Don't switch straight to 12/12 according to new study

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4 years growing, 17 harvests, never had a single bug in my grow room, not even a fly

LOL am I just destined to have them come or am i doing something right?

Snake oil will prevent mites.

But then again, so will air conditioning and hygiene.

I might however try to buy and introduce them. That way I'll be a real grower.
At least it doesn't crash your PH like surfking does. So no comment on covering your plants in pesticides? Thank god they just passed a law here that all buds sold in dispensaries have to be tested for pesticides.

It's not the poison, it's the amount "organic" or synthetic. You're talkin' stupid again and making up shit, as usual. You remind me of some liberal "journalist" shithead like Diane Sawyer or the Communist News Network (CNN). They don't report the news, they just make up shit.

Surf King doesn't "crash" anything. It buffers the pH down about one point if your water is alkaline. Most products require a neutral to slightly acid water base to work effectively. Know what you're talking about before you put your foot in your mouth again.

4 years growing, 17 harvests, never had a single bug in my grow room, not even a fly

LOL am I just destined to have them come or am i doing something right?

I'm not buying it.

Yes, you are destined to have insect problems sooner or later.

Happy 4th and don't forget your watermelon! I've got my Obama style patch going on! That scarecrow works better than my pesticides.

please! what a bunch of little bitches. i thought he (ben) was just trying to be funny not hateful. jump the fuck off YOUR racist bandwagon bullshit.
What the hell happened to this thread, I thought it was about light cycles, keep to the subject guys~

The pic UB posted is questionable (depends on how you interpret it), but unless rolli or a global deletes it, I can't edit it since it doesn't really violate any of the RIU TOS~
Its so funny and a challenge to meet people that try to be racists ,these people think there racists??? Huhhhh!! I've lived in the most racists place ever...kennesaw north of Atlanta ,ga ... You see confederate flags everywhere, on cars trucks and houses lol..I got more class than white racist folks and I grew up ghetto ass fuck in a small cali town ... I also got alot of white friends and I'm Mexican ..
What the hell happened to this thread, I thought it was about light cycles, keep to the subject guys~

The pic UB posted is questionable (depends on how you interpret it), but unless rolli or a global deletes it, I can't edit it since it doesn't really violate any of the RIU TOS~

Yeah, I guess that picture isn't racist at all now that I look at it. I mean, what is racist about the KKK?
I'm going with the majority on this, RIU is intended for a place where users can feel open to share ideas and communicate freely amongst each other, so I took it upon myself to review what members have stated, and fixed the problem~

Namaste :leaf:
please! what a bunch of little bitches. i thought he (ben) was just trying to be funny not hateful. jump the fuck off YOUR racist bandwagon bullshit.

Exactly my thoughts on that post. Just like everything else in this world. Everyone now is somehow a racist. It's all bullshit. That word is getting used to often. Come on now.
Exactly my thoughts on that post. Just like everything else in this world. Everyone now is somehow a racist.

Wrong. Only white people can be racists, doncha know?

It's all bullshit. That word is getting used to often. Come on now.

Yep, stupid is as stupid does.


The Southeastern meeting for the PO40WHNSTNW (people over 40 who have not said the ‘N’ word) will be held in the phone booth at the corner of Peachtree St. and Ponce De Leon Ave in Atlanta on Monday, July 8.

We apologize for the late notice and size of the accommodations but a smaller venue could not be secured.

Everyone that feels you do needs to get a life. Having said that......

OMG, not another fuckin' attempt at conjuring up Uncle Ben gangbang by some wacked out liberal kid! This is funny as hell.

Quite politically incorrect too for you RIU trolls considering my huge friends list and one thread that is going on a million views.

the amount of people you know or have influence on is not an excuse to act like that, it's a reason to NOT act that way. This is my point! Like I said up top hopefully you will be banned, or better yet, learn from it and stop posting that way. A simple guide to topping and the advise to not use any product other then what you have found works for you out of the local home improvement store does not qualify as rare knowledge. Claiming products that are proven to work are fake is the opposite of helping people. With half the advise you give I think your trying to make people yield less in fact. Overall you are just a very vocal person and anyone who is willing to type out nearly 5k posts on this forum alone is bound to have interesting views on how others should "get a life". I just wish you were vocal in productive ways.
Claiming products that are proven to work are fake is the opposite of helping people.

And there ya have folks, someone's feelings were hurt because I exposed the snake oil frauds and phonies he holds so dear.

Some of us are honest. Being PC and going along to get along is wrong and dangerous.

Bro claim I use snake oil all you want, I just wanna know what breed of snakes makes my plants so good. /sarcasm You don't hurt my feelings , you hurt the yields of those who listen to you. I've read your threads, seen your advice, hell I've even used some of it. But after trying many brands of nutrients and many of the products you bash, how can I say nothing when I have first hand exp?
And I rarely even take issue with your posts bashing nutrients, it's when you personally insult people that I have to call you out for that, and the other problems you cause.
Correction, that power hungry coward (now a jail bird) FDD banned me as well as a 100 others that disagreed with his madness.

In Toke n Talk, I love FDD... but his stickies on mj growing? ... he must be growing a different plant than myself. that's my best guess.

Either way, hope all is well with him.
now i wonder if theres a product out there (or if it would be possible to rig up something) that would do this slight change of light schedule over a period of time automatically?
Yeah, there is. Its a system that hooks up to a computer, costs like $5000.00 plus couple hundred for every device. Too pricey for me.
So your re-posting to clarify that photosynthesis happens at night? OMG if you truly believe that then getting advice from UB can't hurt. Truly man you can't be that daft?

Never said that but since spinning is your MO and reading comprehension is not your strongest suit while trolling good people is, I recommend you take a long walk on a short pier and be done with it. READ THE FUCKIN' ARTICLE you $%^&*@ and learn something based on science.....not personal politics and anger.

In the summer months my temps don't differ 10 degrees one way or another in fact some evening are warmer than the day, so give me a break.

We already had this conversation and I proved you wrong, so why bring it up again? Do you have an obsessive-compulsive disorder or you just stuck in STUPID and enjoy trolling those that rub your nose it? Post #54 -->

Sheesh, why does attract so many idiots?

Uncle Ben
.... I completely fucked up and stuntd a grow last summer by trying to run my lights at night, but the summer was too hot. What happend was a slightly higher or equal day/ night temp. My plants NEVER finished and were stunted. I was running three 600 whps and a AC, so you can imagine how much my electric bill was. Thermoperiodism is so critical, I cant stress this enough. I bought a great tool at Radio Shack that gives you your day/night temperature... or it tells you what the temp was exactly 12 hours earlier.

I use a 24 hour recording hygrometer-thermometer made by EXTECH, model 445703. One button op. EXTECH Instruments is a maker of scientific measuring instruments.

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