What do you know about aliens?

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I just don't really feel that humans are really measuring the universe as a whole, I believe humans are measuring what we can observe in space, i.e. the remnants of the big bang, but what is that void that the "universe" is expanding into?. It can not be just nothing, Just like the big bang just could not happen if there was nothing there to cause it. I put "universe" in quotes because scientist want to consider the collective galaxies around us as the whole universe. I do not believe that. I think the universe is beyond our comprehension at this time in our evolutionary path. I feel there are other dimensions right here that we can not perceive and that the bigger picture is out of our realm at the moment.

My professors never really had good comebacks to a lot of the questions I would pose throughout school, but we still had a lot of good conversations. They would repeat that tired line of "science is facts that can be proven", that science uses specific dates not ball park figures, but they will say confidently that this fossil is x million years old give or take x amount of years. Ask them how they know, they say radiocarbon dating or laws of superposition, but how do you prove the results are right. You don't, you ball park estimate. Are these estimations repeatable and show similar results, yes, but it is still a ball park guess that can not be proven at all.(why radiocarbon dating evidence is not permissible in a court of law in the USA)

The riddles of space are ones that are open to debate, that is half the fun of it. I take the motto of Hasan of the hashshasins 1094 ad "Nothing is real and all is allowed." Ancient knowledge of the secret societies.

Like I said I'm a history major, not an astrophysicist, so I just piece together the fact I do know of the past to make educated guesses. After all the gaps and unexplained, not to mention all the misinformation that is being propagated still by schools all throughout the USA, both past and present. Things like pilgrims settling America in present, or white society teaching that African American were inferior to whites.

I take everything I hear with a grain of salt. Nice chatting with the different minds. Cheers guys.

Do you have any citations to prove it's not admissible in a court of law in the USA? I can't think of a single scenario that you would even want to use it in a court of law.

I have heard a lot of intelligent astrophysicists explain the universe, and you are contradicting their theories and explanations. By your own admission you are not an astrophysicist. Not understanding something doesn't give you carte blanche to make up your own theories. I'm sorry you don't accept that time/space don't exist outside of the universe. You seem to have nothing supporting your theories other than a gut feeling.
I have real life experiences that are "unexplainable". I don't waste my time to go into it because in life you have to see it to believe it. My experiences have nothing to do with space or aliens, but still I know what I experienced and no amount of people's claims will change that.

If you want to go fact check answers are out there. I'm not positive of what documentary it was, but it was about the shroud of the turin and it's authenticity in which someone radiocarbon dated. Though I could be mistaken, I will say fairly.

And I guess if a lot of scientist say it is true, then it is true.

I mean when in the history of mankind have the elites kept true knowledge while filling the heads of the masses with BS? That whole world being flat thing. Elites have known about the "new" world since the days of the Greeks (again I forgot the grecian's it may have been archimedes who figured out the curve of the earth some 2000 years ago) and possible before that, but yet the common masses still were told that the world ends and other BS.

Explain then where the big bang took place, if not somewhere?

Think of it like this, The emptiness or void that the big bang happened in is unlimited, that is how our "universe" is expanding. There is something or some space for it to expand into. Scientist right now are only measuring the expansion, not what it is expanding into.
It is the same idea if your standing in a pitch dark building with multiply floors and your standing in one room downstairs with all the doors closed. Once you light your candle, you can know see as far as the candles light is shining. Well how are you going to measure the rest of the building that you are standing in, when you can only see as far as the candles light will shine.

Hope that clarifies what I'm talking about when I say we humans do not have the ability to measure the universe, nor can we measure thing out of our perception like dimension outside of the three or four we can observe, so who knows what lay in other dimension right here on earth let alone the depths of space.

This is were humans are in the universe. The big bang created light so we could see in the dark, but we can't see past were that light is available. So how are we supposed to measure what lay beyond the edge of the big bang. And where does the expansion of the universe reach the end? Infinite to our comprehension. IMO.

