Should young black men and boys be afraid of white people?

honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man.

as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours?

trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about.

just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background.

i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.

Oh, good.

So, do you see these subtle racist put downs as says our President?
Let me know when you figure out what makes genetically identical human beings act differently without of course attributing it to socio-economic factors Desert Douche. Wouldn't want to get in the way of your white privilege!

Does the reason matter for any other purpose than attempting to eliminate the problem in future generations? Are the socio-economic factors justification for the actions?

And show me a race that doesn't fight for <insert race here> privilege, certainly not any currently represented in the USA. The only real argument is about who is ahead.... or as it seems most people think of it, winning the war "of" equality.
Well according to statisticians this is not even arguable.

However, nowadays facts seem to matter less and less.

Perception is reality.

A sorry state of affairs indeed.:joint:

[h=1]Rhetoric, race and reality in America[/h][h=2]The biggest threat to black youths is other young blacks, not white bigots.[/h]
Despite the tragic death of Martin under circumstances that no one will ever know the true nature of, there is no "big business" of killing blacks in America. There is no wave of bigotry directed at blacks. All this talk is demagogic posturing, and it's dangerous. Young people will absorb this message and view the "other" with suspicion and fear.
These leaders know, even if many of their adherents might not, that the biggest threat to the lives of young blacks is other young blacks, not white bigots. Between 2000 and 2010, 4,607 black murder victims 17 or younger were killed by other blacks (4,441 of the killers were 17 or younger), according to the Wall Street Journal. There were 340 black victims 17 or younger killed by (non-Latino) whites. That means black youths were 13 times more likely to be killed by a black person than by a white one.
The more recent data haven't changed much. In 2011, according to the FBI, 2,695 blacks (of all ages) were killed, and the killers were nearly 13 times more likely to be black as white (2,447 to 193).
These data are no revelation (they have been constant for more than a decade), yet "leaders" and the far-too-complicit media purvey a notion that inter-group relations have plummeted and it's open season on blacks and other minorities.
excerpted from:,0,929884.story
also racial pride and racial superiority is two different things, so don't know where you were going with that one. oh i get it, is it that you didn't think that others wouldn't know the difference between the two. or is it that you're trying to make it an issue, because you didn't/couldn't distinguish the two?

I don't quote all of your gibberish because then the post would be to long... Are White people covered under you thoughts of racial pride? I highly doubt it. You talk a big game but the mean reason you jumped in this thread was to be the angry black man that is the voice for black people. It's very laughable.

Keep preaching about how the White man Keeps the Black man down. Whitey moved outta Detroit and look what happens. I know its the White mans fault for not providing funding right?
honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man.

as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours?

trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about.

just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background.

i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.

Good post. I agree with most of it. One correction: in the constitution the "3/5 of a person" part was amended away quite some time ago, we are all 5/5 of a person now days.
honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man.

as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours?

trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about.

just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background.

i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.

well said. I have a couple of issues but they are very minor. If you are freed slave and didn't get your acreage and mule, that is still owed to you. If you are not, and still demanding it, your prize will come at a cost to the rest of us. Most of us (all of us if you want to get technical) were not here during slavery. The vast majority of citizens are descended from immigrants coming in the early 20th century and you will have to take from those who were innocent of those atrocities, creating new atrocities (not comparable at all though, I'm not saying that, just saying 2 wrongs don't make a right).

Also, we've fixed that ridiculous 3/5ths law way before you were born, before my family stepped foot in this country and I still apologize for what the democratic party has done to your race.

Other than that, excellent post.
If they meet me in a dark alley while high and combative, then "Hell Yes" they should be afraid of a white, legally armed citizen...

I know my rights, my limitations, and how to reload after firing meshy rounds,,,,
well said. I have a couple of issues but they are very minor. If you are freed slave and didn't get your acreage and mule, that is still owed to you. If you are not, and still demanding it, your prize will come at a cost to the rest of us. Most of us (all of us if you want to get technical) were not here during slavery. The vast majority of citizens are descended from immigrants coming in the early 20th century and you will have to take from those who were innocent of those atrocities, creating new atrocities (not comparable at all though, I'm not saying that, just saying 2 wrongs don't make a right).

Also, we've fixed that ridiculous 3/5ths law way before you were born, before my family stepped foot in this country and I still apologize for what the democratic party has done to your race.

Other than that, excellent post.
Bolded: Do you apologize for what the democratic people did or for what white people did? Why do you still apologize for something you had no control over? This sounds an awful lot like white guilt to me.
Bolded: Do you apologize for what the democratic people did or for what white people did? Why do you still apologize for something you had no control over? This sounds an awful lot like white guilt to me.

Please forgive his apparent incorrectness, he is addressing everyblackperson. This is a special message, for them and the point isn't so much about contrition but blaming the democratic party.
What about the africans who sold off their own people for guns and various other items? Or how about the jews who owned the ships and brought the slaves across the Atlantic to the US. Are they not to blame aswell? Or is it just Whitey? or to be PC The White population born 200 years later.

Did africans ever apologize to Europeans for taking their people as slaves?
What about the africans who sold off their own people for guns and various other items? Or how about the jews who owned the ships and brought the slaves across the Atlantic to the US. Are they not to blame aswell?

good ol' blame throwing shotgun, always throwing the blame.

did you actually smoke that piece of shit plant matter you showed us?