First HPS Grow - 600w - Multiple Strains - Closest


Well-Known Member
Your gonna find bye starting with a Good soil is gonna make things alot easier.
Amen to that.

I practically doomed my last Crop, a 36 2 gallon smart pot SOG, by
changing to a soil that had *zero* water retention. The resulting
swamp lead to a uncontrollable gnat infestation.

I am back to FFOF, with 1/3 now Happy Frog, with myco-additives.

Good luck,



Well-Known Member
No problem, I try to post pictures as often as possible. And I'll get some with and without the lights on to get a good look at em. I really do appreciate all the help, I'd be losing my mind without you guys haha. Using HPSs are defiantly a step up on raising my skill level compared to CFLs.
How were your results from CFL's last time?
I realize you're trying to upgrade, and increase your yield, but I was just curious.
I had 2 3/4 oz. from one plant over the winter from a not so hot CFL setup in a small closet.


Well-Known Member
Your soil looks alittle dry brotha. ;) keep um nice & moist, but not drenched. You know... lol
Other then that everything looks good, and they should have a nice life! :mrgreen: keep it green! I will be following.


Well after sitting around watching for my seeds to pop, still thinking about how to lower the temperature. I figured hey why do I have this tiny fan on the ground trying to cool down the light, so I raised it up and aimed it at the light, nothing. Then I thought, damn why am I so blind, I need to push the hot air from in between the light and the pots, so I straightened out the fan and BAM! 75-77f average. So at least that problem is solved for now, until the plants get too big, then I'll upgrade to one of the 3-4ft tower fans, they are super efficient. I have no fun pictures to post so I thought I would post what I just told you lol. And yes that is a 25 cent fan doing the job :lol:


Well-Known Member
100_1487.jpg100_1465.jpgYeah i agree with baka you got to have ur lights running at night say from 7 to 7,it will cool things down alot, when you guys say cab is it a growing cabnit, because if so i got one going right now, u got to have a vent downlow to let cool air in and one up high to let hot air out i see you got a aircooled hood which is a plus i leave one end open to until it starts to stink up my room then i attach a carbon filter, got to keep a fan blowing right below ur lights as to push the heat away from ur plants, i hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Subbed, good luck. I'm still super noob so I can't really add much but I will add that my first grow with HPS was not as great as I would have liked but my second has been amazing. Way better then my CFL's, good luck there's a learning curve (mostly how to control the temps) but you'll get there. Keep it up!

Lights on at nights is a very good idea :)


Well-Known Member
That's just not true bro! From the looks of your girls(grow) it look 2 me like you've done your home work! :mrgreen: and just cause you've not being growing long that doesn't mean that you don't have anything to offer on growing. ;) what you know I may not know, and vice versa.. hell I've been growing 15 yrs total, but I know I'm sitll no ganja guru.. haha.. ;)

Keep it green bro..


Subbed, good luck. I'm still super noob so I can't really add much but I will add that my first grow with HPS was not as great as I would have liked but my second has been amazing. Way better then my CFL's, good luck there's a learning curve (mostly how to control the temps) but you'll get there. Keep it up!

Lights on at nights is a very good idea :)


Well-Known Member
Your gonna find bye starting with a Good soil is gonna make things alot easier.
The better the root system=alot better grow,larger yields,less issues.

Now you need to think about Lstn or what ever method your gonna use,I suggest lst and a good Vegg,and S/C em also.
What are you shooting for as far as yield? I know as much as possible but realistically speaking?
I figured I'd do mostly lst my training method, I'd do scrOG but don't want to mess with the screen when transplanting and stuff. For yield, I figured I need at least 2- 2 1/2 zips per month personally, and then enough left over for a few family members. So if I do 3 big plants in a time frame of lets say 4 months, I'd probably would set a goal for possibly a pound.


Well-Known Member
True that, thats what its all about is learning, weather its a plant in veg or flower i want to c all the pics so i can study them and learn


Well-Known Member
I figured I'd do mostly lst my training method, I'd do scrOG but don't want to mess with the screen when transplanting and stuff. For yield, I figured I need at least 2- 2 1/2 zips per month personally, and then enough left over for a few family members. So if I do 3 big plants in a time frame of lets say 4 months, I'd probably would set a goal for possibly a pound.

I did LST on a few of my ladies & liked the results! Have you ever did supercropping on any :??:
Talking about yeild! That will give you 1 hell of a yeild bro!! ;)


Well-Known Member
How were your results from CFL's last time?
I realize you're trying to upgrade, and increase your yield, but I was just curious.
I had 2 3/4 oz. from one plant over the winter from a not so hot CFL setup in a small closet.
I was only getting 1/2 to 1 oz per plant with my CFL set-up. I never repotted and was bad soil and more of a learning process. It was dank just low yields. The reason I switch to HPS is for the higher yields so I can smoke comfortably myself and help my family, and the CFLs just weren't going to cut it for my skill level I was at, and what I'm still at.


Well-Known Member
I hear that! I'm telling ya though. With alittle LST & supercrop + that HPS system will go a long ways, and you will see a huge differance yeild wise!


Well-Known Member
A lot of growers don't bc they think it will mess there crop up. But I'm telling ya, I've "broke" stems, taped them up & they did great! Ran side ny side grows just to see the differance & the supercropped + LST'D one produced more of a yeild then say the other! I'm talking like 2 & half to 3 zips differance! :mrgreen:
I never tried supercroppping before just for because I was more comfortable with lsting.


Well-Known Member
I was only getting 1/2 to 1 oz per plant with my CFL set-up. I never repotted and was bad soil and more of a learning process. It was dank just low yields. The reason I switch to HPS is for the higher yields so I can smoke comfortably myself and help my family, and the CFLs just weren't going to cut it for my skill level I was at, and what I'm still at.
I'm confident you could do better man, you just didn't give yourself a chance.
Check out my first attempt at CFL's.


Well-Known Member
A lot of growers don't bc they think it will mess there crop up. But I'm telling ya, I've "broke" stems, taped them up & they did great! Ran side ny side grows just to see the differance & the supercropped + LST'D one produced more of a yeild then say the other! I'm talking like 2 & half to 3 zips differance! :mrgreen:
Damn!! That's a huge difference.