People who call themselves "hunters"


Well-Known Member
Don't know if anyone has posted this, but it has been on my mind.



Active Member
1.) Carnivores eat other animals to survive, it's their natural instinct.
2.) I'm not talking about other creatures' actions, I'm referring to human beings.
3.) What makes enslaving and murdering billions of animals any better than enslaving and murdering millions of humans?
Animals taste better and aren't as tough lol


Active Member
dont take this the wrong way because i am saying it lightly
but one doesnt scream and cry when you slice it up and murder it LOL

My sister did this veg diet bs too, she said she couldn't eat animals cause they make noise when you kill them. But since fish don't communicate with sounds, you can cut them up while they are alive and eat them? Also I guess you wouldn't eat lobster cause they are cooked live and scream as they are cooked.

To each his own, I love to hunt deer ducks geese and anything else really, and I eat everything I hunt and fish. If I won't eat it I won't kill it. Hell we pull flathead catfish out of holes in the creeks and rivers with our bare hands. I don't care what you say, I'm eating that, and I earned it!



Staff member
My sister did this veg diet bs too, she said she couldn't eat animals cause they make noise when you kill them. But since fish don't communicate with sounds, you can cut them up while they are alive and eat them? Also I guess you wouldn't eat lobster cause they are cooked live and scream as they are cooked.

To each his own, I love to hunt deer ducks geese and anything else really, and I eat everything I hunt and fish. If I won't eat it I won't kill it. Hell we pull flathead catfish out of holes in the creeks and rivers with our bare hands. I don't care what you say, I'm eating that, and I earned it!

your very correct that i dont eat lobster. i dont eat ANY animal products or bi products. including honey or white refined sugar.


Sector 5 Moderator
The word "vegan" is an old Indian word that means "bad hunter". Vegans are patently discriminatory; you don't see carnivores shoving their beliefs down everyone's throat do you? If you want to eat only tofy and bean sprouts, enjoy it but don't harass me because I choose to eat meat.


Well-Known Member
The word "vegan" is an old Indian word that means "bad hunter". Vegans are patently discriminatory; you don't see carnivores shoving their beliefs down everyone's throat do you? If you want to eat only tofy and bean sprouts, enjoy it but don't harass me because I choose to eat meat.
Actually I know lots of people that rip on vegans.and the two actual vegans I know don't say shit to anyone(i assume they would rather most people have a heart attack and die)


Sector 5 Moderator
Actually I know lots of people that rip on vegans.and the two actual vegans I know don't say shit to anyone(i assume they would rather most people have a heart attack and die)
LOL. I admire them for not saying shit. But it was a vegan "preacher" that started this thread.


Well-Known Member
Fuckin pussy ass Indians using spears and arrows to kill their buffalo. Shit son, if it was me, I'd be wrestling those oversized cows to the ground and punch them the fuck out and eat their still beating hearts like a real man would.