hows that power bill on your 22 week flowering sativa, my little geniusHaha I like that you quoted imp..
I almost thought I was in the mythbusters thread
It's not the poison, it's the amount "organic" or synthetic. You're talkin' stupid again and making up shit, as usual. You remind me of some liberal "journalist" shithead like Diane Sawyer or the Communist News Network (CNN). They don't report the news, they just make up shit.
Surf King doesn't "crash" anything. It buffers the pH down about one point if your water is alkaline. Most products require a neutral to slightly acid water base to work effectively. Know what you're talking about before you put your foot in your mouth again.
I'm not buying it.
Yes, you are destined to have insect problems sooner or later.
Happy 4th and don't forget your watermelon! I've got my Obama style patch going on! That scarecrow works better than my pesticides.
i am gonna flag you for flagging me.Whatever I'm done here all I can say is..... flagged
And there ya have folks, someone's feelings were hurt because I exposed the snake oil frauds and phonies he holds so dear.
Some of us are honest. Being PC and going along to get along is wrong and dangerous.
Bro claim I use snake oil all you want, I just wanna know what breed of snakes makes my plants so good. /sarcasm You don't hurt my feelings , you hurt the yields of those who listen to you. I've read your threads, seen your advice, hell I've even used some of it. But after trying many brands of nutrients and many of the products you bash, how can I say nothing when I have first hand exp?
And I rarely even take issue with your posts bashing nutrients, it's when you personally insult people that I have to call you out for that, and the other problems you cause.
Most of them are very informative and helpful but also contain some bad advice as well. Most of his advice is based of old school wisdom and rule of thumb not current advances in science and technology and botany.
Yea Uncle Ben's getting old and grumpy so don't take it personally, I just look at my plants and then look at his then say to myself damn, I guess he's blind and senile too, maybe they finally came up with a snake oil that actually works but he likes doing things the same way he has for 30 years and happy with his results. That's his problem and he does it to everyone. Ive read his threads and posts too. Most of them are very informative and helpful but also contain some bad advice as well. Most of his advice is based of old school wisdom and rule of thumb not current advances in science and technology and botany. I've learned to let him just sound stupid and go on with my business. Like you said i also have also seen how many people he has led down a path of failure or atleast slowed their progress in becoming better growers from the inaccurate advice he's given them and unfortunately its very disappointing but what can you do? It's just the internet and this is all he has, let him have it.
Pictures of plants? When the hell has UB actually posted one of these glorious grows?
Pictures of plants? When the hell has UB actually posted one of these glorious grows? Maybe in Texas they gobble up outdoor weed but on the west coast, they mostly laugh at that shit.
Maybe in Texas they gobble up outdoor weed but on the west coast, they mostly laugh at that shit.