Hello there! Thinking about growing but unsure...


Hi there, ive been lurking the forums for quite a while and decided now to join. I have nearly finished a shroom grow and decided that I want to try something else as the experience is enjoyable and I like the hobby.

Now for MJ, I stay in my parents house. Got my own room and have permission from parents about growing etc so not doing this on the sly. I also don't smoke weed but parents do so im in it more for the hobby and will give them whatever I get out of it :-P.

I am only wanting to grow ONE Plant.

I've been reading about different setups and growing methods so here is what ive gathered I could use:

Cfl bulbs as they give low heat, (im worried about these police helicopters that have crept up in the news lately...) read that 100w per plant is fine. But will this produce a decent amount of bud or will upping the watt be better.

low smell strain so was thinking Northern Lights?

Ventilation is something else I need help on as don't want the house stinking. How bad is one plant? Whats the best method of ventilation? I was thinking the obvious intake+output fans. A homemade carbon scrubber. An Air purifier and if needed something like frebreeze haha.

For a place to grow I have a unit in my room I could use but not sure if it will be big enough, the dimensions are: 0.5x0.5x0.8 meters. Would this be enough for fitting lights and for plant to grow?



Active Member
If you don't top or FIM your plants you might be able to get away with that. Have you considered a space bucket? - http://www.spacebuckets.com/

As far as I know, they have not figured out out any sort of odor control yet. For this you might consider Ona Pro Gel - http://www.amazon.com/s/?ie=UTF8&keywords=ona+pro+gel
I have not used it, but I have heard its a great product and it's used by some members here on the forums.

For one plant, a space bucket would do well and they are about the same size as your space - You can always modify a larger barrel, or stack buckets for taller plants.


Those space buckets look like a good idea, but I think it would generate alot of heat? Seems like a good method though so might do it.

I was thinking about the pc case method as have one spare but the yeild is pretty poor...

How much do you think I could get out of these buckets and how tall would I have to make them? Im looking for a method that will put out atleast an oz or even more.

Thanks again.


Active Member
LOL spacebucket. That thing just looks crazy. I noticed you grow shrooms, I would not want to draw any sort of attention to yourself with a half ass MJ plant if you're growing those. That aside, I used to date a chick that grew shrooms and would mix the shrooms into her own homemade taffy. She put a nice tinted plastic over it so it looked all professional and she would drive around with it having no worries ;)


My shrooms are discrete as can be. Got them in a 42l monotub and are packed away in my room growing nicely. No smell or anything so im fine with them.

Apart from a spacebucket what else can I use? Something cheap but effective. Or can I use my unit that I mentioned before. Only problem is that it has a black tinted glass door. would this not work or...?


Active Member
Yeah tent will work, that one would be a little bigger than you need. I do two plants in a 2'x3' area.


Active Member
Hi there, ive been lurking the forums for quite a while and decided now to join. I have nearly finished a shroom grow and decided that I want to try something else as the experience is enjoyable and I like the hobby.

Now for MJ, I stay in my parents house. Got my own room and have permission from parents about growing etc so not doing this on the sly. I also don't smoke weed but parents do so im in it more for the hobby and will give them whatever I get out of it :-P.

I am only wanting to grow ONE Plant.

I've been reading about different setups and growing methods so here is what ive gathered I could use:

Cfl bulbs as they give low heat, (im worried about these police helicopters that have crept up in the news lately...) read that 100w per plant is fine. But will this produce a decent amount of bud or will upping the watt be better.

low smell strain so was thinking Northern Lights?

Ventilation is something else I need help on as don't want the house stinking. How bad is one plant? Whats the best method of ventilation? I was thinking the obvious intake+output fans. A homemade carbon scrubber. An Air purifier and if needed something like frebreeze haha.

For a place to grow I have a unit in my room I could use but not sure if it will be big enough, the dimensions are: 0.5x0.5x0.8 meters. Would this be enough for fitting lights and for plant to grow?

I would not grow living at home with your parents unless it was outdoors.


i'll be fine indoors at home, cant really grow outdoors as no shed etc in garden and its quite open to neighbors looking in...


Active Member
i'll be fine indoors at home, cant really grow outdoors as no shed etc in garden and its quite open to neighbors looking in...
Yeah I meant a guerrilla grow in the woods. And if you think you'll be "fine", why you asking?!?! :-?


Thats an awesome setup but would be out my budget to get the unit then setup.

I was thinking the pc case setup as I have a spare case, fans and im buying lights this week for my shrooms which is the same cfls for mj.

Just I guess I wouldnt get big yields from a pc case due to small plants?


Active Member
Thats an awesome setup but would be out my budget to get the unit then setup.