* Experts have been wrong in the past, and a lot have chastised those with different views from their own.
One example is N. Tesla, a serbian immigrant that had "mad" visions of the inventions he came up with( you know what if's). While he originated wireless communication, electric motors, and AC. All of which some other white American has credit for in history books. Westinghouse had Tesla work for him and so Tesla patents became Westinghouse's patents. Long story short Edison and others did not embrace Tesla'a genius, instead they discredited him so much so, that American textbooks in college still give Westinghouse credit for tesla's inventions, and Tesla died broke in a hospital or a kind old folks home type deal if you will.
If it happen i the past it happens now as well.

That is why I say my knowledge of the past helps me to gauge what I see and what I believe. I'm not saying that the minds behind the current theories of the universe are lying or that their not geniuses or that their not on the right track.
I just think there is more to the universe than what is visible thanks to the light and energy created by the big bang. Like I said, where is the universe expanding into?
That space that the "universe" is expanding into is still the universe IMO, so no the universe is not expanding but merely the light, matter, and energy from the big bang are expanding into the universe. instead of the universe expanding into nothing, so it would be in a sense creating what ever it is expanding into. Which is also possible.
I have real life experiences that are "unexplainable". I don't waste my time to go into it because in life you have to see it to believe it. My experiences have nothing to do with space or aliens, but still I know what I experienced and no amount of people's claims will change that.

You sound suspiciously like nevaeh. Completely rigid and unwilling to accept any evidence to change your view, your mind is made up based on your personal experience. I guess that is the end of this discussion.

If you want to go fact check answers are out there. I'm not positive of what documentary it was, but it was about the shroud of the turin and it's authenticity in which someone radiocarbon dated. Though I could be mistaken, I will say fairly.

That is not how this works. YOU are the one that made the claim, not me. I did try to fact check it and I cannot find anything about carbon dating not being admissible in court. Until you can provide evidence to support your claim I will assume it is false.
I believe space is infinite. And if space is infinite than that means there is a whole lot of space. With that being said, our known universe could be an infinitesimally small point in this space. And if God or whatever created this big bang, than whos to say God, or whatever, didn't create an "infinite" amount of big bangs in an infinitely large amount of space? The other universes could be so far apart that they will never be detected by other universes because space just goes on forever. And if the universes are 10^9999999999999999999999999999999999(etc) light years apart then what does that matter to the Creator of the universes? The Creator might have placed the universes so far apart for a good reason. But I believe the fact still is that the known universe is expanding into empty space, but its still space that can not have an end. If space did have an end then what would be beyond those borders?

We may never know what is beyond our known universe, but if the Creator can make one universe from "nothing" than who is to say that He hasn't created an "infinite" amount. Whos to say the Creator hasn't been making big bangs or universes for an "infinite" amount of time? Whos to say the Creator doesn't still make big bangs or universes and will continue forever?

This all might just be speculation but there might be some truth to it.

I just got off the phone with Moller, and he admits to visiting Neveah from a saucer and spying on him from a nearby rooftop. He said it's because he knows he is christ. So, we were both wrong and right, no aliens, but George is the son of god. Didn't see any of this coming...

Well, that explains everything. ;-)

Mystery solved thanks to Tyler Durden!

End of debate, LMAO!

You know the guy that has that has to have a small Anthony.

Your saying the guy with the flying car has a small penis?

You sound suspiciously like nevaeh. .

You can call Me George. That's short for Christ George Manuel Oliveira, which is My title and full Name.

But I can assure you that I'm not him. I'm not the only crazy person on the internet you know. But you should welcome the crazies because they might just have something good to say that's crazy cool. I would rather talk to crazies that have positive new things to say than a bunch of assholes.

