Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

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While some of you guys are banging around with your indoor gimmicks such as SCROG, conversion lamps, pricey and nasty "cannabis specific" foods, lollipopping your plants, flushing, hitting them with bloom foods and doing other stupid stuff like defoliating fan leaves (removing the very unit that produces the flowers) probably costs me as little as a couple of bucks to grow 2 or more large plants outdoors. That includes enough "free" soil to fill up 5 gal. pots, an emitter connected to an irrigation line, 2 tsp. of a 18-4-9 slow release food worked into the top of the soil, and a little of my time just to monitor what's going on now and then. Water, light, air movement, and UVB is free. I buy the slow release by the 50 lb. bags. Cost of a couple of tsp. of the Polyon slow release food? Oh.....about a nickel. :)

And ONE plant is enough to fill up this here cowboy's wheel barrel with some cerebral sativa colas. ;)




  • WheelbarrowFullSend.jpg
    342.8 KB · Views: 122 probably costs me as little as a couple of bucks to grow 2 or more large plants outdoors.

Dude i wish I could fill my back yard with marijuana and never mow the lawn again but my neighbors and local police wouldn't take kindly to such behavior. I'm stuck in the basement for now.
Ya I love that picture of hash grade nugs. Are you showing us something been? Because all I see is shwagg. Maybe give us a close up picture of those buds? I trimmed off a lot of lower stuff around week 4 as well is this your trash bin?
image.jpgMy week 5 scrog indoor plant is bigger.

while you can only harvest in the fall I can harvest year round and still do my thing outdoor. Well I guess you may go threw the hassle of light depriving to get more harvests I don't think you would go you that trouble, since you keep it so simple.

My grow isn't even that big I'm not trying to claim biggest or anything just showing this guy claiming my style is shit and these"gimmicks" are adding more then he has to show. Of course outdoor is cheap to grow this isn't news.... From outdoor I expect dry buds 5+ inches long and 1.5+ inches wide or gtfo
I wonder If this would prevent more hermis.. ive noticed going from 24. lights on to 12 u get more hermis then 18 on 6 off to 12 12 . ? anyone else see these results?
While some of you guys are banging around with your indoor gimmicks such as SCROG, conversion lamps, pricey and nasty "cannabis specific" foods, lollipopping your plants, flushing, hitting them with bloom foods and doing other stupid stuff like defoliating fan leaves (removing the very unit that produces the flowers) probably costs me as little as a couple of bucks to grow 2 or more large plants outdoors. That includes enough "free" soil to fill up 5 gal. pots, an emitter connected to an irrigation line, 2 tsp. of a 18-4-9 slow release food worked into the top of the soil, and a little of my time just to monitor what's going on now and then. Water, light, air movement, and UVB is free. I buy the slow release by the 50 lb. bags. Cost of a couple of tsp. of the Polyon slow release food? Oh.....about a nickel. :)
You get what you pay for:)

And ONE plant is enough to fill up this here cowboy's wheel barrel with some cerebral sativa colas. ;)



Only thing better about outside is the sun, the best weed is grown indoors even though it costs more, the people who do it are doing it because that is their hobby and they enjoy it. Outdoor grows and soil grows should cost next to nothing to grow. Hydro will cost you 10 times more than soil will but the costs are justified by getting the largest possible yield per area in the shortest amount of time.
I wonder If this would prevent more hermis.. ive noticed going from 24. lights on to 12 u get more hermis then 18 on 6 off to 12 12 . ? anyone else see these results?
Yea that will cause hermies, great observation. Any type of stress on a feminized plant can induce the plant to make some male flowers in an attempt to pollinate itself and give life to the next generation.
LMAO "colas"

thanks for demonstrating why outdoor is half the cost of good indoor.

i have to agree, it was not until i reached the bottom of the post that i realised that was actually marijuana in that wheel barrow
it looked like some grass clippings or something, i would hate to have to manicure that, removing all those tiny leaves
still, it is possible that under all those leaves are some nice little buds , just wish i could see them

I would literally turn all of that wheel barrow into hash cuz that's all its good for. Lmao I see why it only cost him a nickel to grow all of that.
Manly men grow sativas, of which girlie men have never touched.

You guys are so brainwashed by the fat, dense looks of the mutts grown around here that you're dumbfounded when you see anything to the contrary. This speaks volumes regarding your lack of experience. You have never grown a pure sativa, and that's OK. Just don't make such comments based on your ignorant and arrogant frame of reference. It makes you look stupid FWIW.

I doubt if some of you guys could handle more than 3 good puffs off this weed. Your level of paranoia would skyrocket.
Your right. Real men harest larf. Good thing is, you can package your sativa in with all that nasty mexy bud coming through Texas and nobody would know the difference.

The fact that you posted that picture as a representation of your grower prowless speaks volumes
i said grass clippings what i actually meant was shrubbery !!

meanwhile this is a crew member

that be some trippy shit no joke


more crew members , shit is oldskool


yall so green with jealousy , fuck you
why is it that every thread I ever see uncle ben in it turns into a shit fest. (in my most highest pitch girle voice)hohohohooooo Hi I' advanced I top my plants and feed them nothing but the lowest quality bullshit I can find because yes you guessed it I'm advanced. bwaaaahahahahahaha snake oils bwaaaaahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa....aaaaaahrg. Oi welcome to the shit fest, love ( in my best british accent now). aouckin twaaat.
OK kiddies, time for an education. :dunce: This is the structure of sativa bud which differs from your typical indica mutt. The trichomes are usually hard to see with the naked eye (remember heavily frosted buds do not guarantee potency or quality, only sales to sucker bets). The colas are open, airy.



TFD Original Haze, the only pure sativa hybrid on the market, the only original Haze, from the original source, Sam the Skunkman who sourced the beans, gave them to his neighbors the Haze brothers and a legend was born. The leaf bronzing is from wind burn. The real Haze has been butchered, hyped, dumbed down with indica....and so goes this biz.


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