Highocaine's Mixed Lighting Mainline from Clone - T5/LED/CMH Drip to Waste


Well-Known Member
spray them with aloe. Selenium in aloe speeds up root growth and vegative growth plus it has plenty of minerals too. add coconut water to your resi. speeds up growth and full of enzymes and minerals.

there should be an outdoor patio party cup challenge too. winner gets a mini greenhouse tent or something. I don't know, just an idea.


Well-Known Member
Sloowly chugging along. I realized I didn't understand the process of ML from clone very well.. as a result, I'll be taking a rather long detour from the veg highway.. I topped the clones that are doing well. The internodal spacing is really tight. A few of them actually have nodes directly across from eachother. I'll grow these out for a while and train them down when I can.. But it'll be far from perfect.

I bought 6 plastic bowls from Mao-mart for $6 and used a bunch of irrigation fittings and some grommets and tubing to make a smart pot collection system. Used plywood+5gal buckets to create a level that allows for gravity-drain. Due to the side-mounting of the drains, the bowls do collect a bit of a layer of runoff water. I guess it could be called a smart pot hempy now?

Watering 4 times/day at ~600 ppm. Go through ~4 gallons per 3 days. I'm doing pretty much everything wrong with this grow.. Guesstimating nutes based on ppm/gut alone, never cleaning my reservoir, never PHing, being physically abusive by trimming/training all the time.. aaand they keep on truckin'.

Finally transplanted the "runt" (which is one of my best-looking plants, now!) check out the root porn on her..

Hopefully in 2 weeks there will be a bit more foliage in the tent..

On another note, has anyone ever had roots grow through a smart pot?
Looking closely, each root has a ton of tiny hairs. Good sign!


Well-Known Member
Looks like they are coming along nicely High. They look to love the smart pot hempys, roots are nice and white, very healthy looking. ATB mate.


Well-Known Member
Ooh DSLR pic update..

Came back early in the day after foliar feeding (late in the day, unfortunately) the last 2 days with 1/4str Rhizotonic. Happy to see the girls perked up with noticeable growth, and healthy, although with a touch of heat stress/overfeeding. 3-bladed leaves on every one now, though! It's been high of ~36C (96F) here for two days now, and with no AC in this room.. closed, it hangs around 30C. The leaves have a little taco/deep green to them. I probably overdid it with the Rhizo in the res.

Ran out of smart pots :sad: but started using the SGS on two of the ladies..

Topping each of the ladies at a location with dense internodes:
5 mains:
Only 3 mains on this lady who has a broken spine which is still.. fairly gnarly looking. I haven't seen any bugs around that explain her holey leaves.. She has grown a swirled leaf, which breeder Soma identified as a sign of reveg in some strains.
The runt with her 3 mains:

This crazy split stem is healing really well, definitely was not good for her.

I think the hydroton will be better than sitting in algae-y runoff water, but I'll leave the back half of them as hempy and see how it goes. The feed rate is probably high enough that it won't matter either way.


Well-Known Member
Well it's been a week and there has been some growth. I don't know if it's a good amount of growth for a week though. Couple plants are just taking right off, couple are not. Current nutes are 2.64 ml/L A&B, 2ml/L Rhizo, 0.8 ml/L Cal/Mag+, mixed with tap water..

I have the lights a bit higher than usual now, and the SGS is in red mode to try and induce some stretch. They've also been on 18/6 for 2 weeks or so. Shuffled plants to give the smaller ones more light under the SGS.


As I've read from Nugs, Kushes take quite a long time to veg out for mainlining. It's been a week and they've stretched under an inch.
I may just let 'em rip from where they are for another 2-3 weeks, then flip, trim, and tie for even canopies and no larf.

edit: Weird, a 4-leaflet leaf: IMG_9727.jpg


Well-Known Member
my what bushy plants you have. lookin real nice!! and nice roots!!is one of those nutes you usek a root excelorator?
Why, thanks! Just rhizotonic! Little superthrive when they were young. I feed 5 times a day, though. Roots love that. Using a little over a gallon per day, but have come home to them dry 2h after feeding.. lots of transpiration 'cause it's been hot.


Well-Known Member
Last 3 days the growth is very noticeable.. trimmed up a bit to encourage symmetrical growth on the mains. I'll tie down in a few days and flip shortly after, so next update is a week from now. *zipslips*


Well-Known Member
Wow those are some healthly plants/roots you got goin on there. Looking like your headed to an equally healthy harvest! :weed: Im actually thinking about mainlining a plant of two of mine, one for the experience and two for the clones. also prob just gonna take some clones off each plant since I'm cleaning em up anyways. Some massive stalks on those girls, how old are they?


