What do you know about aliens?

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I did misread that quote. Sorry bout that. But science does work on a "what if" basis along with "what is". This is how inventions work. Someone wonders "what if" I could split an atom, what if I could make a horseless carriage. So yes an open mind is needed for science to progress. There is a whole branch of science based on what if, what could be, etc... It is called theoretical sciences, i.e. theoretical physics. i.e. Albert Einstein.

There are real scientific theories that deal with infinite universes. string theory and what not. If those theories are correct then ye there could be a world of beavers with highly developed. Whatever you can imagine is possible, if the universe is infinite.
^^ This back and forth reminded me of this clip -

I'll go away and disagree with you there. Cheers.

According to the scientific consensus, there was a beginning to the universe, therefore, there is an end, the universe is not infinite, it's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, it's a matter of accepting

Do you accept the big bang theory is the best model of the universe?
I did misread that quote. Sorry bout that. But science does work on a "what if" basis along with "what is". This is how inventions work. Someone wonders "what if" I could split an atom, what if I could make a horseless carriage. So yes an open mind is needed for science to progress. There is a whole branch of science based on what if, what could be, etc... It is called theoretical sciences, i.e. theoretical physics. i.e. Albert Einstein.

There are real scientific theories that deal with infinite universes. string theory and what not. If those theories are correct then ye there could be a world of beavers with highly developed. Whatever you can imagine is possible, if the universe is infinite.

Yes and then they used concrete scientific theories to make definitive predictions of how things will work in reality, then implemented those things.
Ok, so I just got done looking at where I saw that little alien guy last year. I was sitting on the same bed as before, using the same exact BB gun, looking at the same roof with the same tree behind it. I watched for just about 20 minutes, I timed it.

And you never guessed what happened next. Guess. Nothing happened out of the ordinary. There were no aliens that I could see. But I wasn't expecting to see any aliens because I have only saw an alien that one time last year. And there might have been aliens inside of the UFOs that I saw but I couldn't see any, it was just bright bluish lights.

But for all I know, I could be living on top of a huge alien colony. For all I know, aliens could have a huge alien base underneath My feet. They could be living down in underground cites maybe thousands of feet below My feet. I have no idea where the aliens are but I do know that they exist and I believe they visited Me. But I'm sure there are many types of races of aliens, so God only knows what type of aliens visited Me last year. But anyways, I doubt there is an alien colony beneath My feet but its possible. If the aliens do have alien bases on the earth its most likely underground or under the ocean floor where they are protected and can remain undetected.

For all I know, there could be no aliens on the earth now or for all I know the aliens could have overthrown the government in a coy way. To be blunt, I would rather have the aliens overthrow the government to be honest with you guys because at least then we would be serving a higher power, or higher powers. I wonder how that would work. Or how do their governments work? I wonder how close the aliens are to earth, for example, where is their closest home planet? Or even, how close is just one alien to earth?

Ok, so I just got done looking at where I saw that little alien guy last year. I was sitting on the same bed as before, using the same exact BB gun, looking at the same roof with the same tree behind it. I watched for just about 20 minutes, I timed it.

And you never guessed what happened next. Guess. Nothing happened out of the ordinary. There were no aliens that I could see. But I wasn't expecting to see any aliens because I have only saw an alien that one time last year. And there might have been aliens inside of the UFOs that I saw but I couldn't see any, it was just bright bluish lights.

But for all I know, I could be living on top of a huge alien colony. For all I know, aliens could have a huge alien base underneath My feet. They could be living down in underground cites maybe thousands of feet below My feet. I have no idea where the aliens are but I do know that they exist and I believe they visited Me. But I'm sure there are many types of races of aliens, so God only knows what type of aliens visited Me last year. But anyways, I doubt there is an alien colony beneath My feet but its possible. If the aliens do have alien bases on the earth its most likely underground or under the ocean floor where they are protected and can remain undetected.

