fuk me ninja all the questions here i will give you your an swers and i dont wanna hear anymore about it, seems everyposts the same question in a diffrent way, kinda like a benefit form
cqanna coco proffesional 50 litres about 12-15 a bag
canna base nutes 12 for both a and b (1 litre)
canna rhiztonic 12 qwid (250ml)
canna boost for flower 15 qwid (250ml)
canna pk 13 qwid (1 litre)
airpots 4 qwid each
if you go from seed expect a 4 week veg as they do indeed take much longer than clones, if u gave rooted clones then yes 2 weeks veg or 3 if u wanna, keep the light as low as possible to avoid stretch, put ur hand under the light, rule of thumb if it burns ya hand it burns the leaves,
from start ad 4ml rhiz per litre to stimulate roots, use that for a week and with low strength base nutes 1ml per litre, at the early stage i recomed grabbing a kiddies medicine syringe and a 1 litre jug and mix nutes in 1 litre batches as you will only need feed them every 2-3 days so it will just go off.
wen u flip do 24hrs dark to reset the plants internal clock then at flower start with say no more than 3.5ml base nutes, and add booost also start this at beginging of flower and all the way thru,
at week 5 flower start the pk along side everything else (base,boost) start with 1.5ml per litre and week 6 drop to 1ml per litre and week 7 down to 0.5ml, week 8 just base nutes and boost, week 9 day 3 stop all nutes and just feed water for last 34 days then dark for 24 hrs and chop chop
ofc u can PH if u want but a lot of us with coco dont, do a test over a few days make a bucket of water,add desired nutes and then ph test. im lucky after i add all my nutes my ph is 5.9-6 so i have no need thank fek, but i wouldnt have known this if sum1 dint tellme to ph as i had sum yellow leaves.but as it turns out they wer just hungry
DONT do critical, its shit m8, ive heard not a thing good about it, my advice for a good smoke and hardey plants wat can get abused ta fek is g13 pineapple express, my last run i did 8 under a 600hps and a 250 hps and pulld 30 oz give or take, not a bad yeild mate mybest to date, dont belive the hype of strains we know coz we run them along side our clone onlys
i hope that puts a end to the matter