Want your plants to take N from the air around it? NEW DISCOVERY


Well-Known Member
how? our plants don't have that ability. and if your foliar feeding with a rhizo thats totally different.

AND NO your plant will eat ALL nitrogen you feed it. it can't filter out and take in JUST WHAT IT NEEDS.

even if you have nitro fixing bacteria in your soil thats far from what this is saying. nitro fixing bacteria in your soil STILL NEED TO BE FED and they turn what you feed into a SET AMOUNT OF NITRO based off of how much you fed them.

wtf you get your degree at phoenix online?


Well-Known Member
thats far from Pure N there bud thousands of chemicals and bacteria that my plant doesn't want.

PURE N out of the Air is what this is talking bout


Well-Known Member
i still can't find anywhere if the amount the plant takes is based off of the concentration of the biotic. Like i said before this would be just a silly sidestep if thats the case.

Its not worded like thats the case tho.

shit there is even a whole nother part to the article that i just found....

this shit is a seed coating. its not like its something you need to keep feeding. that tells me the plant has control of the process

-Fix is neither genetic modification nor bio-engineering. It is a naturally occurring nitrogen fixing bacteria which takes up and uses nitrogen from the air. Applied to the cells of plants (intra-cellular) via the seed, it provides every cell in the plant with the ability to fix nitrogen. Plant seeds are coated with these bacteria in order to create a symbiotic, mutually beneficial relationship and naturally produce nitrogen.
N-Fix is a natural nitrogen seed coating that provides a sustainable solution to fertiliser overuse and Nitrogen pollution. It is environmentally friendly and can be applied to all crops. Over the last 10 years, The University of Nottingham has conducted a series of extensive research programmes which have established proof of principal of the technology in the laboratory, growth rooms and glasshouses.

Read more at: http://phys.org/news/2013-07-world-technology-enables-crops-nitrogen.html#jCp


Well-Known Member
God Here- There are more than a few of the brethren that use human waste for compost. If you're not taking a lot of prescriptions, it's not a bad idea, obviously. I'm not there yet, other than peeing on fresh biochar to lock up the N.


Well-Known Member
That was a good post, yes. I dunno- the shitting in the bucket post was pretty nice, I thought.


Well-Known Member
its really amazing how dense people really can be.

Yes you can grow with your own shit. do i want too. no. i doubt many others do to.

and if you do... gl on making your patients happy. i know my patients wanna smoke something that was grown with my own waste........


Well-Known Member
That's a noteworthy point about fresh Biochar (or char). When it's fresh, it will have anionic attraction. So fresh char in your soil could suck up free N in the soil. Activating fresh char with urine is a quick fix. Now the biochar has N locked up, so it won't rob the soil, and as time goes on, the biochar polarity changes and it will shed the N and other anions in favor of Cation sequestration.

Biochar is easy to make and incredibly useful for soil building, BTW. It's one of the topics I think we should co-op. Have a class, get some materials, go home and do it. Learn the skills, then spread the skills. We all benefit.


Well-Known Member
That's a noteworthy point about fresh Biochar (or char). When it's fresh, it will have anionic attraction. So fresh char in your soil could suck up free N in the soil. Activating fresh char with urine is a quick fix. Now the biochar has N locked up, so it won't rob the soil, and as time goes on, the biochar polarity changes and it will shed the N and other anions in favor of Cation sequestration.

Biochar is easy to make and incredibly useful for soil building, BTW. It's one of the topics I think we should co-op. Have a class, get some materials, go home and do it. Learn the skills, then spread the skills. We all benefit.
I need to brush up on this. I've made 32 cf of soil so far and no char was added. Can I add it when I recycle and re-amend?


Well-Known Member
once again that works at a CONTROLLED RATE.

what don't you get about giving your plant the power man?

go watch this movie


smart people are so fucking stupid some times.

yes your way is way better then using Petrol based N ferts.

ok great

if its not the best are you less intelligent because you've spent so much time thinking its the coolest shit ever?

grow the fuck up and check out something cool thats outside your little box that you think is just so big.

I got this tattooed big and wide where everyone can see for a reason

"Scio Me Nescire"

might wanna go google it and figure out what the only real "Know it all" (as your so egotistically called yourself) thought about himself


Well-Known Member
Stowe- Yes you absolutely can and should. At any time. I'm building a TLUD burner to make char in bulk. Thinking of using those pressed wood pellets. Nice uniform size when done. You can also take a bag of Cowboy charcoal and bust it up into smaller pieces.

Veni Vidi EGO dont tutela


Well-Known Member
have you read the article rrog?

do you even understand at all what its saying?

apparently not if you can't get excited out of being able to plant treated seeds and never having to worry about N again.

your way requires a lot of work and taking a piss on your plants....

what the fuck ever. more then one insane person has been able to pass himself off as smart.


Well-Known Member
its cool il sleep good tonight knowing i tried to pass on good knowledge

you get to TRY to sleep knowing the fact that your ego kept you from embracing and possibly passing on good knowledge.

you sir are what is wrong with the entire world in a nutshell. whether its people who hold onto their religious zealotry or their "pissing on their own plants" zealotry

old sciences will always be replaced with new ones. ALWAYS. nothing is set is stone. NOTHING is KNOWN.


Well-Known Member
I used to think that, too. So did Monsanto with their roundup-resistant plants. New Science.. maybe I'll get the Tee-shirt so I can say I was there, eh?

You can't replace what a plant is or what it wants to be. You can complicate things, and that can be a fun distraction, but I don't think I'll deviate from what works when the world is stacked with man-made failures. If you don't see that, stick around for a few more decades like some of us.

And I do believe you tried to pass on good stuff. And cudos to you for doing so. But when you find a lukewarm reception to your idea, why break out the nunchucks?


Well-Known Member
This is exactly what the plant is. ITS NOT MODIFICATION IN ANYWAY, SHAPE OR FORM. We colonize our plants with bacteria ALL THE TIME. all different breeds for a bunch of different reasons

Lukewarm is far from the reception i found. i found a "man" that figures he knows everything about something that was DISCOVERED 4 FUCKING DAYS AGO. a man who's ego gets fed by him being right.

This IS what the plant IS. no one is changing anything except for allowing a bacteria to colonize.

If you couldn't see that round up resistant plants were a bad idea.... then idk..... they even sold the round up resistant chemicals by saying how much roundup they would be able to spray without it hurting the plant........ i really want fruits that have had as much roundup sprayed on them as possible.....

same with the pesticides.

FLAT OUT that stuff was adopted for greed. they made a bunch of farmers who were feeling the crunch BAD believe they could get over that crunch by doubling yields. it worked for a minute until their were so many crops they started paying farmers to dump them.

This is a technology thats being researched to save. NOT FOR GREED. they didn't invent round up resistance to save the planet. Thats the reasoning behind the N-fixing technique in the article.

there are places on this earth with the most terrible soil conditions and with people who have NO MONEY. these people would a lot farther ahead if they could get seeds that took the available nitrogen right out of the air around us.

this can be done on a HUGE scale too. HUGE scale urine collation sound like fun?