What do you know about aliens?

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Ancient Aliens is filled with misinformation, opinion, bias, and the entire basis of the show depends on ratings, which means they will tell you anything and mask it in what looks like fact to get you to watch it.

A real ancient aliens series wouldn't be a series, it would be one show, and it would be 2 minutes. They would have a guy stand in front of a camera and say "yeah, we have no physical evidence aliens have ever visited Earth, only speculation and thousands of layman's (people not trained in science) testimonies..".

The problem is, saying "aliens have never visited Earth" doesn't garner ratings.. nobody cares. Exactly how nobody cares about good news and all you see when you turn it on at 10 o clock is bad news..

Hype, speculation and bullshit does. So saying "EXTRA TERRESTRIALS!! What you NEED TO KNOW!!!" will get headlines, people will react to that and ask questions and buy your newspaper..

That's why the bullshit gets passed along, that's why so many uneducated, unthinking people believe this bullshit. That's why you have billions of people believing nonsense, because people are stupid, and it takes work to filter the stupid, and work is hard, and people will always look for the easiest route.

Your assumption is a fail.
Not everyone that has an open mind is stupid or uneducated. Your arrogance is stupidity in itself.

The truth is there are way to many possibilities to even consider them all. Is an omnipotent god really easier to believe in than little green martians? But yet billions of people still believe in God solving everything.
What if aliens just found an adaptable and livable planet(i.e. earth).
Perhaps they bred the native creatures for their entertainment and by consequence gave life to humans. Maybe they found humans after 1945's atomic cherry popping.
What if they use worm holes so distance is not an issue?
Perhaps they figured out the physics of particle entanglement and use that.
What if "aliens" are just humans or inhabitants of a earth in a parallel dimension?
What if the reptilians aliens people talk about are just earthling creatures that evolved in the millions of years that reptiles walked the earth(i.e. dinosaurs). The evolved reptile race could have the technology to live under the ocean/ground or even outer space. Who the F**k knows?

Though I can tell you being a history major, there are thousands of gaps in our "official" accepted history. Most of the real interesting texts get the gag order before publishing so the "laymen" never get a chance to hear about it. Best to believe that.

Humans trying to figure out things beyond his grasp is like expecting an ant to know how nuclear fusion works. Just because you can't understand something does not stop that thing from being reality. But it does mean you're living in the matrix, so lay back down and plug in.
Your assumption is a fail.
Not everyone that has an open mind is stupid or uneducated. Your arrogance is stupidity in itself.

What would possibly lead you to think I said anything close to that at all?

To believe aliens have visited Earth is not "having an open mind", it's being naive and not accepting the evidence.

To believe aliens have not visited Earth is not "having a closed mind", it's accepting the evidence and remaining skeptical.

The truth is there are way to many possibilities to even consider them all. Is an omnipotent god really easier to believe in than little green martians? But yet billions of people still believe in God solving everything.
What if aliens just found an adaptable and livable planet(i.e. earth).
Perhaps they bred the native creatures for their entertainment and by consequence gave life to humans. Maybe they found humans after 1945's atomic cherry popping.
What if they use worm holes so distance is not an issue?
Perhaps they figured out the physics of particle entanglement and use that.
What if "aliens" are just humans or inhabitants of a earth in a parallel dimension?
What if the reptilians aliens people talk about are just earthling creatures that evolved in the millions of years that reptiles walked the earth(i.e. dinosaurs). The evolved reptile race could have the technology to live under the ocean/ground or even outer space. Who the F**k knows?

What if any number of Hollywood SciFi movies were true?

Why do you feel it's better to practice science based on "what if" instead of what is?

Humans trying to figure out things beyond his grasp is like expecting an ant to know how nuclear fusion works. Just because you can't understand something does not stop that thing from being reality. But it does mean you're living in the matrix, so lay back down and plug in.

Just because you can imagine something doesn't make it a reality
I wonder what type of alien visited Me? Could they be type 1 or type 2 or type 3? I have no idea.

What do you guys think?

EDIT- If I were the King of the world I would turn us into type 1.

