What do you know about aliens?

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I have seen several UFO's in my life, a couple were truly amazing.

a mate and myself had a 20+ min up-close sighting in 2006.
what they are I don't know, but I do know they are real and they are here.

Did you ever get any of it on video?


It didn't look like that either. You can keep on trying though. ;-)

EDIT- It looked more like the link below.


Nevaeh, you must accept this is not a sign of anything, it's not a prophecy you fulfilled, it's nothing, man. It's just an event that happened that holds zero significance.

The Bible says Jesus fasted for 40 days then was hungry, your fiancee broke up with you, you were heartbroken, your body rejected food (completely normal, happens to everyone during heartbreak). You cannot logically conclude from that experience that you've fulfilled a biblical prophecy. You have to understand, any therapist would tell you that these are simply delusions of grandeur.

Have you ever spoken to a mental health professional about this stuff? If so, what did they say?

You're right, they might just be coincidences but they also might be prophecies fulfilled.

You only quoted one of the prophecies that I have fulfilled. I have fulfilled many other prophecies. But they could just be coincidences but I believe they are fulfilled prophecies. If I didn't believe I was Christ than I would just be like "Wow, these things happened to Me too, what a coincidence.". But I do believe that I am Christ and I believe these prophecies are evidence to point to the "fact" that I am Christ.

But that's what happened, My X fiancée broke up with Me and I was heartbroken. My body rejected food and I could not eat. The fasting did last for about 6 weeks though which is about 40 days. Maybe that's a coincidence but I see it as prophecy fulfilled. That's just Me and My crazy self though.

I could be wrong about a lot of things, but if they are subjective than who's really going to prove Me wrong? If its subjective than its a matter of personal opinion. I do believe that the prophecies that I fulfilled are subjective in the fact that they are prophecies being fulfilled but the fact that I really did what I said I did is fact. If you know what I mean. In other words, I don't know if I have fulfilled prophecies, but I did do what I said I did and that's a fact. I guess its subjective if you believe that I fulfilled prophecy or not but I did do what I said I did.

I do talk to a therapist and she is a wonderful lady. I don't know if she believes that I am Christ but she does believe that the alien that I saw came off of the UFOs that I saw. And I think she believes that the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs too but I forget if she believe the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs.

You can call Me George instead of Nevaeh.

You're right, they might just be coincidences but they also might be prophecies fulfilled.

You only quoted one of the prophecies that I have fulfilled. I have fulfilled many other prophecies. But they could just be coincidences but I believe they are fulfilled prophecies. If I didn't believe I was Christ than I would just be like "Wow, these things happened to Me too, what a coincidence.". But I do believe that I am Christ and I believe these prophecies are evidence to point to the "fact" that I am Christ.

...3 hours later...

He only quoted one because I am guessing that Pad, like me, knew you were off the wall bat-shit crazy with delusions, and a quick read of the first "prophecy" was enough to confirm that. Also it's not even close to filling in some prophecy. It was just some events that happened. I know the rest of your supposed "prophecies" are loads of bullshit without even reading them. Boring bullshit at that.
Did you ever get any of it on video?

It didn't look like that either. You can keep on trying though. ;-)

EDIT- It looked more like the link below.


You're right, they might just be coincidences but they also might be prophecies fulfilled.

You only quoted one of the prophecies that I have fulfilled. I have fulfilled many other prophecies. But they could just be coincidences but I believe they are fulfilled prophecies. If I didn't believe I was Christ than I would just be like "Wow, these things happened to Me too, what a coincidence.". But I do believe that I am Christ and I believe these prophecies are evidence to point to the "fact" that I am Christ.

But that's what happened, My X fiancée broke up with Me and I was heartbroken. My body rejected food and I could not eat. The fasting did last for about 6 weeks though which is about 40 days. Maybe that's a coincidence but I see it as prophecy fulfilled. That's just Me and My crazy self though.

I could be wrong about a lot of things, but if they are subjective than who's really going to prove Me wrong? If its subjective than its a matter of personal opinion. I do believe that the prophecies that I fulfilled are subjective in the fact that they are prophecies being fulfilled but the fact that I really did what I said I did is fact. If you know what I mean. In other words, I don't know if I have fulfilled prophecies, but I did do what I said I did and that's a fact. I guess its subjective if you believe that I fulfilled prophecy or not but I did do what I said I did.

