Total Noob using teas and I am a believer


Well-Known Member
The guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal and pretty much the whole vegan tea list is VERY hard to find over here in South Africa... Especially since I live in an outlying area lol... On the bright side I did find a good supplier of mycorrhizae.
I'm going to be looking up some teas also, I'm sure I'll find recipes that I can pull off easily with what's around here. Really want to try it out.
if you dont mind , and i ask this question with all open mindedness and sincerity , why is it so hard to get these items in south africa? i mean understandibly I dont think hydro stores are plentiful but I mean for shipping . is mail untrustworthy , are items like this banned ? customs? etremely interested. I dont get to talk to growers from your parts often


Well-Known Member
Hey Corey. Could you resend that PM? Things on RIU sometimes do not come through. I have had it happen at least a dozen times or more. Thanks bro. Have a good day.
resent. let me know if it didnt go through. was little more organized than my previous message under the grips of the kosher kush


Well-Known Member
The guano, kelp meal, alfalfa meal and pretty much the whole vegan tea list is VERY hard to find over here in South Africa... Especially since I live in an outlying area lol... On the bright side I did find a good supplier of mycorrhizae.
I'm going to be looking up some teas also, I'm sure I'll find recipes that I can pull off easily with what's around here. Really want to try it out.
Hamish checkout this site. Rick just sent me an email saying that they do ship worldwide. They are top notch and they ship very professionally. I have a bunch of nice stuff from them. Great resource for everyone.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for that bud! I've got my mycos ordered and just opened a 50 kilogram bag of copost to find that it's done it's thing and finished cooking. It's a HOT one too I can tell. Soil is solarized and I'm ready to rock 'n roll :) I've cleaned and sterilized a nice little area inside to work in, already smells great with the bags of organic matter sitting in there just breathing the smell of earth into the house.
This is an EPIC mission. The mums are going to look GREAT I can feel it in my giblets.


Well-Known Member
I have a small project to do today. I am going to run an all organic hydro ebb and flow. I have decided to kill the VISC gear that is in the ebb and flow right now. A few of the VISC Olymipic Golds have popped nanners. Not cool. Nothing I can't handle with a pluck here and there but I want no part of that. That makes it easy to do what I have to do. i am killing them today. 3 weeks into flowering and starting to show budsets. I have decided to run all Kali Mist in the organic experiment. I am excited to see what happens. I also have a few Automatics that I am running for fun. They were freebies and I will post more on that tonight. Pretty cool to play around here and there.

Everything on the testers is going well. One more sprout to go. A lone Starlet Kush still slumbers. It will be a week at noon since I put them into water. They are loving the TEK 2s. I have the lights an inch to 2 inches off them still. They look nice and healthy so far.

The plants I topped and started to LST are doing well also. They are the SunMaiden, Daybreaker, and the Alexander Kush. All very green and responding well today after the initial adjustment. It's funny how you go along and you can tell how a plant is doing a quick look at it. It may be the way it holds its leaves or the exact color of health, ect. Today they look more vigorous. I noticed a plant in my bloom room that has the classic blue outer rim and center green fan leaves. I know I read about this somewhere. I will post up pictures of it tonight. I am thinking it is a Mag issue since I have not given them any in a long while and now I am running RO water. They look really healthy right now. If anyone remembers the thread or has an exact reason for this let me know. :? It may also be a Phos issue since I have not given them any of that either. The strain that I am seeing this in is a very purple strain. It is Engineers' Dream and I am running the purple S1 phenotype that is Casey Jones(OG Thai x Trainwreck x Sour Diesel x (Deep Purple x Querkle). I am going to monitor this for 2 days before I do a damn thing then I am going to ask Mr. West, who is on this forum and is the breeder, what is going on. Props to Breedersboutique. Perk. Thanks for looking in. I'll catch up with you guys later. Have a great day.


Well-Known Member
I think you're spot on about the Mg problem bro. In my experience if you have color on the petiole or the stem it's usually strain related when it starts on the leafs you got your self a def. I know there is still some variance to that as in flower time and all that, but it sounds like you have the start of a small Mg issue. It's nice to be able to pop in on the breeder and get some ?'s answered though, what a boon for a grower. Sorry to hear about the nanners bro, happens to the best of us at times. You just chop, and mop, and get on with it, you know. Stoked to hear about you and Hamish doing some hydro organics, really cool stuff man. Your garden sounds like she's comin right along bro. i have to spend some time in my two today, and with all the rain outside it makes it alot easier for sure. Have a great weekend man. Peace out.


Well-Known Member

Above are examples of SunMaidens, Daybreakers, and Alexander Kush. I just started to LST them. I am a simple LSTer. I need to start spending time with them in this arena. I am out for mothers with these. They are all doing very well. I am keeping it simple and keeping it organic. They are nice and green so far. I am folliar feeding with some of the teas and I find a little tea residue here and there but if keeps them happy and healthy then I am cool with that.

Above is Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby seeding

Above is OB Ripper seedling

Above is LA Haze seedling

Above Top Left OB Ripper. Top Right Starlet Kush. Bottom Left SBD x Freedom Baby. Bottom Right LA Haze.

Above is Starlet Kush in the very center surround by other SKs and SBD x FBs

The seedlings are doing very well. I feed them the Vegan tea also. I am going to raise the Tek 2 lights an inch. I winder if the inch to 2 inches is a touch too strong this first week. So far so good.

Above is a leaf shot from an Engineers' Dream. I have a little claw going. I am going to feed plain water for the next 2 waterings then back off on the N a touch and up the P and K. The girls in the flowering room are doing well too. Reading Uncle Ben's stuff he calls for balanced N through flowering. I always have a bad habit of cutting N off during the flowering cycle. I need to find a better balance obviously.

