyard.
It was designed by communists so it looks like this;

This is what he's comparing to America to without ever visiting...

View attachment 2732446

Sorry my poorly informed Australian nitwit of a friend, I have only been living In Poland for no more than 5% of my life ;)
So, to say that I am Polish doesn't quite seem to be correct, does it? And to say that I am arrogant is a mater of your (always fucked-up & retarded ) opinion.
Lol at your failed picture posting.. You could have shown them much worse.

Anyway, you talk enough shit around here as is it....So shoo! peck! shoo!! Away with you! Be gone, pest! Foul fiend! quit your jibber jabber. You're just crying because I had a go at your country too! Ya cry baby.

A link for anyone who wants to see something trippy.


Active Member
Yea I noticed that, lol

I don't like the fact that I am alive and trying to enjoy my self while my life is being tainted by other people.
It's way too obvious to me that life should be way better than it is. all of us little people are being taken advantage of. We do work, we make shit happen, we (the little people) are the ones who make TONS of money move around the world, yet it is US the little people who get the least of it. Now isn't that fucked up? I think it is. (now, Do not jump to conclusions and simply assume that you know what I'm talking about! you probably automatically thought that I'm talking about "more pay" or "increased wage/salary", but that is not necessarily the case!)

These people on this forum (like "slavenomore", lols) Think I should be focusing on my own country.... what? Aren't I? Does that fool think that I am not focusing on my own fucking country? the fucking retard?

am I not allowed to focus on more than one thing at a time? Or do we have to live by your standards slavenomore? because you're so dumb you can't focus on more than one thing at a time, that you want everyone else to be like you, as to avoid making you look dumb.
Honestly I hardly understood a thing that women said, but maybe you guys will.



Well-Known Member
Honestly I hardly understood a thing that women said, but maybe you guys will.

You should probably stop getting your information from television funded exclusively by the Russian government.