Well-Known Member
honestly, i don't think so. i have come in contact with plenty of good white people, but that doesn't mean i speak for the rest or all black people. just because i don't think so doesn't mean that white people in other states are as color blind as the ones in my area or are not actively forcing confrontation just to kill a black man.
as for Al and the rest, i don't think it will ever stop. you must remember in the constitution, us Blacks are only considered 3/5 of a person and to top it off, we have yet to get that 40 acres and a mule that was/is owed to us til this day. shit the Jews reaped rewards from their holocaust, what's the hold up on ours?
trust me, i am like those that don't get into the racial politics, but i also don't ignore the facts either. as of now, i think we're behind in times, because as of lately, it's been (for sometime) more of a social issue more so than just a race issue. the nwo is predicated on the have and the have nots, not the blacks vs spanish vs jew vs white. shit the way i see it, i believe in the very near future, if you're not very rich, color of skin will be the last thing anyone beneath being very rich will have to worry about.
just to be clear, no matter how i may have come off in my posts, i truly respect everyone that participated (whether you are a racist or not) in this thread. i truly believe debates such as this, when facts are provided, people can come together as one and accept one another once we weed through the facts and false info out there about any race or creed. debates such as this can serve as or better help as an understand as to why we as people do the things we do or feel the way we feel towards ourselves and others that are not from same ethnic background.
i believe i have said enough and enjoyed kicking it with all of you. much respect to you all, sincerely, Fresh.
Oh, good.
So, do you see these subtle racist put downs as says our President?