First ever grow, grow journal.

Yeah it was a clone, right heres the low down lol:

Its a clone from a plant that is clearly female with no sign of being hermie. I didnt think the clone was going to make it, it was an experiment so i didnt veg it at all i cut it shuved it in rockwool and put it back in 12/12. I imagine the stress was caused by developing roots/ trying to flower in 12/12. I am using femmed seeds so theyre known to hermie under the slightest amount of stress. I have purchased dutchmaster reverse which pretty much guarantees to remove all male parts on plants which hermie...
Not sure what that is
hard to see it. Watch it every day, if the "stalk" gets longer and that "ball" does not open, then it probably is a male flower, but it could be just a new branch.
You have some time before there is a worry about it blooming out and tossing pollen.
If you cut it off and it was not a boy part it won't matter, just an early FIM.
Cheers man thats a relief, i did cut it them off last night. I wasnt sure how long it would be until the pollen could get my girls pregnant so i was frantically trying to find all the bits from the balls and dispose of them without getting it on my hands etc lol... Got a quick update coming in a min with video of Mary. I tell you, i regret fimming Mary so much its so much hassle lol
Update: Day 78, 26 Days flowering. Four week this Monday a week from then i'll be adding PK13/14.

Erm yeah so my clones a hermie lol obviously due to the stress of being cut and put straight into 12/12. It is out of the grow op at the moment meaning it is no longer on 12/12 its with all my salvia plants... Im getting annoyed at the moment as my Dutch Master Reverse should be here by now and i really need it to sort this clone out and do a once over on my girls... But its not like i can ring the company up and be like "I need it asap theres balls all over my watermelon..

Tied Mary down today shes spreading out everywhere her branches are crossing over everywhere its mad. Im literally running out of room as far as width is concerned... Im not too worried about the overall height anymore as theyre still maintaining around the 1 foot mark with all of my tying down. I have abut three foot for them to grow vertically left, im confident i can keep them under the 2ft marker until i go on holiday so there'll be excess of 1/2 feet for them to grow when im away... Re positioned the fan which is good should get better air circulation now.

Only one photo today and one video sorry guys :P

Just wanted to show a photo of the crystals on Mary. This is really low down on one of her branches so out of them all this is the one with least amount of crystals so far.

Heres a quick video of Mary, sorry its a bit out of focus again my camera is a bit crap at taking videos. But you'l get an idea of how crazy her branches are getting and her size lol. Her stem if upright measures over 3ft now ...

Thats it for today, im hoping the dutchmaster stuff arrives today....

Thanks for stopping by!
looking good bro
I dumped the vid that was on my journal
moment of paranoid panic maybe?
Heh I should do another.
I wanna know if the dutchmaster stuff works as well as it says, and as well as some of its supporters on the site say, 30% yeild... Hope so

Love your grow
Best of Luck... Going good soo far
Alto: Haha yeah i had a moment of worry before but gave up on it lol

OB: Yeah im hoping it does otherwise im possibly fucked lol I'll let you guys know when it arrives... Though it should have arrived days ago... Cheers for stopping by again mate!
I am a STRONG believer in dutchmaster! Though I'm in my first grow, I know this stuff works wonders! I've been along with a few other grows that weren't labored by me, but none of the nutes were by dutchmaster.

The difference in growth I've seen are just fascinating!!! Especially the foilar sprays, they are amazing!

TGP, great plants bro, you've come a far way! Hopefully you're next grow will go error free. But for now everything looks ace, and great vid!
Cheers man! :) Yeah i have heard some ridiculously good reviews about dutchmaster nutes.. Not just from their website obviously but on here and other sites. Specially with the new Gold series? (I think its called gold?) So when i use these nutes i may go over to dutchmaster. I havent really been able to use the canna nutes to their potential due to the strain being so shite at coping with them lol

Thanks for the kind words again man! Still trying to return rep back to you! My next grow wont be as sketchy as this one. I have spent so much time and money on this for the wrong reasons. Next time i can just hopefully do it all right. I must say Jane is looking a bit sorry for herself :(. Cant wait to see what my growing conditions will be when i move... Hopefully good :)
Yeah it was a clone, right heres the low down lol:

Its a clone from a plant that is clearly female with no sign of being hermie. I didnt think the clone was going to make it, it was an experiment so i didnt veg it at all i cut it shuved it in rockwool and put it back in 12/12. I imagine the stress was caused by developing roots/ trying to flower in 12/12. I am using femmed seeds so theyre known to hermie under the slightest amount of stress. I have purchased dutchmaster reverse which pretty much guarantees to remove all male parts on plants which hermie...

