zimmerman news

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Well-Known Member
Howl is that baseless? Is that you're knew word for the day? Perhaps ewe should learn the definition of it before ewe start using it.
it's baseless because no one knows how or why the jury made the decision they did.

derp dee der, herr red.


Well-Known Member
lol hey tryna grow, why dont u read the other shit in the posts after the 'fistfighting' u mongoloid. i keep talking about fist fighting because hmm.... the whole ZIMMMERMAN case which is the thread your being a dumbass in, is suppose to be about the TM killing which occurred over....survey says.... A FIST FIGHT.... so why dont u stop being retarded before i FIST FUCK ur mother.

and typically in a fighting situation both parties have a choice whether to fight or not.... and if someone willingly chooses to fight... which zimmerman did (he coulda avoided it
by minding his fucking business) you cant all of a sudden back out and say well i was fist fighting you but it didnt work out how i originally planned. if he coulda beat and subdued TM he woulda... however he was to weak and retarded... not unlike urself im sure tryna grow..... and had to resort to the only thing he could think of. killing him
If i ask "who are you?" and "where you are going?" you are not entitled to touch me, you can choose to ignore me and keep walking, hell even talk shit to me, but not touch me, if you proceed to do so, i am fully entitled to not say one word, draw my pistol and unload on you, is that clearer for you?


Well-Known Member
Sure took you a long time to look that up, or a very short time to bang your wife....lol........
nah man didnt look it up i knew someone in middle school with that shit like i said its more like social retardation.
and i said pick up my better half... like @ work.... not like code for bang her.... lol


Well-Known Member
i aggree my facts in the case are limited. but i know trayvon was walking. and zimmerman decided it was his fucking responsibility to be like hey you there young black man ( or just young man if he wasnt black cuz again race doesnt matter). come explain yourself to me for i am superior to you. and trayvon responded, exactly like i would have, like , why the fuck have you been following me and what the hell doo you want. which zimmerman (thinking he had any sort of right to do so because he self appointed himself community security queer?) responded HALT you are definitely up to something. and trayvon was like im not explaining my self to you and kept walking. zimmerman than prolly was like " no in the name of community law HALT NOW for i community officur duphus say so" which TM prolly just ignored or said shut up too. which worked up lil zimmerman to the point of prolly grabbing TM and being like let me call this(nothing) in to the police. where a fight ensued @ the 100% fault of the dueche bag who never had Right nor reason to follow the individual in the first place. than when the 17 yr old was whooping his ass he pulled his gun and shot him. your right... go zimmerman you brave honorable man. you fucking piece of shit you should have rotted behind bars forever. to anyone arguing with me i dont have animosity towards you guys its solely towards zimmerman and the situation. i could give a fuck. all you guys in ur moms basement are entitled to ur opinions.
So you base your opinion on nothing but baseless assumptions? Sad for you.


Well-Known Member
If i ask "who are you?" and "where you are going?" you are not entitled to touch me, you can choose to ignore me and keep walking, hell even talk shit to me, but not touch me, if you proceed to do so, i am fully entitled to not say one word, draw my pistol and unload on you, is that clearer for you?
I agree with this. just inquiring who am i and where am i going doessnt entitle anything. you can ignore and proceed. however im saying had zimmerman never approached
TM @ all and not been a nosey prick the whole thing would have been avoided.

Also im aware idk how it went down exactly.... but isnt it pretty clear zimmerman was pulling the over aggresive mall cop role?
being a wicked dick acting as if it was his land as if he had ANY fucking right @ all to question or approach TM. why because HE appointed
his own dumbass self head dueche bag? and was trying to ask TM things and TM was like are you a cop like why are you even talking to me... he was prolly
really creeped out this dude was approaching him/following him so late. as he did tell his gf he thought he was being followed. and i use to walk home from my girls
when i was 16 yrs old like 2 miles through a not so great neighborhood and anyone behind u when its night time is sketchy and it puts u on edge... i agree TM
could have ignored and is just as responsible for physically fighting. but zimmerman is responsible for them interacting @ all.


Well-Known Member
haha why psycotic? im just pretty stoned and a wicked fast typer bruh... man alot of haters here damn. im gonna steer clear out of these opinion forums all u guys get super butthurt
You're just one more hater. This is the third time you said you were leaving. try clicking the little "X" in the upper right corner.


Well-Known Member
I agree with this. just inquiring who am i and where am i going doessnt entitle anything. you can ignore and proceed. however im saying had zimmerman never approached
TM @ all and not been a nosey prick the whole thing would have been avoided.

Also im aware idk how it went down exactly.... but isnt it pretty clear zimmerman was pulling the over aggresive mall cop role?
being a wicked dick acting as if it was his land as if he had ANY fucking right @ all to question or approach TM. why because HE appointed
his own dumbass self head dueche bag? and was trying to ask TM things and TM was like are you a cop like why are you even talking to me... he was prolly
really creeped out this dude was approaching him/following him so late. as he did tell his gf he thought he was being followed. and i use to walk home from my girls
when i was 16 yrs old like 2 miles through a not so great neighborhood and anyone behind u when its night time is sketchy and it puts u on edge... i agree TM
could have ignored and is just as responsible for physically fighting. but zimmerman is responsible for them interacting @ all.
But there is no law that says you cant approach and talk/question strangers.
TM could/should have yelled to zimm to leave him alone and if he didnt he would call the cops, i think that would have changed things drastically.


Well-Known Member
ah, you're not familiar with red trying to cover up his inability to spell simple words like "hazard" by using homophones here and there. he thinks it will make less people think of him as stupid. that's what he thinks at least.
At least I can spell "every". People think of you as dishonest, lazy, stupid, impotent, and infantile. With good cause.


Well-Known Member
if they remove a post of yours do they give u some sort of indication.... cuz that would be nice RIU.
we can say fuck and all types of other shit but not cunt? why is that...


New Member
if they remove a post of yours do they give u some sort of indication.... cuz that would be nice RIU.
we can say fuck and all types of other shit but not cunt? why is that...
if they delete you post, generally you're on the right track... You will notice it's very selective though...


Well-Known Member
Sine when is a punch deadly force comparable to a gun?
At some point, multiple punches do cause death. Was Zimmerman supposed to just lie there as Martin continued to beat him? Should he wait until he is fatally injured? Unconscious? Dead? You are trying to use an unreasonable standard. Do you know what they call combatants that limit themselves to using force that is only equal to or less than that your attacker? Dead.


Well-Known Member
At some point, multiple punches do cause death. Was Zimmerman supposed to just lie there as Martin continued to beat him? Should he wait until he is fatally injured? Unconscious? Dead? You are trying to use an unreasonable standard. Do you know what they call combatants that limit themselves to using force that is only equal to or less than that your attacker? Dead.
Yes and yes, and from the looks of it zimmerman allowed his head to be trayvons speed bag, very serious repercussions evolved with head attacks, and looks like zimmerman exercised a lot of restraint before pulling his weapon, it would have been life or death for himself or TM.
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