Am I dealing with Thrips ?


New Member

noticed some weird symptoms on my babies and was wondering if it's caused by thrips. Been seeing some tiny whiteish bugs running and jumping around on the leaves. Pics of what the lower leaves look like atm.
Is it thrips and if so what would ppl reccommend besides spinosad(dont have any good sources for it).
What i've read about so far about thrips:
1) Heard about 120F water kills them good off the plant in 15 min, but they still would stay in the soil, no ?
2) Heard neem oil works good aswell.
3) The funkiest i heard about is blending a garlic claw and 1/4 of an onion in 1 l of water and then spraying it on.
4) Also a sand layer works good for stopping the newborns from getting to the surface.
What has worked best for you guys and what is the greenest way to get rid of them.
Was thinking of doing a combo between those results, but wanted to ask you guys first for any good techniques.

Tl;dr Fast tiny white hoppers, thrips or not ?
bayer advanced soil treatment(make sure it has imidicloprid in it)\

mine has 41% and i use it at 20ml a gallon for drench treat twice in ten days and your good
dont mess around with thrips, trust me i can 100% say the imidicloprid works every time, and very quickly(seconds), also if thats a no go

merit 75 are granular and can go into the soil for longer lasting effect . . .dont get a quick fix, idont know about jacks

but i can say that 100% bayer will do it
trips are visible on plant and in soil when in beetle or flying part of life cycle

if you cant see em with your naked eye you probably dont have em, get a 100x scope and look for broad mites very small very hard to kill
they're thrips allright, the damage was just in early stages so the damage is more visible now.
Also for jacks, bayer and merit, there is no good source for them where i'm at, which is not in the US :/
Thanks for the input though.
Also yes, they are visible - small white bugs that jump and are fast when u try to get closer to them.

Ordered some neem as it seemes to be the mildest to go for and easiest to get for me. Still open for any other ideas or recommendations.
Peace !
Make up a hot chilli and garlic spray, throw a couple of hot chillis and afew cloves of garlic into a saucepan, simmer for a while and then let the mixture cool and add a few drops of oil, into your sprayer and smite the little fuckers for all your worth, alternatively you could just blend the chillis and garlic instead and strain.
It will kill any insect on contact but won't get the buried eggs.
Good luck
Make up a hot chilli and garlic spray, throw a couple of hot chillis and afew cloves of garlic into a saucepan, simmer for a while and then let the mixture cool and add a few drops of oil, into your sprayer and smite the little fuckers for all your worth, alternatively you could just blend the chillis and garlic instead and strain.
It will kill any insect on contact but won't get the buried eggs.
Good luck

probably gonna do the blend to slow them down a bit until the neem arrives, tnx !
I simply use sticky traps to catch the flying adult thrips and have never looked back or used chemicals for these little feckers .. Diotamaceous earth or green sand can also be spread on the soil of an infested plant and this will kill any larvae .. Best of luck

P.s. There is much diversity within this species of insect and even onions can harbor thrips
i recommend never to use any systemic insecticide

Ideally yes but if it makes anyone feel better. The active ingredient is labeled for tobacco up to 2 weeks before harvest. From what I read it is widely used also. So if you smoke tobacco you probably have smoked some that were treated with Imidacloprid like what's in bayer advanced.
hey, been just taking it easy for the past few days and waiting for the neem to arrive. I misted them with onion+garlic mixture a few back and that seemed to stop the white crawling activity on the leaves. Now that the neem arrived thinking of misting them with a mild solution of that just to be sure. Also ordered some sticky traps and they should be arriving soon aswell so going to set those up aswell.

On the tobacco - Tobacco is poison and i wouldn't be surprised if it was sprayed with even more poison. IMHO.

Thank you all for the input though - you guys have been really helpful :)
Just a heads up, neem won't touch thrips (western flower thrips anyway) and doing a soil soak (drench) was the most effective treatment using Monterey Garden Insect Spray Containing Spinosad.
If you don't have access to this product order it online. I tried everything under the sun to kill thrips and nothing would stop the bugs from hatching again in 2 days. Surprised no one said to do a soil drench first to kill them and to do it again every 5 days for 3 treatments in 15 days. That has been the only way to effectively get them out of the garden from my experience. Treating the foilage was not effective without treating the soil in my experience. I was at my witts end and was going to trash everything to get rid of them. The soil drench saved them from this dreaded bug.
Capt jacks Dead bug brew will work but get the concentrate and I found using 2oz of the .5% per gallon of water to be effective. Used 4 gallons of water and 8oz spinosad mixture to water all over the top until it soaked into the soil. The thrips will still hatch but allow them to get the spinosad on them and in them to work. I would still crush any with your finger that you find but they reproduce and 10,000 come back to say hello until you do a soil drench. Oh and these bugs are smart and can jump far when you try and crush them. Also found that water, vinegar and dish soap in a small low plastic dish work great to trap them until your spinosad arrives. I had like 10 small dishes and the sticky traps covered in thrips while fighting these little fuc- kers.
Hope that helps.
im dealing with thrips atm. they are progressing from larva to lil running hoppers. i almost beat them by catching them early picking leaves and crushing lil fuckers but here we are. i havebeen researching exstensively and spinosad was one of my options(im keeping it biological)but it seems a fungus called beauvaria bassiana. i found only 2 products and both are 80+ a quart. i havent ponied up the coin yet but seeing these fucks get worse ill be ordering in a few daze, ill be back with hopefully good results. otherwise im nuking these bitches with what sam listed.
In the end I ended up using azamax full dip of entire plant and soil container to stop them dead in their tracts. It is a sestemic so it takes 30 days to get out of the plant. It will kill some of the leaves on the plant but in the end it is the one thing that finally got rid of them. I recommend you try it with the spinosad doing the full drench especially if the plants are small. I used a 5 gallon bucket to submerse the containers in and the leaves for 2 minutes or more. Otherwise the eggs hatch and start the cycle over again. Also clean the floor really well with bleach or cleaner or the bugs will hid and continue to reinfect the plants. Today, if it happened again with thrips I would just do a full drench with azamax or azatrol and not even mess around with spinosad. My battle was 4 months long until I used azamax. Hope that helps. And for the record thrips suck donkey balls. Especially WFT (western Flower thrips).