My supersoil is mixed and is cooking. That was easy once I was all organized. Getting organized was the bitch. :roll: Everything is quiet on the grow front. I am going to put the Kali Mist clones into the ebb and flow today. I chose them and that will be fun. I am looking forward to seeing what my teas will do as the food source. I still have lots of cleaning to do. That is never ending. I have to run. Dad time. Thanks for peeking in. Have a great day everyone.


Well-Known Member
Wow, alright here we go! I couldn't be more stoked brother, this is gonna be very cool. The Gage gear looks great, and i still think the Kali mist's in the ebb n flow is gonna be killer. I've never seen anybody use teas like that, and am waiting to see the results. You and Hamish had me looking at my old Botanicaire micro garden ebb n flow, wondering about the possibilities. I thought I was going to sell that thing, and now you have me wanting to hold onto it and see what you guys do. I'm suppose to be cleaning my place out guys, good grief. It will hold 8 plants or at least that's how many containers it has, I was thinking about using slightly larger pots, and doing a tray of 4 or maybe 3. I even have a single hydrofarm dwc that I never really got into either. I used them both one time I think, and never liked the end product from either one for the most part. I flushed them like a dirty toilet, and they were still sub-par as far as I was concerned. Oh well, now we have hydro-organics, and it's another day. I hate to feel like I'm riding coat tails, but I don't have the time or $ right now for experimentation. If you and Hamish pull this off though I will be completely re-thinking my views on hydro for sure. I will also be looking to set back up my modest hydro table. What an exciting time! I look forward to your posts on the hydro-organics bro, and the rest of your ladies, and the odd gent I'm sure. I also look forward to you getting your oil making implements, and putting those to good use. Enjoy your family time. Peace out.

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
WOW. Looking so LUSH bro! Like they're growing in a dream. NICE. Getting into the teas now, tons of recipes for how to make them but now I need to get an idea of how and when to feed which one. Going to start with a simple fruit tea and add that to my soil mixes seeing as it's microbe rich and let the soil sit for a while. Looks like abut a month before I'll have it all prepared, I want the soil ALIVE before a plant goes in at all.

Soon my plants will look like yours. They literally SHINE even in the pics. You must be really proud man! The last pic of the Engineer's Dream is worthy of being framed and put on my wall.


Well-Known Member
WOW. Looking so LUSH bro! Like they're growing in a dream. NICE. Getting into the teas now, tons of recipes for how to make them but now I need to get an idea of how and when to feed which one. Going to start with a simple fruit tea and add that to my soil mixes seeing as it's microbe rich and let the soil sit for a while. Looks like abut a month before I'll have it all prepared, I want the soil ALIVE before a plant goes in at all.

Soon my plants will look like yours. They literally SHINE even in the pics. You must be really proud man! The last pic of the Engineer's Dream is worthy of being framed and put on my wall.
I want to hear and learn more about the fruit teas. That is a totally untouched area for me. Thanks for the comments.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys. Take a look at the LA Haze and OB Ripper close ups. The leaves are very irregular and rough in terms of surface texture. What's up with that?

Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
The one I got recently was simple, not really a tea as such:

  • Fruit tea, with or without Molasses.
    Origin: made with fermenting fruits. its recommended to add molasses for flowering.
    Provides: Rich in NPK, but also contains calcium and some other trace elements. Very rich in microbial activity. Using molasses adds a large amounts of carbs and can contribute to fungus (in high heat grows)
    Preparation: Cut fruits into small pieces. place in a container and cover them with molasses( OR cut up fruits, place into a ziploc bag with NO molasses or air) Let it sit for 2 weeks, opening it periodically to let out gases. filter.
    Application: 1 tablespoon of fruit rot juice (ew) to 1 liter of water. use it every 10 days.​

Looks like a nice one to use for the soil mix before planting to me.

I have one advantage over others when it comes to organics: Pollen allergies my whole lifetime have WRECKED my sense of smell, so I'm not scared of taking on the properly stinky organic feeds at all :)


Well-Known Member
Great post's guys! I really like the thread over at Gandalf, everything looks really nice bro. Mad Hamish you never cease to surprise me with all the stuff you're always posting, what a great wealth of knowledge man. i'm gonna be making some killer fruit sludge and dosing my composting soil with it. Is there any particular fruits you use, or just be smart about it, like bananas for K, and melons for P, and such. I go through alot of fruit in a week, and would find it easy to leave little bits in storage and make it pretty diverse. great idea, and info man. I see what you're saying about the texture Gandalf, and I see alot of that kind of stuff from all kinds of different strains. It seems every strain adapts to it's environment differently, and has a texture all it's own. I'm sure they're fine, but I know how any irregularity can get you thinking, and asking questions about normality. I too have some O.B. Ripper seeds, and have been told they are quite rare, and a GREAT strain. I can't wait to get the chance to pop them babies and give em a run. I have 3 beautiful beans of her so a female is almost guaranteed, but I don't want to jinx myself either ;-). I also got my hands on some Miss Colombia, and from all the pics, and descriptions I've seen of her what a beauty queen she is. It's funny how things look their bleakest before the brightest sun you've ever seen comes out from behind the clouds, and a beautiful rainbow forms right before your eyes. Have a blessed day everyone. Peace and Love.


Well-Known Member
bad news. theyre out of stock of the gopro i ordered D:. anywho. mediocre but better than llast pics of the PlushBerry . SinMint Cookies , and Tangerine Power coming later tonight!