co2 & dryice

how about one of those Coleman-like coolers with a drain spout? If I just shut the lid and cap the spout, it should be pretty airtight, no?

pressure would build up in there easily, blowin the thing maybe sky high if you unlucky:neutral:
But to the same fact that growing indoors decreases the amount of c02 in the supplementing it has legitamacy to it.....

How does it decrease the amount of co2 in the air by growing indoors? Indoor air environments actually have increased co2 levels in them due to the humans that live within them exhaling c02, outdoors in nature plants exhale o2 and use co2 for photosynthesis so how can there be more co2 outside than inside?

You can continue to say all natural...ya di ya di ya...

And I will continue to say it because it happens to be my philosophy. I have to utilise artificial lights because of circumstances, that doesn't mean I have to throw my philosophy away because I've had to compromise one part of it due to cicrumstances.

it's not natural unless it's outside and in full view of "mr. sun".

That's your opinion and you're perfectly entitled to hold it, as I said earlier - each to their own, but it's not my opinion.

And BTW c02 is c02 whether it is in dry ice form or in the air. It is no more or less natural than the same "organics" that you use to grow your stash indoors.

It's artificial and therefore non-organic as far as I'm concerned and that's why I won't use it nor agree with it's use, but as I said earlier - each to their own.
exactly!! each to their own!!! what is the debate over?? what you do and what he does??

Babygro, what is your main reason to not wanting to use it if there have been POSITIVE outcomes from using it??

If its indoors, its not natural, if you use perlite...... not natural.

you use cfl's because thats what works right?? exactly, thats not natural, but you use it
ok video. I didn't realize dry ice melting could build up enough pressure to explode, lol.

how about a cheap styrofoam cooler. cut a hole in the top to vent pressure buildup but maintain as much cooling as possible. punch a hole near the bottom and put a cheap valve there. have it sitting on a shelf above a small fan so when the valve is open the co2 pours out and gets dispersed by the fan. is this feasible?
ok video. I didn't realize dry ice melting could build up enough pressure to explode, lol.

how about a cheap styrofoam cooler. cut a hole in the top to vent pressure buildup but maintain as much cooling as possible. punch a hole near the bottom and put a cheap valve there. have it sitting on a shelf above a small fan so when the valve is open the co2 pours out and gets dispersed by the fan. is this feasible?

with a styro, the lid is simply lifting off if pressure builds up and release it without harm;) during light time simply take the lid off and set the fan close by;)
Babygro, what is your main reason to not wanting to use it if there have been POSITIVE outcomes from using it??

I thought I'd explained why in a previous post, clearly not to everyone's satisfaction it would seem. My grow philosophy is very much centered around allowing the plants to grow as naturally and as close to nature as possible given the confines of growing indoors. Just because I have to compromise that philosophy by the use of artificial lights doesn't mean that my philosophy has changed - it has not.

I don't agree with force feeding plants with either high levels of co2 or growth booster chemical nutrients or anything else that forces them to grow at a rate that is neither natural nor according to their 'genetic program'. Plants out in nature don't have high levels of c02 fed to them and neither do I intend to do the same with mine indoors.

It really is as simple as that, that's my grow philosophy and nothing you or anyone else can say will change it. What you do or anyone else chooses to do is entirely up to you, but don't try and change the way I want to grow - because you won't.
So you agree that nature didn't intend on us growing indoors. Henceforth this goes against nature and the "genetic program" of the plant. Plants aren't confined in nature to a 5X5 space smaller or larger or whatever. We do what we can to replicate. Dry ice or c02 generators are just replacing what the plant is taking out of a small space. I'm sure the plants aren't going to use any excess c02 just what's necessary for it to sustain life.
"I thought I'd explained why in a previous post, clearly not to everyone's satisfaction it would seem." babygro

No, truthfully I could care less but I didnt really see the point in bringing up the fact that you would never do it, thats why I asked.

"It really is as simple as that, that's my grow philosophy and nothing you or anyone else can say will change it. What you do or anyone else chooses to do is entirely up to you, but don't try and change the way I want to grow - because you won't."

