First ever grow, grow journal.

Yeah i always use PH'd water to water them with how ever i have no way of measuring the PH of the soil. At least i dont think i do. So that could be it? Would it be worth watering her with PH water with weak nutes now? I have canna flush arriving monday/ tuesday i could water them with weak solution then flush her again to try and set everything right and start a fresh?
Hi GigglePimp, sorry to see you've got a problem with Jane. From all the troubleshooting guides and general plant problem websites I've looked at your pics most resemble Potassium deficiency (the odd pic of Magnesium def also looks similar). Hard to see why unless as email says there is lockout for some reason. Could well be soil ph, or any chance she is root-bound? Was her rate of growth normal up until this happened? Just a thought.

GB: Cheers man thats a relief as it had crossed my mind i was looking at some links just now and i thought it could be potassium deficiency but wasnt sure.. I doubt she could be root bound, i mean it wouldnt make much sense as Mary is in the exact same size pot yet she is so much bigger and has so much more to her, wouldnt that mean her root mass should be larger?
I imagine you're right GigglePimp. I thought it was unlikely, just another option. Back to ph again? You can get soil testing kits in garden centers and the like. I got a probe that does the same, but soil needs to be quite wet for it to work. Definitely worth checking asap.

Yeah i always use PH'd water to water them with how ever i have no way of measuring the PH of the soil. At least i dont think i do. So that could be it? Would it be worth watering her with PH water with weak nutes now? I have canna flush arriving monday/ tuesday i could water them with weak solution then flush her again to try and set everything right and start a fresh?

i don't have experience with soil so take other soil growers advice if mine conflicts! I believe you can measure the pH of the run off water in soil.

What i'm trying to say is - not all nutrient deficiencies are caused by the lack of said nutrient but by lock-out for one reason or another.
there is alot of controversy about ph of soil run off. there are good arguments on both sides. i'd read as much as i can about that,

from the limited information ive gleaned, soil run off ph is a factor of sooo many different variables, like the medium, temperature, nutrient and water ph, the size of the root mass, and the used up nutrients/waste products built up in the soil. be careful if you are going to use run off for an indicator.

my to pennies.
hi TGP

what ph do you use to water your plant?
just out of curiosity what is the ph of your run off?

your ph would have to be below 6.0 to lock out the K but it looks more like N deficiency to me (but don't take my word on it)

here is why i think its an N problem
Marijuana Plant Abuse
your plants look like the first Nitrogen deficient plant picture

do you have a ph lock out chart?
hope she does not get any worse
GB: Now that you mention it i remember finding soil testing kits when i was originally looking for my PH meter so im gonna go grab one asap cheers!

Email: Thats a good point, could be worth a try, possibly if i made a solution with the soil mixed in that would also have a estimate to the soil's ph? Anyway i think im gonna be grabbing myself a soil PH kit soon anyway. Cheers for the input once again!:)

ASF2J: Ah right ok then i dont think i'll use the water run off, that makes sense actually! Thanks mate :)

Kulan Hunter: Yeah looking at the description of N deficiency it matches up pretty well particularly with the older leaves becoming lighter green/ yellow. I have a PH lockout chart somewhere saved on here i'll find it now. Cheers once again!!!

Everyone: Sorry about the delay in replying to all of your replies, i really appreciate all of the time and support you guys are giving! I had to dash off last night shortly after my last post. Basically i gave her a watering with a weak solution of canna Boost and i also added a bit of PK13/14 (its only seven days until it suggests i add it anyway and im sure i read somewhere that this strain likes it a bit early.). And i must say she looks better today. Unless its my eyes playing tricks on me due to me being hopeful i genuinely think her leaves a darker more healthier green now. I remember comparing her leaves to that of Mary and noticing they were paler, where as now theyre almost matching (Bar the damaged parts and older yellowing leaves).

