Did Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil get changed?


Active Member
I have been using FFOF for a while and never had a rotten moldy smell like this batch before.
It is so bad I am having breathing problems and my eyes feel they have dust in them.
I can't even stand over my plants without gagging is so bad.
Has anyone else here got some of the new FFOF soil and smelt something different?
it has been getting changed for the past 7 years now, they are running out of good dirt and they are adding other bull shit to make up for it. i used it back 7 years ago and over a 3 year period it just slowly started getting shitty, i use to be a big fox farm advocate and i did love ocean forest, but the quality isnt there anymore. i use pure coco media now no purelite worm castings just straight coco
You could leave your soil out in the sun to let it dry out a bit. I'm sure the smell will go away when cooked
Yeah, we know...you already said that.
actually what i said was i noticed a differences 7 years ago and over a 3 year period it had been changing, and 3 years ago the bags actually felt lighter and they appeared to have more peat moss it in

when did you start using fox farm?
do you use the whole fox farm line?
Interesting that you post this. Out of 12 bags of FFOF I had one that had all sorts of nasty looking yellow mold/other mold growing in the soil. When I first opened the bag it was all over the top--so I removed what I could see of the yellow clustery spots and planted. Now there are large patches of these clustery spots all over where the drain holes are in one of the planters. I'm gonna toss the most infected unit out later today.

These FFOF bags all came from the same pallet but the consistency seemed off. Some had more bark material than others and also the mix of perlite seemed noticably different.
Interesting that you post this. Out of 12 bags of FFOF I had one that had all sorts of nasty looking yellow mold/other mold growing in the soil. When I first opened the bag it was all over the top--so I removed what I could see of the yellow clustery spots and planted. Now there are large patches of these clustery spots all over where the drain holes are in one of the planters. I'm gonna toss the most infected unit out later today.

These FFOF bags all came from the same pallet but the consistency seemed off. Some had more bark material than others and also the mix of perlite seemed noticably different.

i have seen this exact same thing yall are talking about on a brand called root organics, i would stay away from this brand i lost my kandy kush strain because of the ph lvls being retarded
You guys all need to relax.

Remember, every single freaking bag isn't going to be exactly right. There are a ton of variables here.

That product was made and shipped somewhere. Likely on a reefer (temperature controlled truck). If the reefer temp wasn't set right by the driver, if it was stored improperly in transit, stored improperly by the store you bought it from, etc etc could all be factors before you actually buy the product and take it home.
Overall, there are WAY more people who use FF with no problems.

The fact that one person has an issue out of how many threads on here (mine included), where nothing is wrong, just shows how good there product is overall, I think.

I could go to Kroger and possibly buy a bad batch of strawberries. Does this mean that all of Dole's strawberry's are fucked and they changed the way grow and cultivate them? No.

Get real.
I have used FFOF for a year, but I use Supernatural nutes. I am thinking maybe they had a bad batch of worm castings because it shells like cow shit.
actually what i said was i noticed a differences 7 years ago and over a 3 year period it had been changing, and 3 years ago the bags actually felt lighter and they appeared to have more peat moss it in

when did you start using fox farm?
do you use the whole fox farm line?

Tried it last year with a couple plants and this year for all of them. I have used Happy Frog 5-5-5, FF trio and bloom boosters for the past 3 years. Never had an issue, I am more than happy with their stuff.
Just got a bad today, looks good and smells fine, Aged for a while where I buy it same pallet for about 6 months lol
Tried it last year with a couple plants and this year for all of them. I have used Happy Frog 5-5-5, FF trio and bloom boosters for the past 3 years. Never had an issue, I am more than happy with their stuff.

i am not saying it isnt a good product by any stretch of the imagination. what i am saying is it use to be better;-).

try out coco media, i was a big fox farm fan and advocate, but once i tried straight coco choir it was a night and day differences. then only disadvantage compared to a soil is that it has zero nutes in it, or at least find a coco choir that is just coco and nothing else. some companies sell a coco media but it is pre-mixed with stuff.