I wonder what type of alien visited Me? Could they be type 1 or type 2 or type 3? I have no idea.

What do you guys think?

EDIT- If I were the King of the world I would turn us into type 1.


We think that no alien visited you, just hallucinations or false memories, or maybe a side effect of your meds (seriously). Just because we feel certainty doesn't make what we are certain of true. I've been absolutely certain of a few things in my life which turned out to be completely false. Another thing I noticed, in some posts you admit you're just a regular guy with a christ complex or that you're crazy, and in other posts you say with certainty you are christ. Which is it? Also, if you admit you're crazy, is it so hard to believe you hallucinate? Aren't crazy people notorious for hallucinating?
Da-fuck are you even talking about N?

If you know My Name, George, you should call Me George!

I'm wondering what type of alien I saw was. Was it a type 1 alien, a type 2 alien or a type 3 alien? I'm wondering what you guys think.

Also, I said "I will turn us into a type 1". Because right now, we are a type 0 civilization. I would turn us into a type 1 civilization if I were the king of the world, which may never happen, but I can hope cant I?

I don't think I was ambiguous in My last post and I don't think I'm ambiguous in this post, so what don't you understand?

What would possibly lead you to think I said anything close to that at all?

To believe aliens have visited Earth is not "having an open mind", it's being naive and not accepting the evidence.

To believe aliens have not visited Earth is not "having a closed mind", it's accepting the evidence and remaining skeptical.

What if any number of Hollywood SciFi movies were true?

Why do you feel it's better to practice science based on "what if" instead of what is?

Just because you can imagine something doesn't make it a reality

What evidence have you that aliens have not visited earth? I'm not saying that aliens visited earth either. I'm saying that nobody really knows if aliens have visited earth, except those to whom may have other experiences. There are thousands of legitimate claims out there that the "norm" will never accept. To assume that you or anybody else "knows" the truth is naive.

I'm not sure what you mean by hollywood films, I'm not referring to movies I'm referring to quantum physics. Wormholes entangled particles all real concepts of science.

And how do you think science works, by what if's not what is. If that was the case we would still be dying from infections and there would be no machinery of any kind. All these things come from our greatest gift as human, our imagination.

I'm not trying to change your mind at all. I'm saying you got a lot to learn if you think you know it all, or that everything you hear scientist/scholar or see in a textbook is the truth. cheers.

PS. I'm in noway defending the OP, this dude is out there. And boy is he out there. Cheers OP, get them meds and take them.
We think that no alien visited you, just hallucinations or false memories, or maybe a side effect of your meds (seriously).

I wouldn't be so certain and insist that these things happened if they did not. For example, I have no other "hallucinations" besides these ones. I never have hallucinated and went around telling people about it.

OK, I just asked My mother "Can you think of any times that I have hallucinated?" And she said "The leprechaun on the roof." She knows that I believe I saw something on My neighbors roof too but she calls it a leprechaun. She thinks I was hallucinating when I say I saw something on My neighbors roof too. But that's the only thing she can think of that I have hallucinated. The point is that I don't go around hallucinating things. I have never hallucinated before or since. Unless you consider the UFOs that I saw and the 5 signs in the clouds that I saw in 2009 or the belief that I fulfilled prophecies.

But I'm headstrong when it comes to seeing that being on My neighbors roof.

You don't have to believe I saw anything, but believe the fact that I believe that I saw an alien.

Just because we feel certainty doesn't make what we are certain of true.

That's right, you were not there when I had My alleged hallucination of that alien. As far as I know, I was the only one that saw that alien that day. But none of you were there to witness what I witnessed.

I've been absolutely certain of a few things in my life which turned out to be completely false. Another thing I noticed, in some posts you admit you're just a regular guy with a christ complex or that you're crazy, and in other posts you say with certainty you are christ. Which is it?

I'm certain that I'm Christ because of My Christ complex and to many its crazy. So its all of the above.

I guess I can only prove it to Myself that I am Christ. But why do I need to prove anything to anyone? I would like to prove it to the world but what then?

Also, if you admit you're crazy, is it so hard to believe you hallucinate? Aren't crazy people notorious for hallucinating?