I believe space is infinite. And if space is infinite than that means there is a whole lot of space. With that being said, our known universe could be an infinitesimally small point in this space. And if God or whatever created this big bang, than whos to say God, or whatever, didn't create an "infinite" amount of big bangs in an infinitely large amount of space? The other universes could be so far apart that they will never be detected by other universes because space just goes on forever. And if the universes are 10^9999999999999999999999999999999999(etc) light years apart than what does that matter to the Creator of the universes? The Creator might have placed the universes so far apart for a good reason. But I believe the fact still is that the known universe is expanding into empty space, but its still space that can not have an end. If space did have an end then what would be beyond those borders?

We may never know what is beyond our known universe, but if the Creator can make one universe from "nothing" than who is to say that He hasn't created an "infinite" amount. Whos to say the Creator hasn't been making big bangs or universes for an "infinite" amount of time? Whos to say the Creator doesn't still make big bangs or universes and will continue forever?

This all might just be speculation but there might be some truth to it.


There you go again. You have demonstrated again and again that you have no criteria for accepting something as a belief. You believe space is infinite. You simply leave it at that and then go on for 2 paragraphs with the ramblings of a delusional mind. What leads you to believe space is infinite? How did you get to that conclusion?
But I can assure you that I'm not him. I'm not the only crazy person on the internet you know. But you should welcome the crazies because they might just have something good to say that's crazy cool. I would rather talk to crazies that have positive new things to say than a bunch of assholes.


I will refer to you as nevaeh only. You certainly are not the only crazy person I know. You are welcome to converse with me, but leave the bullshit at the door.
There you go again. You have demonstrated again and again that you have no criteria for accepting something as a belief. You believe space is infinite. You simply leave it at that and then go on for 2 paragraphs with the ramblings of a delusional mind. What leads you to believe space is infinite? How did you get to that conclusion?

I believe space is infinite because its the best guess that I have.

I have come to that conclusion because our universe is expanding into something, (as others have stated here). And I believe our universe is expanding into space. Now, now how could this space ever end? What would be beyond those borders of space? I'm not a scientist and I don't know for certain, but I'm going to take a wild guess and say that there is a whole lot of space beyond our known universe. It might be totally void of anything but its still wide open space, or room for the universe to expand into. This is just conjecture because I don't know all the answers but its My best guess.

I will refer to you as nevaeh only. You certainly are not the only crazy person I know. You are welcome to converse with me, but leave the bullshit at the door.

But you are WELCOME to refer to Me as George. I like that better but I doubt you care.

I'm so grateful that I'm allowed to converse with you, THANKS!

But seriously, I like you Guy, and I think your an alright guy (pun intended) in My book!

There you go again. You have demonstrated again and again that you have no criteria for accepting something as a belief. You believe space is infinite. You simply leave it at that and then go on for 2 paragraphs with the ramblings of a delusional mind. What leads you to believe space is infinite? How did you get to that conclusion?


He wants to believe something, therefore it is.

Although, it must be comforting to be able to delude oneself into believing false conclusions to support ones insane ideas.

Nevaeh starts with his conclusion; "Space is infinite", because that's what he wants to believe. Then he (poorly) attempts to construct some sort of hypothesis as to why that conclusion is correct. It's completely fucking backwards, and makes absolutely zero sense.

It's the same logical pathway he follows in a lot of his reasoning.

I guess you can't teach an old dog new critical thinking skills.
We don't know exactly what the universe is expanding into but I think you are more right than wrong. If there is not just our one universe, then there must be something outside of it. I looked before but could not find the quote where Michio Kaku is talking about our concept of 'nothing' and the concept of 'space.' He's standing inside NASA's huge vacuum chamber and pointing out that even if every particle of air is removed from the room, that is one level of nothingness, but not only do we have virtual particle pairs popping into existence but we still have space, we still have measurable dimensions. He points out that if it is measurable, then it is not nothing, empty space itself is a thing.
He then goes on to explain what you were saying, that the universe is expanding into something, but it is not 3 dimensional space, because that's what our universe is made up of, so it is another level of nothing, a void that is either dimensionless or possibly higher dimensions.

