First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Alrighty, so here's what happened today. The Unknown #1 seed doing poorly after transplant seems to have at least stopped getting worse and possibly grew a little bit, but the first set of single leaves and first set of 5 finger leaves took a hit. I transplanted both TBB #2 and Plato in 2g pots both looked root bound. One has composted dirt similar to the Unknown #1, regular 2g pot. The Plato seed was transplanted in a 2g Smart Pot with FFOF. I also started a TBB #3 seed in FFOF but has not popped yet. So far it seems like the Plato seed is looking the best, so that's why I treated him with FFOF and a smart pot. From now on I'll be starting in FFOF or pure peat moss, then using FFOF for the rest of the grows. Hopefully these two take the transplant better, I'm still waiting on that amazing growth from the HPS's. Well here are the pictures. (1st picture Unknown #1, 2nd & 3rd TBB #2, 4th & 5th Plato.)


Well-Known Member
Those look nice....not too tall.

I had to bury a lot of stem when I moved my popped seedlings
from a germination tray to their beer cups.

Good work.



Well-Known Member
Those look nice....not too tall.

I had to bury a lot of stem when I moved my popped seedlings
from a germination tray to their beer cups.

Good work.

Thanks man. Yeah I try to do my best in covering as much of the stem during transplant.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to see the color with the HPS on.....try to catch it rt as it fires up to take pics.
Or use some fluros,that way we can see them alot better.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to see the color with the HPS on.....try to catch it rt as it fires up to take pics.
Or use some fluros,that way we can see them alot better.
Yeah that'd probably give a better view. I'll turn the lights off for a minute and snap some quick pics here in a bit, get a better perspective.


Well-Known Member
Its hard to see the color with the HPS on.....try to catch it rt as it fires up to take pics.
Or use some fluros,that way we can see them alot better.
Best photos I could get with the lights out, now you can see the damage Unknown #1 took after transplant, the other two I just transplanted today. (1st pic Unknown #1, 2nd TBB #2, 3rd is Plato.) Whatcha thinkin?


Well-Known Member

Is that the Tap root above ground?
There looking ok to me now Ty for the new pics alot better view.


Well-Known Member

Is that the Tap root above ground?
There looking ok to me now Ty for the new pics alot better view.
Alright good, thanks reassuring. I went to check the root and it was an old dead root that was mixed in, TBB #2 and Unknown #1 have my mix compost soil. The youngest Plato seed has FFOF and I have a TBB #3 that starting to pop so it'll probably be up tomorrow starting in FFOF.


Well-Known Member
Well this thread might be over before it ever got a good start. Without being able to put an intake in the closest and not being able to afford an a/c unit I cannot get it cooler then 86f. I am going to try one more thing but if it doesn't work then I am just going to have to wait.
Hang on man, I'm reading through now, don't lose hope yet.
I'll call in a couple more sets of eyes too.;-)


Well-Known Member
Well I woke up this morning and noticed my temps were topping out at 90f. I don't understand why it's changing so much and everything I do is suppose to be cooling it down. I mean if you can see from the last post everywhere else in my grow room is 75f and my entire house being 68-72f, then 17in under the hps it's 90f. Having all sorts of problems. Should I be aiming for a sog, a scrog/lst type training, or lollipopping.
Try taking your fan on the floor *is it an oscillating one? That might help too*, and pointing it up. aimed at your light, and temporarily (Like for an hour or two if you can stick around to watch your thermometer) disconnect your duct, and just let that fan pull the warm upper air out and see if you can get temps down a little.
Also, have you checked the end of your ducting to make sure you have good air flow coming out?


Well-Known Member
This is interesting to me , very very interesting. Maybe I should just have the ballast inside the cab then. If my temps increase, then ad more extraction and airflow. Stealth is a big issue for me, I can't have my landlord looking at a ballast with wires running into a cab he will think WTF and ask me what that is. Imagine growing right under the nose of someone and getting away with it. That is my situation. It works fine with my CFL's I have it dialed nicely now. But I will need to add to a hps in a couple of months for flowering.

Can't tell you how much I appreciate your reply, you have been the most help to me thus far. Others just keep telling me why it is a bad idea to have it in the cab, somehting I already know, but it will be necesary for now unfortunately.


Had another look at your pics and I think I understand your setup better now. The end of your cooltube is still open inside your room. Here is my idea, connect ducting to the open end and have it connected to the outside of your cab. So the air is sucked from outside through your bulb and back out again. Then have another extractor sucking air from inside your cab and out. This way the heat from your light can't escape inside your cab, that should lower temps for sure I think.