I was thinking the pc case setup as I have a spare case, fans and im buying lights this week for my shrooms which is the same cfls for mj.

Just I guess I wouldnt get big yields from a pc case due to small plants?
Not a whole lot, enough for some personal smoke. I guess it depends on how much you smoke. What about your closet, think you could grow in there?


Well-Known Member
Get a tent.. easiest route unless you've got a suitable cab to convert. Don't skimp on venting. Get a quality in-line fan like an Ostberg or something, with a speed control to keep it quiet.

Method/medium, probably Waterfarm or DWC for good single-plant results.. alternatively, hempy.

As for lighting I wouldn't fart around with CFL.. If you're going to grow one plant, you'll want to do it right. Prefer a 200W CMH but MH or HPS works too.. probably in a cooltube or aircooled hood. Alternatively, an LED unit like an Area 51 SGS-160 would do well with minimal cooling.


I dont really smoke, maybe a couple times a month with mates so would probably just give my dad some as he smokes everyday.

Dont think my closet would work as for adding fans etc as I would need to put holes in my door? I have these canvas storage shelfs/wardrobe in my room. Possible to turn that into something worthwhile?


I would not grow living at home with your parents unless it was outdoors.
someone didn't finish reading..

On-Topic: I too am growing a single plant, live in my parent's apartment (no permission though), and have a pretty damn small budget. I also am the laziest fucker you'll ever meet in your life. This is what I did and it's working fine.


* Basic timer ($3 for a really basic one that just controls on/off switch; that's all you need)
* "EcoSmart" brand LED lights. These are eco-friendly LED lights with a much higher lumen output per watt than you'll find almost anywhere. I have 2 3000k's (bit yellowish; 13 watts but 40 watt equivalent) and 2 5000k's (bright bluish white light; 18 watts but 110 watt equivalent).
* Auto-flowering White Widow seed (Pyramid Seeds) -or- auto-flowering B. Lee seed (Kannabia Seed Company)....I'm not too sure which one I germinated because I forgot to separate the seeds after opening them during an overexcited first-time moment :'(
* Self-watering planter. $10 at Home Depot and it uses a passive hydro method that's incredibly similar to the wick method. This is for the laziest cunt-bastards in the world.
* Coconut Noir and Perlite as growing mediums. I use a 50/50 ratio mix.
* Miracle-Gro plant food. If you want something that apparently works better (according to the Internet), you can order BioBizz online for about the same price.
* Home-made light reflector -> Tape a crapload of aluminum foil together in as best of a dome shape you can make without crinkling it too much, and then tape a bunch of white paper on the inside of your dome. This way you get as much reflective properties as possible with little light escaping and without having to worry about the foil overheating. (I personally just unrolled a lot of foil and created a circle with 2 ft. diameter, and repeated the process with gradually decreasing diameters and taped it all together to create a flat inner surfaced dome)

-My Process-

1) Germinate seeds. I used the cup of water method and transferred it to moist paper towels in a Ziploc bag.
2) Mix nutrients into your water. For the germination period, I only put in 20% of what Miracle-Gro suggested because everyone says too many nutrients during early growth can end up killing the plant.
3) Fill your self-watering planter (I still laugh every time I type "self-watering") with your water where the water goes, and a 50/50 ratio mix of coconut coir and perlite into where the soil should go.
4) Plant your germinated seed about 1/4" down.
5) Change water every 2-3 days, increasing nutrition by about 5-15% every time (increase that percentage every time you change the water).
i.e. 20% of what Miracle-Gro suggested for my first transplant from germinated seedling. 1st time I ever change water, I'll put in 25% of what Miracle-Gro suggested. 2nd time, I'll increase that to 35%, 3rd time I'll increase that to 50%, 4th time I'll increase to 70%, 5th time I'll do 90-100%. (5, 10, 15, 20, 25% increases respectively if you don't know basic math)
6) When you start to see it growing upwards, turn on 1 of your 5000k's for 16-20 hours a day.

I'd love to finish this for you, but I'm only in vegetation myself so anything past this would be speculation, and possibly wrong information for you.
Good luck!

Edit: Oh yeah, for your odor problem, I believe charcoal/carbon filters (maybe the same ones they use in aquariums for fish?) remove all marijuana smell. I live in southern California where marijuana odor isn't too uncommon in any neighborhood, so what I do is I hang a jacket by it's hood on my room's doorknob and cover the bottom of the door with a towel. Then I turn on my ceiling fan and open my closet door. This way, the ceiling fan creates enough ventilation for my closet and my room, while pushing all the air in a downward motion (thus the towel covering the bottom of my door and my jacket covering the bottom half of the little opening in between my door and the doorway it closes on. I then open my massive window (staring 15 feet away from another apartment wall..) and let the air ventilate. Odor controlled, parents don't know, and plants are well ventilated.

