zimmerman news

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The HMO did nothing to harm them. Its cashing in.

n, -ty
-)n.1.*The act of restoring to the rightful owner something that has been taken away, lost, or surrendered. See Synonyms at*reparation.
2.*The act of making good or compensating for loss, damage, or injury; indemnification.
3.*A return to or restoration of a previous state or position.
Where've you been, boy?

Got diagnosed an Aspie. Not bipolar. Turns out sensory overload and staring creepily at people didnt qualify for autism. So my new shrink suggested I stay away from dead fat commedians who tend 6 marijuana plants in the afterlife as a full time job.
Got diagnosed an Aspie. Not bipolar. Turns out sensory overload and staring creepily at people didnt qualify for autism. So my new shrink suggested I stay away from dead fat commedians who tend 6 marijuana plants in the afterlife as a full time job.

you need a new shrink, aspberger's is no longer a diagnosis, sweetheart.
its funny...you think this fucking shit would be all over the news with how the media sucked on this stories weiner.....BUT sure enough....not guilty verdict and there isnt ONE tv channel i can even find it on, hand to find it on RIU and infowars first. LOL awesome job merika!

EDIT: just to clarify. i have no stance on this subject or trial. I simply didnt do enough of my own investagating of the trial or the initial invest. by LLEO's or any LE'S period. I simply do not have enougn info IMO to make a sound educated judgment on what i think happened or whether i think zimmerman was guilty or not. but i did enjoy how the media blew it out of proportion and a todo made about it, which is why a NG verdict surprised me, that is all. no more, no less.

iloveyouall :)
Got diagnosed an Aspie. Not bipolar. Turns out sensory overload and staring creepily at people didnt qualify for autism. So my new shrink suggested I stay away from dead fat commedians who tend 6 marijuana plants in the afterlife as a full time job.

Congrats on not being bipolar.
Shaking down a innocent third party is clearly cashing in. Race has nothing to do with it.

why would they settle if they're innocent? they allowed a vigilante that killed a kid on their property.

race should have nothing to do with it, but you haven't been paying attention to desert dud if you think that's the case with him.
no most of the money was from racists, the other money from retards like urself who think race had nothing to do with him thinking a 17 yr old walking by himself was UP TO SOMETHING. or DANGEROUS. if he was white he wouldnt have thought that shit cuz hes a poor excuse of a man. and think that the real matter was with a man defending himself. get with it boy.
A person not using the side walk, but up against the buildings and avoiding contact would arouse suspicion regardless of race. You are assuming "facts" that aren't evident. perhaps solely because you want to believe them.
everyones entitlled to protect themselves and arm themselves especially smaller weaker ppl. im saying small/weak ppl with inferiority issues
prolly shouldnt own a weapon
can you link us to the evidence that shows Zimmerman suffers from this malady?

I assume you are just making it all up, but you never know, you got a fact right so far.
you need a new shrink, aspberger's is no longer a diagnosis, sweetheart.

Being gay isnt in the DSM either anymore, Nancy. Maybe you should embrace sucking black Irish penis makes you gay and not rely on magical books to define you. Might make you a decent upstanding human being for once.
why would they settle if they're innocent?
I love it when the evidence is presented yet the people don't read it, then go on the repeatedly stick their foot in their mouth at opportune times. Bucky you are the best at this.

Part of the settlement was that the HOA was to be presumed innocent of any and all liability. Not even a slap on the wrist. Just a cool million. Which is chump change really. a million is probably 1/20th of what the HOA has invested.
Being gay isnt in the DSM either anymore, Nancy. Maybe you should embrace sucking black Irish penis makes you gay and not rely on magical books to define you. Might make you a decent upstanding human being for once.

His wife and her career depend on those books. Hence, the onus is on Bucky to support those books at all times or his man hands having wife will bitch slap his ass.
it boggles my mind some of ur fucking arguments. regardless if the dude is racist or not. say there both black and fighting. @ what point in a fist fight. can someone fucking LEGALLY pull out a gun and shoot and kill someone and be like well what? i was losing
Sorry, but straddling someones chest and pummeling someone who has yet to strike a blow is not a "fist fight" You mischaracterise the event. And to answer the question, the point where you think you're going to be killed if you don't. You don't have to wait until you're fatally injured or dead.
yes im very racist . the whitest kid ull ever meet defending trayvon. and i didnt realize "Boy" was a racist word. around here its like man or dude. so keep it shut...boy
What country are you in? You really trying to claim you didn't know "boy" was racist?
just cuz it happens daily that make it right? sex traffic happens daily? so your telling me its cool to enter a fist fight, infact first follow the person and than confront with a fist fight. and than if @ some point you lose the control in the fist fight. you are than within you right to shoot him.... get fucking real man. l
Nobody has claimed Zimmerman started a fist fight. You're just making up bullshit to justify a verdict you want. Its becoming apparent you don't want justice, you just want revenge.
this i agree with. you have a gun and intend to use it... you let tht shit be known. pull that gun out and say look motherfucker. i do not wish to fight you. however if you would like to proceed id b happy to cap u. end of story
So if the other person surprises you then you lose your right to defend yourself? You keep mischaractorising what happened. Clearly, you have an axe to grind.
lol man no drama you sure got some confidence the bullshit you spew:spew::spew:. im an open minded non racist mother fucker. and ur a retarded likely fat lonely piece of shit who is entertained by meaningless arguments. i must go pick up the better half now. so no more entertaining that pea brain of urs. hope you and ur next dog get hit by a bus. (no offence to ur future dog as i love dogs but unfortunately for it, it will have an Imbecile as an owner.) live on peeps. keep it green:leaf:
"hope you and ur next dog get hit by a bus. " " i love dogs". You may have mental problems. Perhaps you should see a professional.
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