Im about 80% sure that shes on the mend :) Her buds havent been affected by this much it seems and the leaves surrounding the buds only started to brown on the tips but hardly any. Shes got crystals forming everywhere some of the smaller buds are all ready covered. The smell seems to be developing each day. I cant explain it today. Never smelt anything like it, again a kind of soft fruity/ berry undertone to it but other than that i cant describe it.

Thanks again for all the help guys i Really appreciate it!

mmm soft fruity... berry....mmm Sounds Dankalicious- I have said it before and i will say it again, i think it can often be the tortured plants or the ones that had slight problems that take off and explode- i have seen it in other journals.

Great journal tho man- I have learned a lot from watching your journal progress... I really appreciate it, props.
mmm soft fruity... berry....mmm Sounds Dankalicious- I have said it before and i will say it again, i think it can often be the tortured plants or the ones that had slight problems that take off and explode- i have seen it in other journals.

Great journal tho man- I have learned a lot from watching your journal progress... I really appreciate it, props.[/quote

I agree with that ,our runt that kept havening problems and almost crapped out on us ended up being our biggest and fullest so far lets just hope it stays that way and pray that its not a male ...
Your plant looks like its having a potassium deficiency. Well, looks like atleast.


K defic.

K defic.
OB: Cheers mate :) Well if my journal has helped people learn not what to do i'll be happy lol i wouldnt want others to go through the same stressed as me!! And yeah the smell is getting better day by day. Lights went on five mins ago (before fans so the air is still) and i went in there and my god it ACTUALLY stinks to high heaven of weed and strawberrys im so surprised lol I didnt manage to check on the grow at all yesterday as i was working up in London. Surprising how much development there is in 24 hours.

Catmandoob: Is that you in your picture?!?!Anyway, im glad to hear your plants are doing better now :) If theres anything i have learnt from my grow and the people on here, its alot harder to kill weed as you'd think, after all it is a weed lol

Stealpanda: Looks like it :) Cheers! I think shes on the mend at the moment, i gave her a weak nute solution which included some PK13/14 and her leaves have a darker green to them now and over all growth seems to be back on track :) The yellowing isnt progressing or anything :)

I may post an update later guys depends how my camera is playing today lol
Quick update:

This is me kind of thinking out loud lol. Basically they have 6 or 7 weeks left maybe more. And im confident that if i wanted to i could easily keep them both under the 2ft margin without many problems. I do have another 2-3 feet left for them to grow so would it be worth untying them for a week or so to let their branches reach out and get even light? I feel that with Mary in particular alot of her bud sites arent getting all the light they could due to the fact shes so compressed together.
Quick update:

This is me kind of thinking out loud lol. Basically they have 6 or 7 weeks left maybe more. And im confident that if i wanted to i could easily keep them both under the 2ft margin without many problems. I do have another 2-3 feet left for them to grow so would it be worth untying them for a week or so to let their branches reach out and get even light? I feel that with Mary in particular alot of her bud sites arent getting all the light they could due to the fact shes so compressed together.

if they are tied incorrectly (or not tied at all), you should tie them in such a way as to receive the most possible light and leave them that way.
Quickie update:

Right i rang the company about my dutchmaster reverse and penetrator as it should have arrived by now. I had emailed them a couple of days with no reply... I was a bit suspicious at this point. Anyway the guy sounded confused on the phone and rang me back five mins later. He said that although my card clearly doesnt expire for another year, the computer wont accept it as its "Expired"... So now i have to send them a postal order ... Im a bit weary and im not sure what to do... I may email them and say that i'll shop somewhere else for security reasons.

Anyway back onto the plants. I went into the op today and my god the bud formations are kicking in at the moment. Its a beautiful sight i must say. I just cant seem to catch it on camera video or photo. (Btw camera ran out of battery so no photos today sorry guys) I untied loads of their branches to let them reach for the sky to get more light. As i mentioned previously Marys branches were overlapping which meant her bud sites werent getting even light. They both look SO much better now. I expect to see a vast difference in the next 24/48 hours.