For all I know, there could be no aliens on the earth now or for all I know the aliens could have overthrown the government in a coy way. To be blunt, I would rather have the aliens overthrow the government to be honest with you guys because at least then we would be serving a higher power, or higher powers. I wonder how that would work. Or how do their governments work? I wonder how close the aliens are to earth, for example, where is their closest home planet? Or even, how close is just one alien to earth?


Do you ever talk to anyone about any of this in real life? Like your friends? If so, what do they tell you?
According to the scientific consensus, there was a beginning to the universe, therefore, there is an end, the universe is not infinite, it's not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing, it's a matter of accepting

Do you accept the big bang theory is the best model of the universe?

The big bang explains the matter that is contain in the universe, but where did the big bang occur. It had to occur in a place in time and space, just didn't happen out of nothing. And this is what I mean. We as humans can not conceive what was before the big bang, but in order for the big bang to happen there had to be a catalyst, yes? So when and where does that begin and end.
I do not accept the we as human can measure this expanding space we are in, as popular science would lead one to believe.
We have NO idea when everything started, those are called theories, You know "what if's".

It really is a silly thing to be arguing over, I'm sure know the facts that you and the other Guy incognito guy are referring, I've taken my share of biology,physics courses in college. But there is not always such a thing as concrete proof in theoretical sciences. Again scientist know that particles can be entangled, then moved to isolated areas and once you check the polarity of one particle it automatic sets the polarity of the other particle, but scientist can not explain why. Many things out there and following Okham's razor is not always the best solution, but nor should one just give up and settle on "it's aliens", search for the truth and be skeptical of those that are content with the accepted knowledge.

The other post should have read: I'll go ahead and disagree...... My grammar is horrid.
Yes and then they used concrete scientific theories to make definitive predictions of how things will work in reality, then implemented those things.

Duh! It starts with a "what if" and ends with "what is". Imagination is man kinds greatest gift. Without it we would still be animals!
Do you ever talk to anyone about any of this in real life? Like your friends? If so, what do they tell you?

I reserve My crazy talk for the internet, or you guys.

I have talked about aliens with them but they don't have much to say because they cant really relate. And honestly, I don't think they can handle this kind of conversation.

EDIT- Pada, the known universe might not be infinite but there could be many other universes; because space is infinite. How could there ever be an end to space? and if there is an end then what is beyond those borders? Do you know what I mean? So if someone says the universe is infinite, they might mean that space is infinite.

The big bang explains the matter that is contain in the universe, but where did the big bang occur. It had to occur in a place in time and space, just didn't happen out of nothing.

That's just it, according to BBT there was no time or space before it. These things were created out of the bang.

And this is what I mean. We as humans can not conceive what was before the big bang, but in order for the big bang to happen there had to be a catalyst, yes?

These terms can get so confusing: before is meaningless if there was no time. If there is a multiverse, I believe we could conceive what was before the BB, perhaps we have already. Of course, maybe there will never be a way for us to probe between universes, so we may never know. (Wow, I feel like a wasted some time there). There are a few hypotheses of what the catalyst was, I like the branes colliding hypothesis of M theory...

So when and where does that begin and end.
I do not accept the we as human can measure this expanding space we are in, as popular science would lead one to believe.

What makes you think we cannot measure it? I'm curious. We seem to be doing a decent job at measuring the expansion of space, but I'd like to know if we're not...

We have NO idea when everything started, those are called theories, You know "what if's".

Theory is the highest form of scientific knowledge, they consist of many facts, proofs and axioms. Theory is thrown around in common usage as a mere guess or speculation, but that is a misuse of the term...

It really is a silly thing to be arguing over, I'm sure know the facts that you and the other Guy incognito guy are referring, I've taken my share of biology,physics courses in college. But there is not always such a thing as concrete proof in theoretical sciences. Again scientist know that particles can be entangled, then moved to isolated areas and once you check the polarity of one particle it automatic sets the polarity of the other particle, but scientist can not explain why. Many things out there and following Okham's razor is not always the best solution, but nor should one just give up and settle on "it's aliens", search for the truth and be skeptical of those that are content with the accepted knowledge.

Good stuff...
The other post should have read: I'll go ahead and disagree...... My grammar is horrid

I've seen a LOT worse on this board...
I reserve My crazy talk for the internet, or you guys.