When talking about measurements, most cosmologists agree with you about measuring the observable universe, that there could be more out there but has already expanded past the point where light would ever reach us, making a boundary condition. The 13.7 billion year radius is not the size of the universe but the Hubble distance, a boundary, past which we cannot learn anything about since we will never see the light from objects beyond that border.
Here's a good article that points out even astronomers get it wrong when discussing these things. http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~charley/papers/LineweaverDavisSciAm.pdf

It is very possible that we can still get evidence of things that occur beyond our universe. The whole investigation into why gravity appears so weak is one of those things that could lead to evidence of other dimensions. So just because we cannot see light beyond the Hubble distance, do not give up on the possibility that nature could reveal herself in other ways.
You sound suspiciously like nevaeh. Completely rigid and unwilling to accept any evidence to change your view, your mind is made up based on your personal experience. I guess that is the end of this discussion.

That is not how this works. YOU are the one that made the claim, not me. I did try to fact check it and I cannot find anything about carbon dating not being admissible in court. Until you can provide evidence to support your claim I will assume it is false.

You make no sense at all, I sound nothing like Nevah. I simply explained my take. I never once said my thoughts were set in stone, In fact I believe I said ALL things are possible.

I've seen every Youtube video, interview with tyson/hawkins and so on. I made valid points that you cannot refute so you just call me names. I can see who is the one with the closed mind that is already made up, and it is not me. Good luck in school, next month.

You type radiocarbon dating allowable in court in yahoo search and many results pop up, it's amazing: Here is one from eopinions.
There are ten reported federal cases which make reference to carbon dating. They occur outside of South Caroline. You can review them here: http://tinyurl.com/8yp2odfhttp://tinyurl.com/8yp2odf

And on that very same page that popped up guess what was third on the list?: http://www.shroud.com/nature.htm
Like I said I may have remembered wrong on the permissibility of the carbon dating results that the research team came up with, but I'm sure it was something to the tune of "this doesn't prove anything" legally.
We don't know exactly what the universe is expanding into but I think you are more right than wrong. If there is not just our one universe, then there must be something outside of it. I looked before but could not find the quote where Michio Kaku is talking about our concept of 'nothing' and the concept of 'space.' He's standing inside NASA's huge vacuum chamber and pointing out that even if every particle of air is removed from the room, that is one level of nothingness, but not only do we have virtual particle pairs popping into existence but we still have space, we still have measurable dimensions. He points out that if it is measurable, then it is not nothing, empty space itself is a thing.
He then goes on to explain what you were saying, that the universe is expanding into something, but it is not 3 dimensional space, because that's what our universe is made up of, so it is another level of nothing, a void that is either dimensionless or possibly higher dimensions.

When talking about measurements, most cosmologists agree with you about measuring the observable universe, that there could be more out there but has already expanded past the point where light would ever reach us, making a boundary condition. The 13.7 billion year radius is not the size of the universe but the Hubble distance, a boundary, past which we cannot learn anything about since we will never see the light from objects beyond that border.
Here's a good article that points out even astronomers get it wrong when discussing these things. http://www.mso.anu.edu.au/~charley/papers/LineweaverDavisSciAm.pdf

It is very possible that we can still get evidence of things that occur beyond our universe. The whole investigation into why gravity appears so weak is one of those things that could lead to evidence of other dimensions. So just because we cannot see light beyond the Hubble distance, do not give up on the possibility that nature could reveal herself in other ways.

Sounds a lot like what I was saying, Cheers Gotta love Michio Kaku. So Guy Homer Simpson again I say you make no sense, since my views are shared by other theorist.
You make no sense at all, I sound nothing like Nevah. I simply explained my take. I never once said my thoughts were set in stone, In fact I believe I said ALL things are possible.

I've seen every Youtube video, interview with tyson/hawkins and so on. I made valid points that you cannot refute so you just call me names. I can see who is the one with the closed mind that is already made up, and it is not me. Good luck in school, next month.

