This is it. This is The End. Can't believe it. 100 days of watching her grow. So many dramas along the way. But here we are. Time for the chop.
Here she is enjoying her last hour in the sunshine, completely oblivious to the fate that is about to befall her - awwwww.

So here we go...
The first chop...arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok that wasn't so bad.

First one's in the bowl - basic trimming... it's a bit trickier than I imagined. Had a couple of little accidents, which are now speed drying on a piece of tin foil under the lights! hehe.

All that's left is her main stem/cola.
And finally... all that's left...
Well, that's not strictly true...
After 3 hours, the End Result, post trimming...
(17gs of trimming which I might even try and make some bubble hash with!)
Nice. I was hopping for a little bit more but as a first attempt I'm pretty darn happy!
Time for a cuppa and a nice phat spliff. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is on...lovely.
Thanks for sticking with me chaps. It's been...emotional.
Lady Helena x