Also a fan right across the plant blowing the hot air away from under the light, and lift the lights slightly, they are still small plants and you have a 600watt hps so they should still get plenty of light, all of this should help I think.
Holy shit man, I didn't even notice that he is just recirculating air around in there, I just assumed the end of the duct was outside.:wall:


Well-Known Member
So, are your temps at leaf level still in the 70's?
Sorry for my prev. posts, didn't realize this was an ongoing thing and you had popped already.
A lot of those pics look like heat stress, and the scattered brown on a couple leafs in the last few pics looks like maybe the fan blowing directly on them.


Well-Known Member
So, are your temps at leaf level still in the 70's?
Sorry for my prev. posts, didn't realize this was an ongoing thing and you had popped already.
A lot of those pics look like heat stress, and the scattered brown on a couple leafs in the last few pics looks like maybe the fan blowing directly on them.
The heat by the leaves goes from 82-86f during the day. Yeah they have been a little hot and my I found to get the lowest temps above my plants I have to have the fan blowing right over top of them. They move every once in a while but it's not directly on them.


Well-Known Member
The heat by the leaves goes from 82-86f during the day. Yeah they have been a little hot and my I found to get the lowest temps above my plants I have to have the fan blowing right over top of them. They move every once in a while but it's not directly on them.
Are your plants still elevated in relation to your fan?
I didn't think the fan was an oscillating one, from the pic, but anything you could do to extract the hot air from up high, even without a fan, even a vent with a car air freshener to hide the smell hanging over it would help.
Even just putting a bowl of ice in front of your fan would help drop temps just a bit.
It's primitive, and will raise RH in your closet, but it works.
Old portable car A/C units use to be like that.:shock:


Well-Known Member
Are your plants still elevated in relation to your fan?
I didn't think the fan was an oscillating one, from the pic, but anything you could do to extract the hot air from up high, even without a fan, even a vent with a car air freshener to hide the smell hanging over it would help.
Even just putting a bowl of ice in front of your fan would help drop temps just a bit.
It's primitive, and will raise RH in your closet, but it works.
Old portable car A/C units use to be like that.:shock:
The fan does oscillate, I have it raised above the plants, not oscillating, and pointing straight down the line right above the plant tops, not hitting them. Yeah my friend told me about the ice thing before because they use to do it to cool down there dirt bikes faster after races.


Well-Known Member
The fan does oscillate, I have it raised above the plants, not oscillating, and pointing straight down the line right above the plant tops, not hitting them. Yeah my friend told me about the ice thing before because they use to do it to cool down there dirt bikes faster after races.
OK, one last thing.
I think I remember you saying you checked one morning and the temp was high, did that mean you are running your lights at night?
If you aren't, flip your light cycle to night time=on, since you mentioned room temps lower at night, and shut your lights off, and run your fan with the door open for a few minutes to move some fresh cooler air in before putting them to sleep.
I realize you'll have to figure something out how to deal with the smell, but your plants will thank you for it.


Well-Known Member
OK, one last thing.
I think I remember you saying you checked one morning and the temp was high, did that mean you are running your lights at night?
If you aren't, flip your light cycle to night time=on, since you mentioned room temps lower at night, and shut your lights off, and run your fan with the door open for a few minutes to move some fresh cooler air in before putting them to sleep.
I realize you'll have to figure something out how to deal with the smell, but your plants will thank you for it.
Yeah I'm not too worried about the smell for now, but for sure will have to get something rigged up for that in a month or two. The reason why I said one more is because I my lights turn on at 5am and I am not up until 8 or 9, so they run a few hours in the morning before I wake up. They shut off at 11pm. I tried to work it out so I'd be awake for as much of there light cycle as possible, and at the same time making sure it's quiet and dark enough in my room for me to fall asleep.


Well-Known Member
I wanna make a suggestion and do as Baka does.....Do a weekly update with pics.
This will help us keep a eye on things,and possibly stop issues before they happen.

Thers a learning curve from going from CFLs to HID lighting,and dont want ya to bleach em or even worse Frie em.


Well-Known Member
I wanna make a suggestion and do as Baka does.....Do a weekly update with pics.
This will help us keep a eye on things,and possibly stop issues before they happen.

Thers a learning curve from going from CFLs to HID lighting,and dont want ya to bleach em or even worse Frie em.
No problem, I try to post pictures as often as possible. And I'll get some with and without the lights on to get a good look at em. I really do appreciate all the help, I'd be losing my mind without you guys haha. Using HPSs are defiantly a step up on raising my skill level compared to CFLs.


Well-Known Member
Your gonna find bye starting with a Good soil is gonna make things alot easier.
The better the root system=alot better grow,larger yields,less issues.

Now you need to think about Lstn or what ever method your gonna use,I suggest lst and a good Vegg,and S/C em also.
What are you shooting for as far as yield? I know as much as possible but realistically speaking?