NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen

It's not that whites are claiming him. We didn't claim Richard Ramirez who was clearly a sick individual. The black community was riled up and fed inaccurate information in an attempt to disrupt civil justice. It was the "leaders" of the black community that made it a racist issue and the "leaders" are the ones that used the black community as a bunch of pawns to get what they wanted. I think the black community should be outraged about THAT and not that some big shot kid attacked someone and got killed. Probably for political reasons such as gun control, but this is just speculation.

The thing many people don't understand is regardless of color, of EITHER party, the verdict would have been the same. Verdicts are arrived at by logical examination of evidence, not fantasy and ill feelings towards another group. That's dark age kinda stuff and has no place in our society. If that's how you want to live, move to Uganda where they still burn witches or Yemen where they stone little girls for getting raped.

America is above Yemen on current execution league tables as of 2012
1 - TM was JUST 17, by 3 weeks.
And what does that mean? There are kids in gangs or committing crimes as young as 12 - 13 maybe even younger.. To argue against that fact you would have to be an idiot.

2 - Ever look at YOUR kids' pages? If you answered "yes" you are wrong..they have secret pages and'd be shocked.

Now your just trying to make an excuse for his horrible parents people that care about their kids usually know what they are doing for the most part.

3 - Late at night? Hmmmm 7:30PM late at night?

Breaks down to opinion I know people who are up by 3 - 4 am and are in bed by 6 -8 pm so to them it is late at night.

Have you ever wondered why TM didn't used the ice tea as a weapon when he could have?

It's obvious he didn't so why are you trying to put things out there that didn't happen. hmm...Could it be your emotionally attached to the case because of his race?? It's clear to see why you and buck are friends.

Additionally, GZ could have EASILY gotten those abrasions from rolling in the grass and hitting his head on sprinkler heads that are about every 5 feet on a Florida lawn.

More nonsense not every lawn in Florida as a sprinkler system.

Stop watching HLN and MSNBC, there is ZERO evidence that Zimmerman followed TM because he was black. That is the sole intellectual property of the race mongers in the TM camp. Just as there are folks on the Zimmerman side of the debate that are letting race motivate their arguments, make no mistake, the same thing is happening on the other side, and they're EQUALLY ugly and ignorant.

As to the other, in the great state of Florida, as well as 31(?) others, you CAN start a fight and still use deadly force if you feel your life is threatened.

I do agree with the last line in your post (spelling errors aside).

Yeah, they're called "Make My Day Law". I hate the NRA:finger:
The NRA is awesome, they keep political dipshits like the ones we have had in office for the last 100 years at bay and off our guns, so like them or not, they are your friend, so get used to it. :finger:


Stop injecting racism into my arguements.

that's not me doing that, it's you.

when you say martin needed to go home without the equivalent 'zimm needed to stay in his car' you are injecting it yourself, perhaps you are unaware of it.

i don't think of you as a racist, but that sentiment you're expressing sure is. like i said, you might not even be aware you're doing it, but you are.

Trayvon did have a right to be there. He did not have a right to beat the shit out of George.

he had the right to not only beat the shit out of zimm, he had the right to kill him and claim SYG. he was being followed in the dark in his own neighborhood while doing nothing wrong by a creepy man who never identified himself. if he feared for his life, as any reasonable person would, he had every right to beat that fucker to death when he "went towards him", as zimm himself said he did.

You won't make George pay. He has been found not guilty, the civil rights case should not occur, and a civil trial will get thrown out. Those are my opinions. George will pay in other ways. He will be seen as a pariah just like Richard Jewell.

even though the civil rights case has no merit, i am all for it to make zimm's life even worse. he deserves it for snuffing out an innocent child's life that night due to his own series of bad decisions.

the civil trial will happen though, and the standard to meet is far lower from what i've heard. zimmy will pay.
that's not me doing that, it's you.

when you say martin needed to go home without the equivalent 'zimm needed to stay in his car' you are injecting it yourself, perhaps you are unaware of it.

i don't think of you as a racist, but that sentiment you're expressing sure is. like i said, you might not even be aware you're doing it, but you are.

he had the right to not only beat the shit out of zimm, he had the right to kill him and claim SYG. he was being followed in the dark in his own neighborhood while doing nothing wrong by a creepy man who never identified himself. if he feared for his life, as any reasonable person would, he had every right to beat that fucker to death when he "went towards him", as zimm himself said he did.

even though the civil rights case has no merit, i am all for it to make zimm's life even worse. he deserves it for snuffing out an innocent child's life that night due to his own series of bad decisions.

the civil trial will happen though, and the standard to meet is far lower from what i've heard. zimmy will pay.

buck, you are not as stupid as your most previous agree that a civil rights case has no merit, but you hope for it anyway? As if enough millions of taxpayer dollars have not already been wasted?

Zimmerman's life is ruined...he will never again go out and enjoy a meal, a movie, a drive, a dip in the pool, etc...and he is ruined financially...he may very well be murdered...what more could a civil rights trial do except further divide blacks and whites in America?...maybe that's what we need...another civil war...but I don't think so...even if you do...that's what we're heading towards with this black vs. white shit...we're fighting the same battles they fought from 1861-1865...they felt hot lead boring holes through their bodies...can't we learn from that?
the whole point of the civil rights trial would be to make zimm's life even worse.

he deserves all the fresh hell he can get for his stupid actions that night.
buck, you are not as stupid as your most previous agree that a civil rights case has no merit, but you hope for it anyway? As if enough millions of taxpayer dollars have not already been wasted?

Zimmerman's life is ruined...he will never again go out and enjoy a meal, a movie, a drive, a dip in the pool, etc...and he is ruined financially...he may very well be murdered...what more could a civil rights trial do except further divide blacks and whites in America?...maybe that's what we need...another civil war...but I don't think so...even if you do...that's what we're heading towards with this black vs. white shit...we're fighting the same battles they fought from 1861-1865...they felt hot lead boring holes through their bodies...can't we learn from that?

He probably could. He would need to lose a sorts of weight, grow a pedo beard and dye his hair and he should be able to trick people. People will remember him a fat dude with a shaved face.
i don't expect any sympathy, i'm just reminding people what a piece of shit you are. you are a holocaust denier. shit doesn't get much shittier than that, unless of course you throw in white supremacy, which you espouse as well.

you claim to care about human rights, but you don't care that you are living on land that was taken through force and genocide. and then you condemn others for lesser offenses.

you don't give a shit about palestine, you're just a jew hating little child.

Dog have mercy on your poor parents, they have to deal with you for another 5-6 years or so until you become 18.*

By your logic, you yourself can't claim to care about human rights, because you live on US soil..
that's fine, i don't care.

i'm just pointing out the inconsistent and incompatible belief system that our little neo-nazi friend espouses.

And yet your belief system of not caring about human rights is compatible with your condemnation of other people not caring about human rights?
And yet your belief system of not caring about human rights is compatible with your condemnation of other people not caring about human rights?

i'm not the one here crying about the rights of the palestinians while living on land stolen by force and genocide. do i need to explain hypocrisy to you?
That is a worst fate then the bullet trayvon got yet no outcry from buck he thinks its right.

when are you gonna convince your mommy and daddy to give back their trailer to the people who it was taken from through force and genocide?

put your money where your mouth is, child.
Is it hard guarding 6 mostly dead plants covered in spider mites?

damn my first plant was on the smaller side couple ounces but I got high as fuck clean and a very good taste for bag seed (thanks in part to some of the members here giving me advice and info) also had zero spider mites... Buck claims to be a high class grower yet when he posts up a picture I don't see anything special.