I'm not a hallucinating crazy person. Its just that I'm eccentric because I love to talk about crazy things. I'm not the type of "crazy" person that hallucinates or lies. I'm the type of "crazy" person that believes in the wild things that just might be true. For example, I believe in some of the conspiracy theories and I believe in aliens and I believe I'm Christ. You know, crazy stuff like that.

In conclusion, the only things that I have ever "hallucinated" about was the 5 signs in the clouds, the UFOs and the alien that I saw. And you might think I'm delusional to think that I fulfilled prophecies too. But whatever.

But what if I'm a reliable witness and the things I say are true? What kind of implications are there then?

It doesn't matter much what you guys believe. The real thing that matters is what really happened. And as long as I'm being truthful with Myself than that's what matters to Me.

Was his name Jesus?,there are lots of illegals near the border I hear.:-P

Your funny!

EDIT- I've been drinking tonight, so...

We think that no alien visited you, just hallucinations or false memories, or maybe a side effect of your meds (seriously). Just because we feel certainty doesn't make what we are certain of true. I've been absolutely certain of a few things in my life which turned out to be completely false. Another thing I noticed, in some posts you admit you're just a regular guy with a christ complex or that you're crazy, and in other posts you say with certainty you are christ. Which is it? Also, if you admit you're crazy, is it so hard to believe you hallucinate? Aren't crazy people notorious for hallucinating?

I watched Nevaeh's YT and in my professional opinion as sister to someone who thinks he's Jesus..YOU Nevaeh, are an imposter! You don't have what you say you have. Ramblings though can be attributed to meds.:smile:IMO

EDIT: or sleep paralyses
Evidence?! N doesn't go on evidence, he's just a borderland troll is what i think, gett'n our panties all up in a bunch lol. But i have to admit, it is fun sometimes.
I watched Nevaeh's YT and in my professional opinion as sister to someone who thinks he's Jesus..YOU Nevaeh, are an imposter!

First of all, I'm glad you watched My youtube videos. I'm no actor so they aren't that great. I'm just Me.

Did you learn anything from My youtube videos? I thought that I taught a lot of novel ideas that could help change the world.

But I'm not an imposter. You might not believe that I am Christ but I certainly do. I'm not trying to "pull a fast one" on anyone, I'm simply stating what I believe is the truth.

Maybe your brother is the real Christ. You should have yout brother make some youtube videos for us all to watch. Maybe your brother would be candid enough for everyone to believe in him?

How about you make some youtube videos about what you would do to better change the world?

You don't have what you say you have. Ramblings though can be attributed to meds.:smile:IMO

EDIT: or sleep paralyses

What don't I have that I say I have? I really don't understand what you mean by that. I never said I had anything in the videos. I was simply trying to state ways that would benefit the world, especially things that are not well known.

Evidence?! N doesn't go on evidence,

You should know by now that My Name is George, so call Me George, please.

I go by My evidence. My evidence is actual events that happened that I just don't have on video to share with you all. This debate would be going a lot different if I had all the things that I'm claiming on video. And they could have been caught on video too because they really happened, but I just never had a video camera. Just because something is not caught on video does not make it not a fact. In other words, most of the things that happen in our planet are not video taped but they are still fact.

he's just a borderland troll is what i think,

If you call someone that likes to post in their own threads a troll than I guess I'm a troll.

gett'n our panties all up in a bunch lol. But i have to admit, it is fun sometimes.

Its fun reading what I post? is what your saying? If so, that's My intentions. I hope everyone enjoys what I post because a true story is the best story, right?

Z is your avatar..you?

I don't know who it is, but it almost looks like Ashton Kuther.

EDIT- Zaehet Strife has a crush on Ashton Kuther.

You are still not getting it..

Even if you had a video of what you saw, exactly to the T of how you described it, it wouldn't be enough evidence to say "yes, aliens have visited Earth". There are a million other things you dismiss without even bothering to consider. Distance, time, math, technology, and on and on and on and on onto a million...

The fact that you think all this could simply be solved by showing a video clip is a reminder to everyone else that you do not understand the way science works or the way we come to rational conclusions about things.