I know I wont change the way you WANT to grow but maybe sometime you will step OUT of the box and open your mind to other things that work...
then possibly more SUCCESS may come to you...

and why wouldnt you do EVERY SINGLE THING you could to replicate the outdoors and make everything more "natural" if you are so big on being "natural"
I don't know about you guys, but the end outcome if it makes bigger buds, tastes good and get's me high as ****...i dont' care if it's natural or not.
Babygro, what if you had a 1000w hps in a 10ft by 10ft room and without the door being open it would get to about 100 degrees?? would you use co2 if you had to or say no to it??
So you agree that nature didn't intend on us growing indoors. Henceforth this goes against nature and the "genetic program" of the plant.

The plant can't differentiate between 'artificial light' and 'natural light' the wavelengths of light it uses look exactly the same. However, force feeding it large quantities of co2 in an attempt to make the plant grow faster than it would normally is (in my opinion) not natural and not something it would encounter anywhere apart from an 'artificial' environment. Neither does it go against it's 'genetic program' for the same reasons.

Dry ice or c02 generators are just replacing what the plant is taking out of a small space. I'm sure the plants aren't going to use any excess c02 just what's necessary for it to sustain life.

No, it's not replacing what the plant uses - it's force feeding it high quantities of co2 to speed up it's metabolic rate, to increase photosynthesis so it grows faster than it would if it didn't have co2 supplementation. Plants do not receive these high doseages of co2 in nature and hence my reason for not wanting to use it within my 'grow philosophy'.
I know I wont change the way you WANT to grow but maybe sometime you will step OUT of the box and open your mind to other things that work...
then possibly more SUCCESS may come to you...

You're making an (incorrect) assumption that what I produce now is not successful - it is, and I have no intention of changing it. I fully intend on growing the same way I've always grown and that does not involve co2 enhancement.

Let's be honest here, let's cut the bull eh? You guys use co2 enhancement because it forces the plant to grow faster than it would do without it, you use it so you can get your harvests faster than you would without using it. That's the bottom line - faster harvest. This has NOTHING to do with quality of harvest. If you want to grow that way - that's your prerogative, it's not the way I want to grow - quality is far more important to me than harvest speed.

and why wouldnt you do EVERY SINGLE THING you could to replicate the outdoors and make everything more "natural" if you are so big on being "natural"

That's exactly what I do, do - I let the plant grow as naturally as I can in an indoor artificial environment - happy, stress free plants produce the best buds - simple as. You just want to speed it up so you can get your buds quicker - thats your prerogative - it's not mine.
I don't know about you guys, but the end outcome if it makes bigger buds, tastes good and get's me high as ****...i dont' care if it's natural or not.

You're on your first grow from bagseed, how in the hell would you know what co2 enhancement does? How also would you know what quality home grown bud is like, that doesn't use co2 enhancement?
Babygro, what if you had a 1000w hps in a 10ft by 10ft room and without the door being open it would get to about 100 degrees?? would you use co2 if you had to or say no to it??

Firstly, I'd never use a 1000w HPS, nor would I ever grow in a room without proper ventilation, so I don't really see the situation as ever arising so the answer would be a firm - no.
ok here we go.....

"You're making an (incorrect) assumption that what I produce now is not successful - it is, and I have no intention of changing it. I fully intend on growing the same way I've always grown and that does not involve co2 enhancement." babygro

ok well I said MORE SUCCESS if you possibly step outside the box, which in other terms would be........ POSSIBLY if you used co2, you MAY see better results that your last. ok? good.

"Firstly, I'd never use a 1000w HPS, nor would I ever grow in a room without proper ventilation, so I don't really see the situation as ever arising so the answer would be a firm - no."

well I would never grow with cfl's so thats a firm - little buds.
did you not see anything here about 12 g-13 plants??? would you like me to refresh your memory?? 616 grams about 22 ounces about a 1lb.5

so yes, I have grown something.

Not to intrupt the debate or arguement what ever one this may be, but I got some mineral water from the store and am going to mist my plants with it unless someone tells me different...
did you not see anything here about 12 g-13 plants??? would you like me to refresh your memory?? 616 grams about 22 ounces about a 1lb.5

And did you use co2 enhancement with that grow and what size HPS were you using?