Above are examples of SunMaidens, Daybreakers, and Alexander Kush. I just started to LST them. I am a simple LSTer. I need to start spending time with them in this arena. I am out for mothers with these. They are all doing very well. I am keeping it simple and keeping it organic. They are nice and green so far. I am folliar feeding with some of the teas and I find a little tea residue here and there but if keeps them happy and healthy then I am cool with that.
Above is Super Blue Dream x Freedom Baby seeding
Above is OB Ripper seedling
Above is LA Haze seedling
Above Top Left OB Ripper. Top Right Starlet Kush. Bottom Left SBD x Freedom Baby. Bottom Right LA Haze.
Above is Starlet Kush in the very center surround by other SKs and SBD x FBs
The seedlings are doing very well. I feed them the Vegan tea also. I am going to raise the Tek 2 lights an inch. I winder if the inch to 2 inches is a touch too strong this first week. So far so good.
Above is a leaf shot from an Engineers' Dream. I have a little claw going. I am going to feed plain water for the next 2 waterings then back off on the N a touch and up the P and K. The girls in the flowering room are doing well too. Reading Uncle Ben's stuff he calls for balanced N through flowering. I always have a bad habit of cutting N off during the flowering cycle. I need to find a better balance obviously.
My supersoil is mixed and is cooking. That was easy once I was all organized. Getting organized was the bitch.

Everything is quiet on the grow front. I am going to put the Kali Mist clones into the ebb and flow today. I chose them and that will be fun. I am looking forward to seeing what my teas will do as the food source. I still have lots of cleaning to do. That is never ending. I have to run. Dad time. Thanks for peeking in. Have a great day everyone.