Is Avatar evidence of Na'vi? Is Aliens evidence of Xenomorphs? No? Then why would you think a video clip of what you think is an alien in a suit on your neighbors roof would be evidence of aliens?
You are still not getting it..

I don't think your getting it.

I get it, but My words are not enough for some of you because of the outlandish claims that I'm making. Plus you guys are skeptical and I understand that. I would be skeptical too if someone was saying the things I'm saying. Even after My encounters, I would not believe everyone that said THEY saw UFOs or never mind seeing an alien. I probably wouldn't believe any people that say they saw an alien unless they had proof AKA evidence. It would have to be a real good "story" to convince Me that anyone saw an alien. I'm not saying that its not possible, I'm just saying that I would remain skeptical too because what are the actual chances of that?

If I didn't witness these things for Myself, in the first person, than I bet I wouldn't believe it either. So I don't blame you guys for not believing Me. What I do want you all to believe is this- believe that I believe that I saw an alien or some being that was totally invisible and than translucent, and he was on top of My neighbors roof. Believe the fact that I believe I saw an alien.

EDIT- You can say "George, I believe that YOU believe that YOU saw an alien."

Even if you had a video of what you saw, exactly to the T of how you described it, it wouldn't be enough evidence to say "yes, aliens have visited Earth". There are a million other things you dismiss without even bothering to consider. Distance, time, math, technology, and on and on and on and on onto a million...

Your right, even if I did have a video, it might not be enough for skeptics like you. But if some how he died on top of that roof and I had a body than what? What if I had a body of an alien? That would be irrefutable evidence, but I doubt I will ever get a body of an alien, at best I could have gotten a picture of that alien but I wasn't even thinking about busting out My cell phone camera at the time.

You can believe anything you want, its your right, but I believe aliens have visited the earth because I believe that I actually saw one.

The fact that you think all this could simply be solved by showing a video clip is a reminder to everyone else that you do not understand the way science works or the way we come to rational conclusions about things.

But if I had a body, or even a piece of the aliens "suit" than what would science have to say then?

Is Avatar evidence of Na'vi? Is Aliens evidence of Xenomorphs? No? Then why would you think a video clip of what you think is an alien in a suit on your neighbors roof would be evidence of aliens?

I guarantee that if I got all the signs that I have been talking about on a video, then there would be believers. I'm not trying to convert anyone to believe anything but I do like to utter My opinions. Actually, I would like to convert people to believe in the truth, but that's all. And all I'm trying to do is speak what I believe is the truth to the best of My abilities. I have no reason to lie to you all. What difference does it make to Me if you believe what I'm saying or not? What do I have to gain besides better conversation with you all?

So, you can believe what you all want to and I will believe what I want to. It doesn't matter, its just blogging that 99.999999999999% of the world has no idea about or doesn't cares about. To be honest, I was hoping that I would reach someone that might have some sort of influence to do something about the things I say, but My words are in vain and I'm just going to type whatever is on My mind.

I'm typing for fun.

EDIT- I don't know why some of My text is green like Padas?

One way to ascertain if I really saw an alien or a very small person wearing an invisibility/translucent suit would be to look at the militaries most top secret and most advanced invisibility/translucent suit that the government has. If the military would let Me see what their most advanced invisibility/translucent suits can actually do than that might be able to answer the question whether I really did see an alien or not. For example, if the most advanced military invisibility suits can NOT do what I saw that being do than I did see an alien. If the government has invisibility technology that can do the exact same thing that I saw, than there is a possibility that it was a little tiny soldier that I saw on top of My neighbors roof that day.

That would be one way to ascertain what I saw. I highly doubt the military is going to show Me their most top secret invisibility technology, so its just wishful thinking. But what if? What does the government have? And how does that compare to what I saw that day?

We may never know what kind of technology the government has so I can only assume things. But that being I saw was around the 3-4 feet range if I'm not mistaken.