Well-Known Member
Wow those are some healthly plants/roots you got goin on there. Looking like your headed to an equally healthy harvest! :weed: Im actually thinking about mainlining a plant of two of mine, one for the experience and two for the clones. also prob just gonna take some clones off each plant since I'm cleaning em up anyways. Some massive stalks on those girls, how old are they?
I received them as clones from a flowering plant.. Their stalks were already fairly woody. They also had to go through reveg, but they've thickened up quite a bit through my abuse. I've had them for 37 days now, and I'd guess their original age at close to 10 days, so 47?

What strain are you running? ML with kushes is proving difficult, can barely sort through the stems. They've definitely stretched a lot, it only took a few days with high/red lights for internodes to go from 1/4" to 1".


Well-Known Member
It's Thursday somewhere, right? I'm just giddy about getting a real grow started.. sorry for updating so much, I know veg is really boring for some.

I underestimated how much work tying them down would be! Got most of them somewhat into submission, though. As you'll see in the pics, I definitely got the stretch I asked for.. lights are lowered (CMH hung on Monday) again, and the internode distance has more than halved as a result. I've given up trying to maintain perfect symmetry. It's brutal. PK is obviously not very single cola dominant.

Sorry for the blurry as fuck pics.. We're up to 9 leaflets on the lady in the back left!


The T5 will be retired to clone duty, or maybe keeping a mom alive in a vert scrog for 1-2 years. Got a semi-indoor cabinet on the deck (we put up plastic in winter) that's insulated and already lined with white black-out blinds.. Couple of low-profile dryer vents and a low CFM silent fan, 2gal hempy with res tank/drip feed. Just a scheme for now 'cause it's too hot up there.


Well-Known Member
Paint that floor white or cover with shiny shit. It might not make a difference through a big canopy, but in veg they will eat the light from any angle.


Well-Known Member
Shit, they've exploded. It's been 11 days since last update.. I've topped the res up three times, and it's due tonight. 300ppm out, ph 6.1.. ~900 ppm in, ph 5.8, every time. Been doing about 20ml Cal/mag+, 40ml A&B, 30ml Rhizo. They love it. I'll stop the Rhizo in another week.

I can't put pics up right now (I haven't been there in a few days :-(), but I'll edit some in later this evening.

I'm stoked to be writing 'cause I've been reading up on people's description of the true Purple Kush (which is clone-only and dates back 20+ years), people say it smells mildly spicy, like pepper (and remember I was saying I'd cook with it if I had enough? Eating the leaves is really tasty :)).

So I'm sitting here, the lights turn on in half an hour and I'm just really hoping they haven't grown into my CMH... which I lowered to try and slow the stretch D: Updates soon.


Well-Known Member
Very healthy and green grower^^^^^ damn that area51 panel is keeping up nicely with the retrowhite cmh at 250w+ less wattage!! impressive


Well-Known Member
Thanks Psu! Unfortunately, I found mites.. quite bad on two of the girls. Only 1 leaf with slight webbing, but.. :evil: ragemode activate

Tore all of 'em out of their nice snuggled-in homes (quite the hydroton rootball on the front 3) and into the shower for pump spraydown with apple cidar vinegar recipe, then rinse with water. Also got the undersides trimmed up on everyone, trying to cut out most of the infestation.. Next time, preventatives.


Edit: I'm looking them over here and I did definitely put a huge dent in their numbers, but if you don't spray every damned leaf within 1" thoroughly, you can't get them all. I'll be looking into hot shot strips here soon, I guess.


Well-Known Member
Hot shot's won't work on an infestation, don't know who started this info but it doesn't work.

So sorry to hear about SM's at this early flower stage. Any kind of oil treatment will get you into wk 4, which isn't acceptable. I can't remember the name but I found a mite spray used by farmers, that one app was good for 30 days, but it cost like $400 for a gallon (which filled a 500 gal sprayer)

I've never used Mighty Wash but I've heard it works, it's still the same, as the washing you've done, you have to hand wash every corner every 4 days at least 3 times. (but 4 is better, & it will work).

Best of luck with these little bastards, me I'm what you could say kinda lazy. I'd scrap, clean and try again, because I just can't do that much hand cleaning.


Well-Known Member
It's like 60 days of growth I'm giving up, feels like shit.. all that lecky and nutes and TIME!

Can barely afford nute refill (gettin' really low on B for some reason) so I may be switching to unused Botanicare nutes which I am really unsure of. But Mighty Wash 'aint cheap.

I feel like if I bleached down and started over, mites'd just float on into my tent via passive intake and fuck it all up over again. Couple treatments of Neem as preventative would've stopped all of this! (Ignorantly dismissed due to yet another $35 shipping for a tiny bottle + occasional $10 customs slap.. fuckin' Canada)


Well-Known Member
Organocide or Azamax those bitches. Both will manage and control mites safe in the flower stage. Your not that into flower by any means. And spraying will be fine and much better than giving up Unless you have clones ready to flip already. Then when you get through this, clean and sterilize your room. Just remember to be preventative and you will be fine in the future like you said.