Also because my plants are auto-flowering, I don't have to worry too much about air ducts and whatnot to make sure my plants stay on a strict light schedule.


Active Member
someone didn't finish reading..

On-Topic: I too am growing a single plant, live in my parent's apartment (no permission though), and have a pretty damn small budget. I also am the laziest fucker you'll ever meet in your life. This is what I did and it's working fine.


* Basic timer ($3 for a really basic one that just controls on/off switch; that's all you need)
* "EcoSmart" brand LED lights. These are eco-friendly LED lights with a much higher lumen output per watt than you'll find almost anywhere. I have 2 3000k's (bit yellowish; 13 watts but 40 watt equivalent) and 2 5000k's (bright bluish white light; 18 watts but 110 watt equivalent).
* Auto-flowering White Widow seed (Pyramid Seeds) -or- auto-flowering B. Lee seed (Kannabia Seed Company)....I'm not too sure which one I germinated because I forgot to separate the seeds after opening them during an overexcited first-time moment :'(
* Self-watering planter. $10 at Home Depot and it uses a passive hydro method that's incredibly similar to the wick method. This is for the laziest cunt-bastards in the world.
* Coconut Noir and Perlite as growing mediums. I use a 50/50 ratio mix.
* Miracle-Gro plant food. If you want something that apparently works better (according to the Internet), you can order BioBizz online for about the same price.
* Home-made light reflector -> Tape a crapload of aluminum foil together in as best of a dome shape you can make without crinkling it too much, and then tape a bunch of white paper on the inside of your dome. This way you get as much reflective properties as possible with little light escaping and without having to worry about the foil overheating. (I personally just unrolled a lot of foil and created a circle with 2 ft. diameter, and repeated the process with gradually decreasing diameters and taped it all together to create a flat inner surfaced dome)

-My Process-

1) Germinate seeds. I used the cup of water method and transferred it to moist paper towels in a Ziploc bag.
2) Mix nutrients into your water. For the germination period, I only put in 20% of what Miracle-Gro suggested because everyone says too many nutrients during early growth can end up killing the plant.
3) Fill your self-watering planter (I still laugh every time I type "self-watering") with your water where the water goes, and a 50/50 ratio mix of coconut coir and perlite into where the soil should go.
4) Plant your germinated seed about 1/4" down.
5) Change water every 2-3 days, increasing nutrition by about 5-15% every time (increase that percentage every time you change the water).
i.e. 20% of what Miracle-Gro suggested for my first transplant from germinated seedling. 1st time I ever change water, I'll put in 25% of what Miracle-Gro suggested. 2nd time, I'll increase that to 35%, 3rd time I'll increase that to 50%, 4th time I'll increase to 70%, 5th time I'll do 90-100%. (5, 10, 15, 20, 25% increases respectively if you don't know basic math)
6) When you start to see it growing upwards, turn on 1 of your 5000k's for 16-20 hours a day.

I'd love to finish this for you, but I'm only in vegetation myself so anything past this would be speculation, and possibly wrong information for you.
Good luck!
LOL - your process is fantastic and good for you!!! :joint: All the reading in the world does not change the fact that HE LIVES WITH HIS PARENTS!!??! Now maybe your parents aren't nosey and wouldn't be curious about the smell, or the increase in their electric bill, etc. but mine would be!! But if the OP feels that is not an issue than have at it. I was forced to move back home a few years ago, I even had my own in-law apartment with all my own privacy. But I still would not have grown!!


Well-Known Member
If your parents are going to be the ones smoking it see if they will help you out with the start up costs, if they are buying it now, for the cost of a couple oz they could put a good dent in your costs, and it would be cheaper for them in the long run. That being said dont cheap out on equipment for a small one plant grow you could do a bunch of flouros but if you enjoy doing it it wont be long before you want to upgrade so i'd say just start off with a 250 or 400w digital ballast with hps also buy a good filter even though they are kind of expensive they are worth it to not have any smell.

People always think soil is the way to go for a start up and don't get me wrong thats exactly what i thought too but learn from my mistake. I wish i would have started off by dishing out the cash and buying all the proper equipment. Not only did i waste a full 3 months on a tiny harvest, now im upgrading anyway so I paid cash for equipment ill never use again (reflector, cheap fans, ect.) and as for the soil vs hydro ill leave you with this link. super simple set up called a waterfarm that costs about $60 for the pots medium nutes and air pump wish i would have seen this before i started lol