EDIT- This is a moot point though because I doubt the government will ever show us their top secret technology. But this surely would ascertain the fact that I saw an alien or not. I would be able to compare the technology and see how it relates. If it was a person wearing an invisibility suit on top of My neighbors roof than I would be the first person to admit to it. The last thing I want to do is tell lies. I would rather tell the truth than look cool online.

You are still not getting it..

Even if you had a video of what you saw, exactly to the T of how you described it, it wouldn't be enough evidence to say "yes, aliens have visited Earth". There are a million other things you dismiss without even bothering to consider. Distance, time, math, technology, and on and on and on and on onto a million...

The fact that you think all this could simply be solved by showing a video clip is a reminder to everyone else that you do not understand the way science works or the way we come to rational conclusions about things.

Is Avatar evidence of Na'vi? Is Aliens evidence of Xenomorphs? No? Then why would you think a video clip of what you think is an alien in a suit on your neighbors roof would be evidence of aliens?

First of all I never said I believe Aliens have visited earth. So you are the one not getting it.

I'm saying you and others have no more proof that aliens have not visited earth than people who claim that aliens have visited the earth. You don't have any more irrefutable proof than they do.

I'm saying that "ALL" things are possible, the universe is infinite, and so infinite are the realities.
People have seen flying machines that are not classified by any military outfit. Does that mean aliens, no. Could one of the possibilities by that it is "alien" material, yes. Just the same as it could be top secret weapons of some military complex.

Again with the jump way off to the left. What makes you think I've ever seen a video clip of some idiot on the roof? Your just grabbing at straws now.
What people claim they see is irrelevant.

Like I said; where is this PROOF that aliens have never visited earth at any point in earths 4 billion years?
I would be skeptical too if someone was saying the things I'm saying.

Then why is it so hard for you to believe we remain skeptical?

What I do want you all to believe is this- believe that I believe that I saw an alien or some being that was totally invisible and than translucent, and he was on top of My neighbors roof. Believe the fact that I believe I saw an alien.

Every person commenting knows that, but what you believe happened is not always what did happen. Can you understand that? There is a discrepancy in what you believe happened and what actually happened.

What if I had a body of an alien?

Then that would be something scientists could test and confirm if its origins are extraterrestrial or not

You can believe anything you want, its your right, but I believe aliens have visited the earth because I believe that I actually saw one.

People think they see things all the time, that's hardly enough evidence for any rational person to conclude something is real

One way to ascertain if I really saw an alien or a very small person wearing an invisibility/translucent suit would be to look at the militaries most top secret and most advanced invisibility/translucent suit that the government has. If the military would let Me see what their most advanced invisibility/translucent suits can actually do than that might be able to answer the question whether I really did see an alien or not.

That wouldn't prove anything. False dichotomy; there are not only two options, either the military or aliens. What about some independent scientists somewhere developing cloaking technology? That is a billion times more likely than aliens.

For example, if the most advanced military invisibility suits can NOT do what I saw that being do than I did see an alien.

This is an incorrect way to form a conclusion based on the evidence, you learn this growing up which leads me to believe you lack certain skills necessary for deductive reasoning. Why would it have to be either the military or aliens? Why couldn't someone else develop this technology?

First of all I never said I believe Aliens have visited earth. So you are the one not getting it.

You are terribly confused, the response was to Nevaeah, I even quoted him

I'm saying you and others have no more proof that aliens have not visited earth than people who claim that aliens have visited the earth. You don't have any more irrefutable proof than they do.

How would you suggest someone prove a negative?

I'm saying that "ALL" things are possible, the universe is infinite, and so infinite are the realities.
People have seen flying machines that are not classified by any military outfit. Does that mean aliens, no. Could one of the possibilities by that it is "alien" material, yes. Just the same as it could be top secret weapons of some military complex.

It could be aliens, it could be highly evolved beavers with higher intelligence than humans, it could be multidimensional beings, it could be figments of our imagination... it could be
ANYTHING. This is why we don't do science based on "could be" or "might be" or "maybe", we do science based on what is.

So why is saying "it could be aliens" any more reasonable than any of those other examples I listed? Why do you lend it more credibility than the rest?