You type radiocarbon dating allowable in court in yahoo search and many results pop up, it's amazing: Here is one from eopinions.
There are ten reported federal cases which make reference to carbon dating. They occur outside of South Caroline. You can review them here: http://tinyurl.com/8yp2odf

And on that very same page that popped up guess what was third on the list?: http://www.shroud.com/nature.htm
Like I said I may have remembered wrong on the permissibility of the carbon dating results that the research team came up with, but I'm sure it was something to the tune of "this doesn't prove anything" legally.

I did do a search and a whole lot of stuff popped up, and not a single page I read said that radio carbon dating was not permissible in court.

I am also reading the court cases you just posted and I still have yet to find any evidence to support that claim. In fact the first case that I just spent about 10 minutes reading through seems to use radiocarbon dating of the skeleton in question. It should be far more readily accessible, especially if you are putting the onus on others to verify your claim.

Also what names did I call you? I said you sound like nevaeh.

I never once said my thoughts were set in stone, In fact I believe I said ALL things are possible.

This is what you said. Which BTW I think sounds suspiciously like nevaeh.

but still I know what I experienced and no amount of people's claims will change that.
I did do a search and a whole lot of stuff popped up, and not a single page I read said that radio carbon dating was not permissible in court.

I am also reading the court cases you just posted and I still have yet to find any evidence to support that claim. In fact the first case that I just spent about 10 minutes reading through seems to use radiocarbon dating of the skeleton in question. It should be far more readily accessible, especially if you are putting the onus on others to verify your claim.

Also what names did I call you? I said you sound like nevaeh.

This is what you said. Which BTW I think sounds suspiciously like nevaeh.

You are a child. I stated several times that I could very well be mistaken about the permissibility, after my first post about.

And this stupid stuff about "BTW that sounds similar to that nutjob".... I've only read two sentences in that guy's sad attempt at attention, some nutty ass posts about him seeing an alien on the roof or some dumb crap.

If you are indulging Nevaeh by reading his post and responding to him, that says more about your mentality then it does his.

I said my views and opinions are molded by my experiences with a couple of those experiences being unexplainable. I don't go into what those events were because that is irrelevant to this conversation.

Calling me completely rigid, is calling me names. Your opinion based on a couple post.
Guy, I think youre right.There are no reply quotes between Neveah and Esoteric from what Ive seen.Neveah reply quotes almost everything he responds to...The Not so Neveah suckpuppetry seems to be afoot,,,,but I could be wrong eh George?
You are a child. I stated several times that I could very well be mistaken about the permissibility, after my first post about.

And this stupid stuff about "BTW that sounds similar to that nutjob".... I've only read two sentences in that guy's sad attempt at attention, some nutty ass posts about him seeing an alien on the roof or some dumb crap.

If you are indulging Nevaeh by reading his post and responding to him, that says more about your mentality then it does his.

I said my views and opinions are molded by my experiences with a couple of those experiences being unexplainable. I don't go into what those events were because that is irrelevant to this conversation.

Calling me completely rigid, is calling me names. Your opinion based on a couple post.

You are right, I think my judgement was too harsh and too premature.

Nevaeh only has about 5 different post though. He tends to repeat himself.
As far as we can tell, the universe is going to expand exponentially. Not only is the universe expanding, but the speed in which it expands has continued to increase since the time the measurement was possible. There may be a point in space time when/where it will stop, or regress back in on itself. No one knows for sure.

But it is fun to make fun of people who feel certain about things that are apparently not certain... lol!

Tell me you know the universe is infinite, that this is the only universe, that this is a multiverse, that we have souls, that god exists, that you know what happens when you die and i will kindly smirk in your direction, and wink... because both you, and i, know... we know that you don't really know any of those questions with certainty.

It's both funny, sad, exhilarating and scary all at the same time... to accept that which we do not know, and to abandon our cocoon of faith in something for which we cannot be certain of.
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