Would you trust buying off the silk road?


New Member
The website is secure and anonymous but you have to do transactions with something called bitcoins. People think bitcoins are safe and anonymous but because they are peer-to-peer, transaction are stored in a public log. I've never tried it and that was a really shitty explanation from what I remembered reading... but a quick google will tell you everything you all about bitcoins. The website itself seems legit to me though. You have to jump through a few hoops to get set up and its best if you use a proxy like hidemyass.com

Lots of people use it with no problem but the overall risk is prob about the same as hitting up your local dealer.


bud bootlegger
Learn and use pgp and never look back..
Read reviews on vendors before ordering.. check the insert name drug section of the fforum before ordering from vendor.. ask members who they order insert drug name here from and who has a good rep and good gear..
Did I.mention learn and use pgp yet??


New Member
Learn and use pgp and never look back..
Read reviews on vendors before ordering.. check the insert name drug section of the fforum before ordering from vendor.. ask members who they order insert drug name here from and who has a good rep and good gear..
Did I.mention learn and use pgp yet??
Does pgp stand for something?


bud bootlegger
Does pgp stand for something?
Pgp= Pretty Good Privacy.. it's an encryption code and you use it when sending sensitive info like ur name and Addy on the dark web..
Do not order off the road without using pgp, I can't stress that enough..
Google pgp programs and learn to use them. I like gpg4win I think it's called..it'll show in the Google results ..
I needed help learning how to use pgp, but I'm far from a tech person, but once you learn it, it's easy to use ..


bud bootlegger
this sounds shady and cool at the same time. like you reg dealer i suppose lol
It's really not that shady if you do your homework on vendors and are safe and use pgp..
Oh, and try and stay away from vendors that require you to f.e., finalize early if you can imvho..


Well-Known Member
wow what a site. now i gotta get some opium. lol and better yet, some girl scout cookies! gotta get some bitcoin....


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering the same shit recently... Would be nice to never have to play cat and mouse ever again.


bud bootlegger
I think the sites called mt gox that'll give you the value.for bc's.. think they're supposed to close soon, mt gox that is, but believe they're still.open ..