Again with the jump way off to the left. What makes you think I've ever seen a video clip of some idiot on the roof? Your just grabbing at straws now.
What people claim they see is irrelevant.

Again, you're terribly confused..

Like I said; where is this PROOF that aliens have never visited earth at any point in earths 4 billion years?

The proof is the lack of any physical evidence of any kind, anywhere, at all, ever.

It is not my job to prove something didn't happen when I am not the one making the claim.

If you are claiming aliens have visited Earth, it is up to you to convince me.
Then why is it so hard for you to believe we remain skeptical?

To be honest, I'm a little disappointed because I'm telling a story that I believe is true and all I get is... I'm obviously not going to convince some of you guys of anything. So why should I even try when I have the "Burden of Proof" and I have no proof even for Myself besides what I saw those days.

Every person commenting knows that, but what you believe happened is not always what did happen. Can you understand that? There is a discrepancy in what you believe happened and what actually happened.

Well I'm glad that you all believe that I believe that I saw an alien. That's all I'm asking.

I'm not infallible and I've been wrong about many things but I was NOT hallucinating nor have I ever hallucinated besides when I tripped on Salvia. But I didn't see aliens or anything like that when I tripped on Salvia, I just thought that I got sucked into the TV, but that was just a bad trip.

I'm pretty sure that I'm telling the "story" of what happened pretty good, to the best of My abilities but words are not enough apparently.

Then that would be something scientists could test and confirm if its origins are extraterrestrial or not

I highly doubt that I'll ever get an alien body, so that's out of the question.

People think they see things all the time, that's hardly enough evidence for any rational person to conclude something is real

I don't see things that are not real. I have never been known to make up sightings of things that do not exist.

It doesn't matter much anyways, I feel blessed that I had the privilege to see all that I have seen. As much as I would like to prove it, its obviously not going to happen because of lack of evidence, but it doesn't mean that it didn't actually happen.

That wouldn't prove anything. False dichotomy; there are not only two options, either the military or aliens. What about some independent scientists somewhere developing cloaking technology? That is a billion times more likely than aliens.

For all I know, it could have been some independent scientist that were developing cloaking technology. I have no idea. That's a good point but I'm not so sure that it maybe be a solution because why would they visit Me? But than again, why would alien or the government visit Me with that same technology? I don't know, I just know that I saw what I saw. I know that I saw the 5 signs in the clouds and also the UFOs too. Or at least that's what I believe.

I wouldn't say its a billion times more likely but its an option that I have not thought of because I don't know how advanced independent research is on invisibility suits. But look up in the sky and see how much room there is for anything. Look how much room there is on earth, and earth is just a speck of dust compared to the universe. We don't know where the aliens might be. We don't know where the aliens go. We don't know how fast they can travel. We don't know where the aliens might have alien bases. We don't know how big their population is. We just don't know.

This is an incorrect way to form a conclusion based on the evidence, you learn this growing up which leads me to believe you lack certain skills necessary for deductive reasoning. Why would it have to be either the military or aliens? Why couldn't someone else develop this technology?

My deductions are based on the evidence that I have seen. My deductions could be wrong but they could be right. This is something that can not be proven online or disproven online. We can only speculate what made those 5 signs in the clouds in 2009, we can only speculate what kind of craft were the UFOs that I saw, we can only speculate whether I saw an alien or a 3-4 foot person on My neighbors roof. But, as I have stated many times, I assume that it was aliens or some extremely smart race of beings that did these things to Me.

If I'm a credible witness, which I believe I am, than some race of being knows how to manipulate the clouds that I saw in 2009. If I'm a credible witness than some race of beings knows how to put bright "lights" up in the sky that look exactly like UFOs. If I'm a credible witness than some race of beings knows how to make a 3-4 foot tall being completely invisible and also translucent.

The question is, AM I A CREDIBLE WITNESS? If you have caught Me lying about anything I have said on RIU than call Me out on it. If not than maybe I actually believe what I say and maybe I'm a credible witness to actual events that have no clear answer at this point.

You guys can say I'm delusional or I don't remember correctly all you want, but you were not there! You guys know that I'm not lying so I must be telling the truth to the best of My abilities.

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