Thinking about Metal Halide...

Not sure as it really makes too much of a difference, as it's something I've always used and seems to not create any issues. It's just clear plastic, so I can't see how it's diffusing too much ;)
Like I said your eyes wont see the difference but your plants will. You probably should study up a bit more on glass and PAR light.
Heres a link back to the basics:
I don't care what that ad says, your MH will throw way more lumens than that, and have a further penetration depth. CFLs are fine for vegging, but if you want big buds you really need a HID light (MH or HPS).
Lumens and plants do not jive. PAR light and penetration on the other hand do...with the aid of the inverse square law of light you can come to a reasonable conclusion.
Lumens and plants do not jive. PAR light and penetration on the other hand do...with the aid of the inverse square law of light you can come to a reasonable conclusion.

I understand, lumens if more of a guide to give a rough idea. Either lumens per sq. ft. (5000) or watts per sq. ft. (50) is a general guide to go by. I'm not a botanist so figuring PAR light, etc. is not important to me. I stick to the basics, they have been working for a long, long time.
Thanks! Still doesn't make me wanna get anything other than the plexiglass though, as it's cheap and I've always used it, so I'll just stick with it :D
am i on the wrong site is this is this a new thing dood smoking ficus's cant be to good for you who gives a shit if u use mh ph lh thier fckn ficus if u know anything about anything u know t5 promote good health its what they do if u want more lumens ad another t5 or get a better one u dont go wanna go fckn up u "ficus"™ with heat y are u on this sight growing ficus
am i on the wrong site is this is this a new thing dood smoking ficus's cant be to good for you who gives a shit if u use mh ph lh thier fckn ficus if u know anything about anything u know t5 promote good health its what they do if u want more lumens ad another t5 or get a better one u dont go wanna go fckn up u "ficus"™ with heat y are u on this sight growing ficus

Wow, I'm sorry. I was under the impression that you all grow indoors under lights and were willing to help out someone else who grows indoors under lights. Forgive me, I'll go ahead and leave this site then.
I dunno, I just don't see how a clear piece of plastic could really be causing that much of a difference. Growth is fine.


PAR light or MH...
Wow, I'm sorry. I was under the impression that you all grow indoors under lights and were willing to help out someone else who grows indoors under lights. Forgive me, I'll go ahead and leave this site then.
We did try to help you. And its obvious your not just growing ficus. Maybe you should talk too your mommy when need someone to tell you what you want to hear.
Fine, I'll just stick with my T5s. Bye to this forum.
Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...
We did try to help you. And its obvious your not just growing ficus. Maybe you should talk too your mommy when need someone to tell you what you want to hear.

Dont let the door hit you in the ass on the way out...

Wow, what a rude forum. It's obvious I'm not just growing Ficus? Really? What would make you think otherwise? All I've grown for years is Ficus and only Ficus. I'm not into marijuana and never have been.
Wow, what a rude forum. It's obvious I'm not just growing Ficus? Really? What would make you think otherwise? All I've grown for years is Ficus and only Ficus. I'm not into marijuana and never have been.
then why are you on the premier cannabis growing forum? Theres a garden section here, which when I reported this thread, I suggested it be moved there. There are tons of gardening sites on the internet yet you choose a cannabis one and get mad when everyone gives advice in that category. Its on you, not us. Good Luck and Happy Growing.
then why are you on the premier cannabis growing forum? Theres a garden section here, which when I reported this thread, I suggested it be moved there. There are tons of gardening sites on the internet yet you choose a cannabis one and get mad when everyone gives advice in that category. Its on you, not us. Good Luck and Happy Growing.

Because most of you all are indoor growers and I had hoped would be nice enough to help out others who grow plants indoors. Sure, there are "gardening" sites, but none that have more knowledgeable users about indoor growing than a cannabis one. You aren't giving me advice "in that category" as that's not what I asked about. I asked about lighting, specified it was for ficus, then got chewed out for not growing what you all grow. Forgive me, it won't happen again.
If you want to go CMH then you better get a bunch now. They have discontinued(once all parts are used up)CMH bulbs.

You better get them now. As the supply dwindles the prices will/are rising.

IMO opinion if your just growing Ficus I would just stick with the T-5.

Not sure where you get its better. The higher wattage MH are just more intense. Ficus is a very versatile plant that can do well in full sun or complete shade. If its happy and healthy I doubt you are going to see any real differences in its growth between a smaller wattage MH and the T-5s. Its up too you but I do not se the need to spend the extra money on a new light and the addition electrical use. If you want to see a difference in growth you will need to go 400 watts or higher.

Nix the plexiglass. It will diffuse and reflect the light waves. Your eyes may not see it but the plants will notice. Your best bet would be to go to your local glass shop and get a piece of plain old 5/32ths pane glass.

Like I said your eyes wont see the difference but your plants will. You probably should study up a bit more on glass and PAR light.
Heres a link back to the basics:

Lumens and plants do not jive. PAR light and penetration on the other hand do...with the aid of the inverse square law of light you can come to a reasonable conclusion.

Plants would most certainly disagree...good luck


PAR light or MH...
None of the above was what he wanted to hear. So I guess it sucks to be him....
are you actually growing a ficus? or is it mj because im going to move this thread if its an actual ficus as it has nothing to do with newbie mj growing
are you actually growing a ficus? or is it mj because im going to move this thread if its an actual ficus as it has nothing to do with newbie mj growing

Yes I am actually growing Ficus, goodness gracious. I put this thread here because it was a newbie question about lighting.
Yes I am actually growing Ficus, goodness gracious. I put this thread here because it was a newbie question about lighting.

except this is about marjiuana growing for Newbies not gardening, ill be moving this to our gardening section where we have some wonderful gardeners who may know about lighting and ficus plants
well friend mh is great but u wouldnt want to use this through flowering u would need and hps mh is more blue spectrum wich is great for veg but mary j prefers more red spect during flowering witch cfl nore mh light can give u

Actually you can get the red spectrum with CFLs.