I do talk to a therapist and she is a wonderful lady. I don't know if she believes that I am Christ but she does believe that the alien that I saw came off of the UFOs that I saw. And I think she believes that the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs too but I forget if she believe the signs in the clouds were from the UFOs.

You can call Me George instead of Nevaeh.

At least one of the three possibilities is true;

1) You're either incredibly gullible and incapable of any form of critical thinking.
2) You're just joking around with everyone here, getting a big laugh
3) You have a mental condition and need serious professional help

Please do not have children, I can only imagine what psychological abuse you would put a poor child through with your insane ideologies, pseudo-religious dogma, delusions of grandeur, and your messiah complex. No child deserves to have that kind of an upbringing. Please, do not have children. Hell, you might even want to consider sterilization, I mean; Jesus never had kids either.... You are damaged, please un-fuck yourself for the good of humanity.
Well, we have plenty of proof of the existence of lights dancing in the air..triangular monoliths..just google your town and see how many YT's there are for your area..surely we are seeing SOMETHING.
Well, we have plenty of proof of the existence of lights dancing in the air..triangular monoliths..just google your town and see how many YT's there are for your area..surely we are seeing SOMETHING.

I agree. I don't think you have enough evidence to attribute it to anything though. And if you do you will find a convenient terrestrial answer.
At least one of the three possibilities is true;

1) You're either incredibly gullible and incapable of any form of critical thinking.
2) You're just joking around with everyone here, getting a big laugh
3) You have a mental condition and need serious professional help

Please do not have children, I can only imagine what psychological abuse you would put a poor child through with your insane ideologies, pseudo-religious dogma, delusions of grandeur, and your messiah complex. No child deserves to have that kind of an upbringing. Please, do not have children. Hell, you might even want to consider sterilization, I mean; Jesus never had kids either.... You are damaged, please un-fuck yourself for the good of humanity.

Schizophrenic.IMO OP, you are in talk therapy but, do you see a psychiatrist?
Well, we have plenty of proof of the existence of lights dancing in the air..triangular monoliths..just google your town and see how many YT's there are for your area..surely we are seeing SOMETHING.

UFOs are objects in the sky that the witness(es) cannot identify. I don't think that the skeptics here are doubting that people are seeing these, they just don't understand how they jump from unidentified to the least probable explanation of aliens. It seems silly to see UFOs and instantly identify them as aliens, thus taking the U out of the FO...
UFOs are objects in the sky that the witness(es) cannot identify. I don't think that the skeptics here are doubting that people are seeing these, they just don't understand how they jump from unidentified to the least probable explanation of aliens. It seems silly to see UFOs and instantly identify them as aliens, thus taking the U out of the FO...

Yeah, I didn't feel like reading 40 pages since I last posted.

Here's the thing, mea culpa..if it's been said: I love sciences..just show me the facts/proof. I find it fascinating that we DON'T know what it is with all of our technology, which is why I didn't refer to them as UFO's..and IF there are aliens why not make contact? It's so baffling.

Makes about as much sense as the bible..IMO
He only quoted one because I am guessing that Pad, like me, knew you were off the wall bat-shit crazy with delusions, and a quick read of the first "prophecy" was enough to confirm that. Also it's not even close to filling in some prophecy. It was just some events that happened. I know the rest of your supposed "prophecies" are loads of bullshit without even reading them. Boring bullshit at that.

Everything you type is bullshit man. You are one of the biggest bullshitters I know.

At least one of the three possibilities is true;

1) You're either incredibly gullible and incapable of any form of critical thinking.
2) You're just joking around with everyone here, getting a big laugh
3) You have a mental condition and need serious professional help

Please do not have children, I can only imagine what psychological abuse you would put a poor child through with your insane ideologies, pseudo-religious dogma, delusions of grandeur, and your messiah complex. No child deserves to have that kind of an upbringing. Please, do not have children. Hell, you might even want to consider sterilization, I mean; Jesus never had kids either.... You are damaged, please un-fuck yourself for the good of humanity.

