Yield can always be adjusted w simple variances such as temp/pressure in a supercritical fluid. Not as much so w a COsub2 type, but very high, bulky yields can be achieved using the above method. I wouldn't care how high my yields are when using butane, as most people don't even want the residuals purged for a lesser weight exchange. That's where I say that's gross. If you've never had the pleasure to vape co2 concentrate, save up the extra cash then do yourself a favor and treat yourself to some shit that's medically correct.... or keep on w your BsHO as it's second best for sure.I started this thread beacause i always get between 12 and 15 % yields and i am always hearing about 20% and over. I just did a run with very high quality shake not trim real nice shake and got 14% some 1 please help
Okay, because we aren't dealing w the brightest bunch , no offense to those who have a deeper study worthy of a thesis in hemp husbandry... but this fucking idiot couldn't follow simple instructions and go to the garage w the extract had brought major attention to a pad w the badest view of the valley. That simple do what I want and burning this spot had the cops called on me right after he left. So it got DA reject w lab glass still needing to be picked up along w $250 cash as evidence. That dude even went to the same high school as me wasn't even worth my second showing him stupid shit. Fuckin dumb fucks. It was sick ass real high potency bud extraction. Not fully decarboxylated, it would go through you w out feeling highly medicated. The acid forms don't get broken down into a hydroxy11 and the effects are minimal when eaten.
holy shit hes on drugs....
no fuckin kidding eh!!!
put down the bathsalts oilmkr. I think you posted that on the wrong page....
50 % off my platinum cookies last year outdoor. 48 grams in the tub, 20-22 grams out. Should be on Ripley's believe it or not
50 % off my... last year outdoor
50 % off my platinum cookies last year outdoor. 48 grams in the tub, 20-22 grams out. Should be on Ripley's believe it or not