Quickie update:
Right i rang the company about my dutchmaster reverse and penetrator as it should have arrived by now. I had emailed them a couple of days with no reply... I was a bit suspicious at this point. Anyway the guy sounded confused on the phone and rang me back five mins later. He said that although my card clearly doesnt expire for another year, the computer wont accept it as its "Expired"... So now i have to send them a postal order ... Im a bit weary and im not sure what to do... I may email them and say that i'll shop somewhere else for security reasons.
Anyway back onto the plants. I went into the op today and my god the bud formations are kicking in at the moment. Its a beautiful sight i must say. I just cant seem to catch it on camera video or photo. (Btw camera ran out of battery so no photos today sorry guys) I untied loads of their branches to let them reach for the sky to get more light. As i mentioned previously Marys branches were overlapping which meant her bud sites werent getting even light. They both look SO much better now. I expect to see a vast difference in the next 24/48 hours.
These small black flies are fucking everywhere at the moment its really pissing me off, and they seem to be immune to my insect killer

Im going to get some fly tape and stick it up in the op asap.
Off subject but i got my hands on a quarter of trainwreck

this makes me a VERY happy man haha I dont think i've bought anything this good around here before... So adios! Thanks for stopping by! Photos tomorrow hopefully!