1st grow {bagseed} 2 plants - 6 weeks and 1 week from sprout


Well-Known Member
here's my start up guys I'm of course doing the CFL grow and I have a 6 week old baby that i recently adopted and then I have a 2 week old from sprout got pics. Give me some input and tell me what ya'll think. i have a little yellowing in the 6 week old in the oldest fan leaves and i think its because of nitrogen def., but I'm working with MG spotting soil so i really dont wanna add any nutes yet to the pot until flowering. I want a opinion on that plant bulb as well, that i have in my last pic. its a 125 watt'er and its blue on the glass but it seems like its more for flowering. i will plug it in and show some pics


Anything that I say here is not true and is all fictional


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Well-Known Member
Come on peeps can I get some luv. :( whatever do have a quick question though. Just Noticed that after I transplanted bout a week ago I didn't really fill in the whole 10" pot I mean its a little over half am I going to have to transplant again or is there any way I can just put some soil mix in another 10" pot and gently take all the soil in the orginakl pot and put it in the new pot or it even worth it. Really thinking about it and seeing some root growth throughout the forum the rooting system is gonna get pretty deep and I'm afraid I didn't accomedate for that when I transplanted, silly but serious f-up ya think Everything that I say is untrue, and frictional!!!!


Well-Known Member
to be honest that plant looks a little small for 6 weeks..

i think you need some more light in there - get that 100w in there asap.

also what spectrum lights are you using?

the plant looks a tad droopy - you may be over-watering it.

does that bucket have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain out?


Well-Known Member
to be honest that plant looks a little small for 6 weeks..

i think you need some more light in there - get that 100w in there asap.

also what spectrum lights are you using?

the plant looks a tad droopy - you may be over-watering it.

does that bucket have holes in the bottom to allow excess water to drain out?
Well thanx for the input. To answer a couple of the Q's. Yeah the plant is a little small I just adopted it 2 weeks ago from today and it was a window ceil grow. My boi didn't even put it outside, he had it inside his apt. In the window with the window closed. So yeah I would agree that for 5 to 6 weeks its relatively small. I have 4 23 watt 6500K bulbs on her, and yeah I did take that pic right after I watered her and misted the leaves, it was right when the lights were about to go off so I didn't want to burn her under the lights so I let her sit bout 10 min then put her back under the lights. I wana put her in soil that I added perlite to so the soil can drain better cause the soil I have doesn't drain well. Oh and yeah they have holes in them. Should I transplant and put her in a pot with airier mix, even-though I already transplanted once?


Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, just coming through with i small update:

Have some comments too. Ive been noticing that my leaves are getting somewhat big but there droopy. i haven't given her any water int he past 2 days. i did take this picture about 10minutes into the dark cycle. but other then the very bottom leaves. everything seems to be looking she's very bushy and no leaves are continuing to yellow and she's green as hell. Is it the way that i may have my CFL's projecting on her. i have 2 on the top and everything else is around her surrounding her with light. would that case the leaves to almost sag in that position to receive the most light possible. if yu look in the 2nd pic is shows the position of the lights.

the little one is getting big, i think that she got burned because the pot fell over and i really dont know how long it was knocked over because i wasn't here last night.

here are pics: comments plz


everything that i say or type, and pictures are all fictional and false


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Well-Known Member
Cum on peeps. Any comments, something I know I could be doing something better. She's about 8.5" tall now when do u think I should flower. I have the 125 plant light bulb I was gonna use from GE to use with flowering its in a pic. earlier in the post. I'm going to light it up later and take a pic to show u the specttum it could be a 3000K or 3500K tops and I believe that mayb fine for flowering. Comments plz!!!!! Any thing I type is false and fictional


Well-Known Member
ok here we go,
1. fill the pot up with soil as high as you can (dont worry, fill it up to the first set of leaves if possible), because that bitch is stretched out of control.
2. it is having a hard time right now, it might be from chronic over watering, ph is wrong, or a thousand other things. i would read up on as much as you can here. but most likely its just gonna need to chill for a little bit.
3. sometimes teh bottom leaves die off like that, cut them off when they are over half yellow or brown. and just keep moving the soil up.

hope this helps for now ill be back later to see how your doing...... dont love your plants too much you will kill them:)

other than that hey look good, she would be pretty if she jsut perked up a little bit...

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Well-Known Member
trying to grow is right if you havent already got some superthrive then get some as a noob i recommend this to all noobs as we will stress our plants out and sometimes not even know


Well-Known Member
ok here we go,
1. fill the pot up with soil as high as you can (dont worry, fill it up to the first set of leaves if possible), because that bitch is stretched out of control.
2. it is having a hard time right now, it might be from chronic over watering, ph is wrong, or a thousand other things. i would read up on as much as you can here. but most likely its just gonna need to chill for a little bit.
3. sometimes teh bottom leaves die off like that, cut them off when they are over half yellow or brown. and just keep moving the soil up.

hope this helps for now ill be back later to see how your doing...... dont love your plants too much you will kill them:)

other than that hey look good, she would be pretty if she jsut perked up a little bit...

Yeah I would agree that she is stretched out a little bit, she was a window ceil grow. My boi handed her over to me bout 12 days ago and she's been growing but she's not too perky. Where would I be able to buy any superthrive @. I filled the pots up pretty much to the top and cut off the dead lower leaves, but I really think she's growing droopy like that due to the position on the lights. See I have the fan blowing on her and the that folds the leaves down and that's the position I put the light at so she doesn't stretch out. somewhat bushy at the stem and still growing out but droop. I mean the soil is pretty much dry to touch, and I notice that when I do water her she gets really droopy. But I do it to point where the water just starts to drip out the bottom. I just added perlite to the new mix I put in there to fill the pot to help drainage. Thanx for the info too howtogrow greatly appreciated. Plz stay with my grow and help me out. Much luv ___________________________ Anything I post is false and fictional!!!!!


