World Of Hempy


Well-Known Member
NO!! I use white buckets, they reflect light better than black, which absorbs it. I also put two layers of white duct tape around them, so that helps with light leakage into the bucket. Some people spray that Flex Seal on their buckets. That comes in white as well.
White buckets are fine as long as they are not the least bit opaque. If they let light through they will cause algae growth in a best case scenario, root fungus and rot in a worst case. I have used black buckets before with no problems, once the canopy fills in the heat absorbtion is minimal. I am currently using folgers coffee cans and coffeemate cans wrapped in foil tape. So far so good.

I would add in the perlite vs. coco discussion that perlite is as inert a substance as you can grow with. It does not contribute in any way to mold or mildew nor any root zone insects. My buddy grows in coco and is constantly dealing with white flys. I have great results with perlite and seen just as good results with coco so it really ends up being a personal preference I think. Watering difference is pretty much negligible, maybe the difference of a day or so. My last grow was in 1.2 gallon perlite buckets and all 3 yielded over 2 oz each with the largest over 3oz under a 250w hps. Slightly over 7oz with a 250w is pretty good and shows just how well the hempy method performs. So you can really push plant size with smaller buckets using the hempy method. These current coffee can hempys are just a summer experiment with mainline training I'm trying. Averaging about 3 days between waterings right now so even with the smaller buckets I'm still right around 3 days. Love the hempy method and wouldn't want to grow another way.



Well-Known Member
sounds like you pulled pretty good numbers from those 1.2 buckets, all the pics you posted are grown this way? :peace:
Those pics above are my current coffee can hempy mainlines. Here are my previous hempy scrogs I was talking about in the 1.2g Sterlite Handy pails.




Well-Known Member
Looks nice stone, how big are those coffee cans and how big are the plants? I'm looking to do a very similar setup.
I get the coffee cans at Sam's Club a bulk warehouse like Costco. They are Folger's Columbian cans and they are slightly larger than what you get at the regular grocer. 35oz compared to 27.8oz
oh alright very cool ! im gonna check them out now :blsmoke:, all under a 250w none the less? thats great
Thanks man, my first attempt at a mainline and can see where I should have done more training out from the center. TXChilies runs a really nice 16 head mainline with some of subcools genetics. Really nice examples in his thread


Well-Known Member
Nice and sugar coated stevie, i was almost going to try co co for next grow, it seemed to me like it would be less suspicious to dispose of but then stone reminded me of part of the reason i went hempy, to stop bugs from fucking in my soil, just curious how do you guys dispose of your plant waste?