How did we get so lucky???

I have talked about aliens with them but they don't have much to say because they cant really relate. And honestly, I don't think they can handle this kind of conversation.

They are getting more difficult for me, as well...

EDIT- Pada, the known universe might not be infinite but there could be many other universes; because space is infinite. How could there ever be an end to space? and if there is an end then what is beyond those borders? Do you know what I mean? So if someone says the universe is infinite, they might mean that space is infinite.

I just don't really feel that humans are really measuring the universe as a whole, I believe humans are measuring what we can observe in space, i.e. the remnants of the big bang, but what is that void that the "universe" is expanding into?. It can not be just nothing, Just like the big bang just could not happen if there was nothing there to cause it. I put "universe" in quotes because scientist want to consider the collective galaxies around us as the whole universe. I do not believe that. I think the universe is beyond our comprehension at this time in our evolutionary path. I feel there are other dimensions right here that we can not perceive and that the bigger picture is out of our realm at the moment.

My professors never really had good comebacks to a lot of the questions I would pose throughout school, but we still had a lot of good conversations. They would repeat that tired line of "science is facts that can be proven", that science uses specific dates not ball park figures, but they will say confidently that this fossil is x million years old give or take x amount of years. Ask them how they know, they say radiocarbon dating or laws of superposition, but how do you prove the results are right. You don't, you ball park estimate. Are these estimations repeatable and show similar results, yes, but it is still a ball park guess that can not be proven at all.(why radiocarbon dating evidence is not permissible in a court of law in the USA)

The riddles of space are ones that are open to debate, that is half the fun of it. I take the motto of Hasan of the hashshasins 1094 ad "Nothing is real and all is allowed." Ancient knowledge of the secret societies.

Like I said I'm a history major, not an astrophysicist, so I just piece together the fact I do know of the past to make educated guesses. After all the gaps and unexplained, not to mention all the misinformation that is being propagated still by schools all throughout the USA, both past and present. Things like pilgrims settling America in present, or white society teaching that African American were inferior to whites.

I take everything I hear with a grain of salt. Nice chatting with the different minds. Cheers guys.
I think the age of the universe is gunna keep getting pushed back until finally scientists will just say "We dont fuckin know man!" lol.

I have the same opinion as you about the expanding universe, thenotsoesoteric. The void that the universe is expanding into cant just be completely nothing going on forever and ever. Have scientists actually pin pointed the edge of the universe or is that just an estimate based on the light they can observe? Perhaps theres no infinite void and no matter how far we go we're always going to find matter and galaxies, but that doesnt really fit well with the big bang theory, that might suggest the universe always existed, which is could have but I still side with the big bang.

This picture gets me thinking sometimes. When/if the big bang happened, no matter got splattered in this 1 billion light year wide area in space, its nuts. Some scientists theorize that its an alternate universe. Now I dont believe this and its a big "what if" but maybe its the shadow of what ever created the big bang and decided to stick around and watch the magic happen while saying "Hold my beer, watch this!" lol.


(edit) I also dont think that there was less than nothing when the big bang happened, I dont agree with that part of the big bang theory. I think its the product of something that existed before, maybe long before, maybe its the result of the death of a previous universe.
This picture gets me thinking sometimes. When/if the big bang happened, no matter got splattered in this 1 billion light year wide area in space, its nuts. Some scientists theorize that its an alternate universe. Now I dont believe this and its a big "what if" but maybe its the shadow of what ever created the big bang and decided to stick around and watch the magic happen while saying "Hold my beer, watch this!" lol.


This is a picture of dust/debris in front of the star field behind it, it's not illuminated because there are no nearby light sources close enough to light any of it up, so what you get is the same thing you get when a cloud passes in front of the sun on Earth

Simple 4 min video. May help you guys learn some stuff.

I just got off the phone with Moller, and he admits to visiting Neveah from a saucer and spying on him from a nearby rooftop. He said it's because he knows he is christ. So, we were both wrong and right, no aliens, but George is the son of god. Didn't see any of this coming...
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