He is having a giggle mate.

You guys are mean! And I'm not laughing.

I don't think hes going to have any children, let alone a girlfriend, ROFL COPTER!

Yeah, I'm single and I don't want to have kids.

Schizophrenic.IMO OP, you are in talk therapy but, do you see a psychiatrist?

I'm not schizophrenic because I don't hear voices. But I do see a psychiatrist doctor that prescribes Me meds.

I'm just a little crazy. But crazy is a subjective term so there is no way to tell how crazy I am. Its a matter of opinion. But I do admit to being a little crazy.

But who are you guys to judge Me? Have you caught Me judging any of you guys? I don't think so. But there will always be mean people.

EDIT- I just like to talk about crazy things because its more interesting than the mundane, so sue Me.

I'm just a little crazy. But crazy is a subjective term so there is no way to tell how crazy I am. Its a matter of opinion.
If I can't tell how far along in pregnancy a woman is doesn't make the fact that she's pregnant subjective or an opinion.

If you have a mental illness, it is not subjective. This is just more of your delusional (and dangerous) thinking, wanting your illness to be something that is an opinion rather than fact.
If I can't tell how far along in pregnancy a woman is doesn't make the fact that she's pregnant subjective or an opinion.

If you have a mental illness, it is not subjective. This is just more of your delusional (and dangerous) thinking, wanting your illness to be something that is an opinion rather than fact.

The doctors say I have bipolar disorder but I'm not so sure about that. I do know that I have a messiah complex and I'm very grandiose and I have anxiety and depression. But to be bipolar you need to have mood swings and I never really had a problem with it. But being bipolar isn't the worst thing a person could be so whatever.

I do have many good qualities too though. Just because the doctors diagnosed Me as bipolar doesn't make Me some kind of beast of an animal or a bad person. It just means that I allegedly have a chemical imbalance.

You guys can say what you want but I'm just going to be Myself and speak what I believe is the truth even if its not. Its My truth though. I cant be someone that I am not and maybe some of you guys cant relate to Me.

I thought being gay was against your religion...

First of all I'm not gay and second of all I'm not religious. I have My own beliefs and they are just fine for Me. If anything I'm a Christian but I don't believe in most of the fiction in the Bible. I don't even believe Jesus is alive like the rest of the Christians. Maybe Jesus lived ~2000 years ago but when was the last time someone heard from Him? I believe that I AM Christ and one day I will be known for such. It might be when I die that I will be known or maybe I'll never be known but I still believe that I AM Christ Myself.

Its not like I'm trying to push My beliefs on anyone else. No one has to read what I post. But I am trying to put My beliefs on the internet just in case someone wants to follow what I have said, so that it will be documented for posterity.

But no, I'm not gay and I'm not religious.

You guys are mean! And I'm not laughing.

Yeah, I'm single and I don't want to have kids.

I'm not schizophrenic because I don't hear voices. But I do see a psychiatrist doctor that prescribes Me meds.
I'm just a little crazy. But crazy is a subjective term so there is no way to tell how crazy I am. Its a matter of opinion. But I do admit to being a little crazy.
But who are you guys to judge Me? Have you caught Me judging any of you guys? I don't think so. But there will always be mean people.

I love your thinking process: you called me an asshole, and just called these guys mean, but you don't judge us? Everyone who posts on a public forum is judged, get used to it...

EDIT- I just like to talk about crazy things because its more interesting than the mundane, so sue Me.

Reality is very interesting, you should try it one of these days...

The doctors say I have bipolar disorder but I'm not so sure about that. I do know that I have a messiah complex and I'm very grandiose and I have anxiety and depression. But to be bipolar you need to have mood swings and I never really had a problem with it. But being bipolar isn't the worst thing a person could be so whatever.

I do have many good qualities too though. Just because the doctors diagnosed Me as bipolar doesn't make Me some kind of beast of an animal or a bad person. It just means that I allegedly have a chemical imbalance.

You are exactly right, you are not a bad person because you have a chemical balance, that is out of your control. What is in your control is to train yourself how to think critically, learn to use logic and avoid logical fallacies. This may open up an entirely new, exciting world to you. If you don't prefer it, you can always go back to your erroneous ways...