makes sense though i would like to stop the fem seeds are prone to hermie - i'm gonna call it a myth. I have never had a fem seed hermie on me yet. and as you know from my last grow - i was growing big bud and fem ppp - and had all that heat stress. The regular big bud (not fem) hermied and the feminized PPP did not! and they were growing in the same system! i realize this is not statistically significant but it does show fem seeds won't hermie faster than regular seeds - at least this variety anyway!
Fair enough perhaps my assumptions were wrong then. Like you say its likely to be a myth, one which i heard and thought was true lol. Anyway im still gonna give this dutch master reverse a shot. For two reasons, one it'll mean i can keep my plants (hopefully) and because i cant remember which plan i took the clone off of... :( lmao stupidity at its best.. Maybe its written in this journal actually i'll have a look. . .
Fair enough perhaps my assumptions were wrong then. Like you say its likely to be a myth, one which i heard and thought was true lol. Anyway im still gonna give this dutch master reverse a shot. For two reasons, one it'll mean i can keep my plants (hopefully) and because i cant remember which plan i took the clone off of... :( lmao stupidity at its best.. Maybe its written in this journal actually i'll have a look. . .

i don't have enough evidence to call it a myth and if the breeders say it is so - i am inclined to bow before their experience. I just don't like to see it spread when my experience has been the opposite - but i just might be the exception that proves the rule!

Not telling you how to grow - but i would work on getting an awesome mother going before worrying about clones but practice makes perfect!
Email: yeah fair point. Im not worried about cloning at all really the only reason i did it was because i was cutting this branch off anyway and wanted to see if i could pull it off for future grows. I expected to fail after seeing many peoples attempts on here. To my surprise it survived..

Stealth Panda: Fuck me that is expensive haha I dont think id be able to afford that any time soon but ive bookmarked it. May be interested in the future when i get a decent grow going cheers ! If only i could win the lottery haha
TGP that plants looking nice, good going,

looks like you got lsting down to
i think your gonna get a nice yield from her

wow that stuff's costs as much as honey oil
Thanks man :) I got to watch what i say here as i jinxed myself last time lol. I think Mary in particular is doing really well lol Shes not showing any signs of problems yet and the LST'ng seems to be working really well.

However i just checked on Jane and she is looking a sorry state :( im not sure what to do. I obviously flushed her now three or four days ago or more i forget so surely its not still nute burn? Could it now be over watering or nute deficiency? I dont know whether to give her a weak solution of nutes or just leave her :( I'll get photos up as soon as i can but may be an hour. Her bud sights are looking great, just over all she seems a bit pale and her leaves are still browning etc
Leaves that were already browning won't "get better"
how is the new growth if any on Jane?
That is the best indicator of whether you have licked the problem or not.
Peace Bro
waitin' on pictures to be able to better give advice if I can
not that I am any kind of expert lol
Well thats the thing unless i didnt notice it there seems to be more browning. Also the green in the leaves that is left is wrinkling and stuff. This doesnt help lol sorry, i'll go take photos now. Compared to Mary she is a lot paler...
Right here we go: Day 79 Day 27 Flowering

Lets start on a good point lol Rubbed of of Janes leaves which ha trichs on and my god it smelt amazing... I kid you not a light weed smell masked by a fruity smell which is Very similar to that of strawberrys! As if you had numerous types of berrys together thats what it smelt like but a bit sweeter than i would have thought. Anyway moving on..

Photos today arent great sorry but you'll get the general idea of Janes state. I also made a video again (sorry lol) to see if you could see any better particularly contrasted with Mary.

Here we go:
Sorry photos arent that focused today, the button my camera keeps getting jammed...

Jane overallish:


A close up example of her leaves.

Sorry about this one, the flash created a shadow:

Again a shadow from the flash and its out of focus:

Close up of one of Janes side buds and crystals:

Sorry im going to have to add the video later on, photobucket isnt being my best friend at the moment...

Thanks again for stopping by, i hate trying to work out what the problems are as it normally can be two or three different things... :(
it looks more deficient than burnt (but they do look so very much the same)... is your pH good? cause you can have the right amount of nutrients but if the plants can't use them because of pH problems - they will still be deficient.