Well-Known Member
ive heard alot of good things about superthrive, even tried to find it a local hydro store. but i use soil with nutes in already so im skeptic. just use tiger bloom for flowering. isnt it just high in nitrogen?? sorry to ask questions when a question was asked:)


Well-Known Member
ive heard alot of good things about superthrive, even tried to find it a local hydro store. but i use soil with nutes in already so im skeptic. just use tiger bloom for flowering. isnt it just high in nitrogen?? sorry to ask questions when a question was asked:)
Yeah that's too bad because I have MG soil with nutes in it as well. I already have some liquid fert. For flowering imma get ya'll a pic wit the bulb later tonite hopefully every1 is still up. Seriously howtogrow I haven't added any nute to the bigger plant at all. That's all soil feed right there I have some nutes that said if I overdose it won't cause burn so I bout those. I have the high Nitro for veg. And high P for floer but I've heard lots about the tiger bloom so I'm going to pick somw up later this week. Thanx bro stay with me


Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, i know i just gave you guys a update like yesterday but i had a couple of more pics to put up of the bulb that i was gonna use for either flowering or vegging. the only problem is that this bulb creates a lot of heat even at great distances i don't have a problem going to get another fixture just for this bulb to have have my grow be somewhat successful. another thing too my baby is yellowing bad. yesterday i told ya"ll that the pot had fallin over and i didnt know how long it was like that. i think that some of the roots may have been damaged becasue the pot was laying on its side. and the leaf that is yellowing (pic below) was the side that was in the air. so im thinking that the water or moist soil may have shifted to one side of the pot and dryed out the other side. im really worried because she is yellowing at an alarming rate. the pot may be getting a little too small as well so it may be time to transplant. i didnt really fill the pot to the top with soil, a silly but serious fuck-up. but give me opinions and if you gotta give it to me rough (no homo) on my mistakes then so be it. Help ya boi out. Late


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Well-Known Member
Sup peeps, Gotta new update. I've been purchasing the hell out of CFL's the past couple days (broke 2 in the last three days) and my 6 weeks old is a beast now!!! And my recently just sprout from seed is now about 4 leaves in. I'm about to send the old one into flower in the next 3 days. Has anyone throught of cutting the lights off for 48 hours be4 flowering? And I have (2) 42 watt, (4) 23 watt, and a 125 watt GE plant bulb that I'm thinking qabout using. I'm thinking about calling GE tomorrow to get the Kelvin reading. I'll post pics in the morning. A little tied up right now. YEEEESSSSSSS SIIIIIRRRRRRRR!!! -------------------------------------------- Everything that I type, say, post is fictional. All are untrue


Well-Known Member
sup peeps, I
m true to my word here are the pics. had a early wake and bake session with them this morning :blsmoke:. NNNNNNNIIIIIIIIIIICCCCCEEEEEEEEEE. Tell me what ya'll think. I gotta send the bigger one into flower soon she is getting big and i really dont wanna buy any more fixtures or bulbs. it getting up there in overall price.



Every thing that is types, is false, fictional, and untrue. I don't do, take, or sell any drug.


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Well-Known Member
Update peeps:

these pictures were taken about a week ago and i had to lend my digi cam out to my auntie for her class presentation. the bigger flower is in flower now and its growth in the past 1.5 weeks is amazing. this thing may outgrow my space hopefully not, but fill me in with info and how everything is going.

I LST'ed the smaller one that is in Vegg still, and basically topped (on accident) the night before sending the bigger one into flower. it has responded nicely.

these pics are 6 days old and imma post some pics tomorrow of them when i get my digi back, just to sho the difference that 1 week makes. ENJOY



Well-Known Member
jesus nice growth, you better start flowering:)
Yeah, like I said those are 7 days ago from 6/9/2008 and they have grow so much from then imma post some pics I took today before I went to work. The one that is LST'ed is NIIIIICCCCCEEEEE looks like 6 or 7 strong tops I wanna flower it but I don't have enought 2700K lights. Could I just mix and match the 2700K and 6500K lights during flower. A 50/50 mix of red and blue or should it be more red than blue? I have all red on my flowering plant, if I put some blue on it about 2 weeks in would it do anything bad to it? Thanx


Well-Known Member
Here are the pics as of 10 minutes ago. Look at the LST'ed baby she is nice, really bushy and a lot of new growth. She was nute burned earlier in growth and now she is recovering really well. My gurl i have in flowering now is getting rather big. YYYYYYYEEEEEEEESSSSSSSS SSSSSIIIIIIIIIIRRRRRRRR If you look on earlier in the thread on 5/26 you can see that i have a thermometer next to the plant for scale. In this picture you can see that i have done the same thing, and this way you can see the actual growth since about a week and a half. i got somewhat of a close pic of the new growth and i have hairs poppin out everywhere. Its about 5-6 strong tops that i can get decent nugs off and all is looking well. Tell me what ya'll think. Thanx



Well-Known Member
Nice beeharp2001
is it your first
Yes sir, yeah its my first. The bigger one was given to me by my boi that didn't wanna put in the extra time. What a fuck boi. LOL he just doesn't know what imma get off this plant I told him it was a male and cut it down. Looks like the jokes on him!!!!