These small black flies are fucking everywhere at the moment its really pissing me off, and they seem to be immune to my insect killer :@ Im going to get some fly tape and stick it up in the op asap.

Off subject but i got my hands on a quarter of trainwreck :D this makes me a VERY happy man haha I dont think i've bought anything this good around here before... So adios! Thanks for stopping by! Photos tomorrow hopefully!

Peace :)
Quickie update:

Right i rang the company about my dutchmaster reverse and penetrator as it should have arrived by now. I had emailed them a couple of days with no reply... I was a bit suspicious at this point. Anyway the guy sounded confused on the phone and rang me back five mins later. He said that although my card clearly doesnt expire for another year, the computer wont accept it as its "Expired"... So now i have to send them a postal order ... Im a bit weary and im not sure what to do... I may email them and say that i'll shop somewhere else for security reasons.

Anyway back onto the plants. I went into the op today and my god the bud formations are kicking in at the moment. Its a beautiful sight i must say. I just cant seem to catch it on camera video or photo. (Btw camera ran out of battery so no photos today sorry guys) I untied loads of their branches to let them reach for the sky to get more light. As i mentioned previously Marys branches were overlapping which meant her bud sites werent getting even light. They both look SO much better now. I expect to see a vast difference in the next 24/48 hours.

These small black flies are fucking everywhere at the moment its really pissing me off, and they seem to be immune to my insect killer :@ Im going to get some fly tape and stick it up in the op asap.

Off subject but i got my hands on a quarter of trainwreck :D this makes me a VERY happy man haha I dont think i've bought anything this good around here before... So adios! Thanks for stopping by! Photos tomorrow hopefully!

Peace :)

I dont know about you but that whole postal order expiration thing sounds quite scammish to me.. I would definatly shop elseware, i also have these little black flies... But i am not seeing any adverse effects from them, i just dont like the idea of them in my room all the time lol. Have fun with that trainwreck, i had a good bag of that the other day... I love california.:bigjoint:
Yeah thats exactly what i thought see. The website looked legit, however when i looked at how many days to expect for postage it said something like this "Your delivery should be with you in >insert amount of days< time" Which got me a bit suspicious. Thing is they have my credit card number now so surely itd be easier for them to just scam that lol anyway.. yeah i'll shop else where. Yeah iv had the flies the majority of the grow and dont think theyv done anything to the plants its just annoying and there seems to have been a population boom recently... I havent had trainwreck since i went to amsterdam lol i Hate wales... lmao
Quickie update:

Right i rang the company about my dutchmaster reverse and penetrator as it should have arrived by now. I had emailed them a couple of days with no reply... I was a bit suspicious at this point. Anyway the guy sounded confused on the phone and rang me back five mins later. He said that although my card clearly doesnt expire for another year, the computer wont accept it as its "Expired"... So now i have to send them a postal order ... Im a bit weary and im not sure what to do... I may email them and say that i'll shop somewhere else for security reasons.

Anyway back onto the plants. I went into the op today and my god the bud formations are kicking in at the moment. Its a beautiful sight i must say. I just cant seem to catch it on camera video or photo. (Btw camera ran out of battery so no photos today sorry guys) I untied loads of their branches to let them reach for the sky to get more light. As i mentioned previously Marys branches were overlapping which meant her bud sites werent getting even light. They both look SO much better now. I expect to see a vast difference in the next 24/48 hours.

These small black flies are fucking everywhere at the moment its really pissing me off, and they seem to be immune to my insect killer :@ Im going to get some fly tape and stick it up in the op asap.

Off subject but i got my hands on a quarter of trainwreck :D this makes me a VERY happy man haha I dont think i've bought anything this good around here before... So adios! Thanks for stopping by! Photos tomorrow hopefully!

Peace :)

sweet bro glad to hear they are kicking ass!! ANd definently enjoy that trainwreck, it's definently some great smoke!!! Can't wait for the photos!!