Well-Known Member
Ancient Aliens is filled with misinformation, opinion, bias, and the entire basis of the show depends on ratings, which means they will tell you anything and mask it in what looks like fact to get you to watch it.
A real ancient aliens series wouldn't be a series, it would be one show, and it would be 2 minutes. They would have a guy stand in front of a camera and say "yeah, we have no physical evidence aliens have ever visited Earth, only speculation and thousands of layman's (people not trained in science) testimonies..".
The problem is, saying "aliens have never visited Earth" doesn't garner ratings.. nobody cares. Exactly how nobody cares about good news and all you see when you turn it on at 10 o clock is bad news..
Hype, speculation and bullshit does. So saying "EXTRA TERRESTRIALS!! What you NEED TO KNOW!!!" will get headlines, people will react to that and ask questions and buy your newspaper..
That's why the bullshit gets passed along, that's why so many uneducated, unthinking people believe this bullshit. That's why you have billions of people believing nonsense, because people are stupid, and it takes work to filter the stupid, and work is hard, and people will always look for the easiest route.
Your assumption is a fail.
Not everyone that has an open mind is stupid or uneducated. Your arrogance is stupidity in itself.
The truth is there are way to many possibilities to even consider them all. Is an omnipotent god really easier to believe in than little green martians? But yet billions of people still believe in God solving everything.
What if aliens just found an adaptable and livable planet(i.e. earth).
Perhaps they bred the native creatures for their entertainment and by consequence gave life to humans. Maybe they found humans after 1945's atomic cherry popping.
What if they use worm holes so distance is not an issue?
Perhaps they figured out the physics of particle entanglement and use that.
What if "aliens" are just humans or inhabitants of a earth in a parallel dimension?
What if the reptilians aliens people talk about are just earthling creatures that evolved in the millions of years that reptiles walked the earth(i.e. dinosaurs). The evolved reptile race could have the technology to live under the ocean/ground or even outer space. Who the F**k knows?
Though I can tell you being a history major, there are thousands of gaps in our "official" accepted history. Most of the real interesting texts get the gag order before publishing so the "laymen" never get a chance to hear about it. Best to believe that.
Humans trying to figure out things beyond his grasp is like expecting an ant to know how nuclear fusion works. Just because you can't understand something does not stop that thing from being reality. But it does mean you're living in the matrix, so lay back down and plug in.