Well-Known Member
I have seen several UFO's in my life, a couple were truly amazing.
a mate and myself had a 20+ min up-close sighting in 2006.
what they are I don't know, but I do know they are real and they are here.
Did you ever get any of it on video?
It didn't look like that either. You can keep on trying though.

EDIT- It looked more like the link below.
Nevaeh, you must accept this is not a sign of anything, it's not a prophecy you fulfilled, it's nothing, man. It's just an event that happened that holds zero significance.
The Bible says Jesus fasted for 40 days then was hungry, your fiancee broke up with you, you were heartbroken, your body rejected food (completely normal, happens to everyone during heartbreak). You cannot logically conclude from that experience that you've fulfilled a biblical prophecy. You have to understand, any therapist would tell you that these are simply delusions of grandeur.
Have you ever spoken to a mental health professional about this stuff? If so, what did they say?
You're right, they might just be coincidences but they also might be prophecies fulfilled.
You only quoted one of the prophecies that I have fulfilled. I have fulfilled many other prophecies. But they could just be coincidences but I believe they are fulfilled prophecies. If I didn't believe I was Christ than I would just be like "Wow, these things happened to Me too, what a coincidence.". But I do believe that I am Christ and I believe these prophecies are evidence to point to the "fact" that I am Christ.
But that's what happened, My X fiancée broke up with Me and I was heartbroken. My body rejected food and I could not eat. The fasting did last for about 6 weeks though which is about 40 days. Maybe that's a coincidence but I see it as prophecy fulfilled. That's just Me and My crazy self though.
I could be wrong about a lot of things, but if they are subjective than who's really going to prove Me wrong? If its subjective than its a matter of personal opinion. I do believe that the prophecies that I fulfilled are subjective in the fact that they are prophecies being fulfilled but the fact that I really did what I said I did is fact. If you know what I mean. In other words, I don't know if I have fulfilled prophecies, but I did do what I said I did and that's a fact. I guess its subjective if you believe that I fulfilled prophecy or not but I did do what I said I did.
I do talk to a therapist and she is a wonderful lady. I don't know if she believes that I am Christ but she does believe that the alien that I saw came off of the UFOs that I saw. And I think she believes that the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs too but I forget if she believe the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs.
You can call Me George instead of Nevaeh.