You guys can say what you want but I'm just going to be Myself and speak what I believe is the truth even if its not. Its My truth though. I cant be someone that I am not and maybe some of you guys cant relate to Me.

There is only objective truth, there is no subjective truth, no my truth and your truth. Either something is objectively true or it is not...
First of all I'm not gay and second of all I'm not religious. I have My own beliefs and they are just fine for Me. If anything I'm a Christian but I don't believe in most of the fiction in the Bible. I don't even believe Jesus is alive like the rest of the Christians. Maybe Jesus lived ~2000 years ago but when was the last time someone heard from Him? I believe that I AM Christ and one day I will be known for such. It might be when I die that I will be known or maybe I'll never be known but I still believe that I AM Christ Myself.

Its not like I'm trying to push My beliefs on anyone else.
No one has to read what I post. But I am trying to put My beliefs on the internet just in case someone wants to follow what I have said, so that it will be documented for posterity.

You often attempt to push your beliefs onto others: you have posted your YT video series many times on this forum, and you a constantly pointing others to links to your threads so that they may be subjected to your mentally ill ramblings. True, no one has to read them, but it doesn't stop you from incessantly pushing them...
You guys are mean! And I'm not laughing.

Yeah, I'm single and I don't want to have kids.

I'm not schizophrenic because I don't hear voices. But I do see a psychiatrist doctor that prescribes Me meds.

I'm just a little crazy. But crazy is a subjective term so there is no way to tell how crazy I am. Its a matter of opinion. But I do admit to being a little crazy.

But who are you guys to judge Me? Have you caught Me judging any of you guys? I don't think so. But there will always be mean people.

EDIT- I just like to talk about crazy things because its more interesting than the mundane, so sue Me.


No worries..this is forum and you can state your opinion here..happy to know you see someone and you have meds that's all..but how can you be Jesus when my brother says he is? Answer me that?

BTW not trying to be mean:hug:
The doctors say I have bipolar disorder but I'm not so sure about that. I do know that I have a messiah complex and I'm very grandiose and I have anxiety and depression. But to be bipolar you need to have mood swings and I never really had a problem with it. But being bipolar isn't the worst thing a person could be so whatever.

I do have many good qualities too though. Just because the doctors diagnosed Me as bipolar doesn't make Me some kind of beast of an animal or a bad person. It just means that I allegedly have a chemical imbalance.
Way to avoid the whole subjective/objective point that I made. :(
You really have a hard time with conversing with others, you seem to repeatedly infer things that have not been said or implied and respond to those imaginary points. You should try to stay on point once in awhile then people won't be so critical.
The doctors say I have bipolar disorder but I'm not so sure about that. I do know that I have a messiah complex and I'm very grandiose and I have anxiety and depression. But to be bipolar you need to have mood swings and I never really had a problem with it. But being bipolar isn't the worst thing a person could be so whatever.

I do have many good qualities too though. Just because the doctors diagnosed Me as bipolar doesn't make Me some kind of beast of an animal or a bad person. It just means that I allegedly have a chemical imbalance.

You guys can say what you want but I'm just going to be Myself and speak what I believe is the truth even if its not. Its My truth though. I cant be someone that I am not and maybe some of you guys cant relate to Me.

First of all I'm not gay and second of all I'm not religious. I have My own beliefs and they are just fine for Me. If anything I'm a Christian but I don't believe in most of the fiction in the Bible. I don't even believe Jesus is alive like the rest of the Christians. Maybe Jesus lived ~2000 years ago but when was the last time someone heard from Him? I believe that I AM Christ and one day I will be known for such. It might be when I die that I will be known or maybe I'll never be known but I still believe that I AM Christ Myself.

Its not like I'm trying to push My beliefs on anyone else. No one has to read what I post. But I am trying to put My beliefs on the internet just in case someone wants to follow what I have said, so that it will be documented for posterity.

But no, I'm not gay and I'm not religious.


Doesn't quite sound like bipolar.IMO:smile:.maybe you need a better shrink..

I just noticed you are capitalizing any reference to yourself..hmmm..also why do you reference Jesus of 2000 years ago as Him..aren't you He? Shouldn't you know all the answers to everything?
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