How did people before us figure out harvest time?


Well-Known Member
Seriously, they didn't have 60x portable microscopes and google images. So how did they figure out when harvest time was? I still go by this list:

1) Is the plant still taking in alot of water? Not done.
2) Are most of the pistils orange and starting to shrivel? Done or almost there.
3) Not packing on weight? Done or almost there.

I know there are may different approaches, but this has netted some very nice harvests for me.


Well-Known Member
i have heard of the orange or red hairs

a slightly amber/red glisten to the buds

they looked done

alot of experimentation in the dark/picture a dog with a chemistry set

the leaves died off or turned colour

there was no more time left in the season


Well-Known Member
When the trichs mature, the plants flowers start to have an amber cast to it where it was a sparkly white before.


Active Member
If cannabis has been around for thousands of years, I would assume they just picked it off the plant and decided to smoke/eat it like they discovered most everything else, besides ripening of fruits and other harvesting techniques probably had them accustom to seasonal plants after few hundred years of cultivation, natives grew corn and other stuff, im assuming picking it when they felt like it tasted best or was best benefit to them was alot easier when they didn't have the internet, google images and forums to debate theories and have discussions about technical specifics i.e. when they believe THC is at its peak in the trichomes ect.

"Henry VIII required the cultivation of one quarter acre of Marijuana for every sixty acres of land under tillage, for maritime purposes in England.
The British began cultivating Marijuana in its Canadian colonies in 1606, cultivation began for Virginia in 1611. The Pilgrims introduced cultivation to New England as early as 1632, they learned about the cultivation of Marijuana from the Native Americans people."

A somewhat interesting note, I wonder if he smoked it too or just used it for medicinal research. Not sure what maritime purposes, maybe hemp ropes for boats or something, not really sure what they would need harvested marijuana for at sea, maybe sea-sick type thing.


Staff member
i would imagine they did it they way they picked food, how do you know when a tomato is ready..or lettuce ..


Well-Known Member
How the fuck did they ever figure out how to cure it.

The whole thing really, how did they know that this was the thing to smoke, or better, how did they know to smoke it. That really isnt a natural thing to do. There is much how and why from the seed to a fully dressed and cured bud of medipot.


Well-Known Member
Evidence of the inhalation of cannabis smoke can be found as far back as the Neolithic age (the age began about 10,000 B.C. in the Middle East and somewhat later elsewhere), as indicated by charred cannabis seeds found in a ritual brazier at an ancient burial site in present day Romania. The most famous users of cannabis were the ancient Stanites of India and Nepal. The herb was called ganjika in Sanskrit (गांजा/গাঁজা ganja[FONT=Open Sans, arial, sans-serif] in modern Indic languages). The ancient drug soma, mentioned in the Vedas as a sacred intoxicating hallucinogen, was sometimes associated with cannabis. Don't remember where i got this from[/FONT]


New Member
They did it the same way that some of us do it now . Not everyone is a new age grower with a scope in there hand . I learned to grow the old school way with no internet and very limited literature . Many older growers are simply able to tell when a watermelon is ripe and the same goes for a tomato or bud seeded or not . Of course nature has always thrown in the variables that enforce early harvests but for the most part a trained experienced eye is all that is needed .

I have some of the best scopes available and rarely due I use them for trichome observation on a plant as the scope is more of a novelty and something to play with when others want to see it all up close . Anyone can learn to harvest at the right time if they have good eyesight .

Oh thought I would note too that often bud rot will set in while you wait with a scope for the magic moment , seen this one a few times with friends who waited to long .


Well-Known Member
If cannabis has been around for thousands of years, I would assume they just picked it off the plant and decided to smoke/eat it like they discovered most everything else, besides ripening of fruits and other harvesting techniques probably had them accustom to seasonal plants after few hundred years of cultivation, natives grew corn and other stuff, im assuming picking it when they felt like it tasted best or was best benefit to them was alot easier when they didn't have the internet, google images and forums to debate theories and have discussions about technical specifics i.e. when they believe THC is at its peak in the trichomes ect.

"Henry VIII required the cultivation of one quarter acre of Marijuana for every sixty acres of land under tillage, for maritime purposes in England.
The British began cultivating Marijuana in its Canadian colonies in 1606, cultivation began for Virginia in 1611. The Pilgrims introduced cultivation to New England as early as 1632, they learned about the cultivation of Marijuana from the Native Americans people."

A somewhat interesting note, I wonder if he smoked it too or just used it for medicinal research. Not sure what maritime purposes, maybe hemp ropes for boats or something, not really sure what they would need harvested marijuana for at sea, maybe sea-sick type thing.
Hemp makes some of the best rope of any natural fiber and the British needed a lot of it for their fleet back when ships used sails.
i don't want to be mean or anything but what is IntendWenly going on about? lol i translated it from japanese to english and i was still lost in the rambling about finance and i might have even seen a bible scripture in there lol....