Is hydro really that much better than soil?


Rebel From The North
Was a soil grower for many years and switched to hydro yields went up and taist wend down, then i went with
coco and yield are better than hydro and the soil taste came back even better!


Rebel From The North
BS....There is no difference with taste....That is the biggest myth...

Soil is forgiving (less yield) and Hydro requires attention(more yield). That is all.

Don't fool yourselves if you did a hydro in the outdoors you would see yields that dwarfed soil like I have.
Its not bs... It does change taste! Not alot but enough for a seasoned smoker to notice


Well-Known Member
Its not bs... It does change taste! Not alot but enough for a seasoned smoker to notice
"Different", "change taste". I could go along with that... but "better" or "more taste" is just BS. Again:

I've been smoking mj for 22 years, daily, and the claim that soil grown tastes better than hydro is simply not true. It's a myth based on what people want to believe, not on facts. Both soil and hydro can result in quality tasting and smelling buds, which depends largely on strain, nutes, drying, and especially curing methods [and duration], and 'not' as much the medium.
Apart from 2-3 years, I bought nearly daily, a gram or 2, many many different coffee shops in many different cities. But even with my own stash now at home I still smoked 7 other strains, from different grows, this week. Including "AK47 Hydro" and "Bio Amnesia" :lol: It's a myth that soil grown tastes better than hydro. This is the age of breaking myths, not adding to them.


New Member
YES if your holding your mouth right hydro is better. It is way, way easier to mess up everything, alot more complicated, more work and there are more supplies involved.
Sheesh...... Who taught you hydro? The plants get watered automatically........ and everything runs on timers......... More work? More supplies? Pump, an airstone and tubing......... The rest is the same.......- Container to grow in and container to mix/hold nutes....... the difference is the medium and delivery...... instead of sloshing jugs of water around that cause dirty brown run off, a pump pumps the nutrient solution to the plants and the run off is clean (except coco). Please stop scaring people off hydro, if you don't grow it fair enough..... no need to spread utter myths.

Its not bs... It does change taste! Not alot but enough for a seasoned smoker to notice
Depends on the grower....... Not the smoker...... It's all in the mind.

"Different", "change taste". I could go along with that... but "better" or "more taste" is just BS. Again:

Apart from 2-3 years, I bought nearly daily, a gram or 2, many many different coffee shops in many different cities. But even with my own stash now at home I still smoked 7 other strains, from different grows, this week. Including "AK47 Hydro" and "Bio Amnesia" :lol: It's a myth that soil grown tastes better than hydro. This is the age of breaking myths, not adding to them.
Exactly dude. This guy knows.

Hydro sorts the men from the boys, that's all. That's why it's so controversial and so few actually do it. Most men and women are scared to persevere to achieve the beautiful, Cup winning quality and 1.5-2 g/p/w yields.......... They prefer to, at best, have half a go and then return to soil, trashing hydro due to their own inadequate growing. The myth that soil tastes better is just to justify the measly yields and lack of density common in soil gardens........ I mean THINK about it........ Is it easier to flush soil or rockwool or hydroton.....?? Is unrefined, impure, as you find it on the forest floor shit easier to flush, OR, the clean, water soluble, salt based structures that form hydro nutes?

If I'm growing in soil(which is never these days).... to flush correctly I take a massive tote/Rubbermaid and fill it with plain water. I then submerge the pot until it stays down and is fully saturated....... I then drain. I repeat about 5-10 times, depending on pot size, over two weeks, then leave dry out for last 5 days. If you don't do this then your flush is fake ass. In hydro the pump does all the work.

Lots of people rave about organic..... there are seed companies and magazines that wont talk of anything else. But i will stick my neck out to tell you this......- you have to be TEN TIMES the grower to achieve the comparable results organically that you can in hydro. Now watch all the middle aged promix/sunshine luvrs, who wouldn't even be growing if they couldn't get permission from their sadistic government, jump in and tell me their medical grade organic bud will grow legs and smoke my hydro all by itself.


Rebel From The North

Man im a grower just as much as a smoker lol and done almost everything under the sun or bulb :)
not going to feed your rant! Here just seems better to agree to disagree!


New Member
I am a soil grower. I like the fact that I only need to water twice a week and feed once a week. I have heard claims that hydro grows are faster and heavier yielding than soil grows. For those of you who have gone from soil to hydro, are those claims true? Is it harder to keep your roots cool? Would you say that it is worth the investment to go to hydro from a soil grow? Any tips if I do decide to go to a hydro setup? Thank you.
Since I went off on a rant haha I might as well answer the OP!! How's it going dude?

I made the switch from soil to hydro. I was using Plant Magic Soil Supreme and in Canada I used ProMix. The major factor in making the switch was moving to an apartment building. The claims are true. You just have to make the effort to get it right. Better yield, better taste and much much easier.

As for systems........ It gets no easier than flood and drain. This video makes it very simple and non-daunting. I use a store bought top drip recirculating system atm but making your own is easy as pie..... My next run will have two plants in separate Rubbermaid containers. DWC is the easiest to build....... you need a bucket and an air pump&air stone! That's it!

Don't get put off by folks who can't/don't grow hydro talking about it. The setting up of a grow room is EXACTLY the same as soil except for the delivery of nutrients....... A good soil garden should have a res and an air pump anyways....... it's just a case of adding an aquarium water pump and some tubing. You can drain to waste or recirculate depending on medium and your wishes.

If you want to see beyond all doubt this is the future direction of the CannaBiz then research into AquaPonics...... This truly is the future for ORGANIC and self sufficient Cannabis farming.


New Member

Man im a grower just as much as a smoker lol and done almost everything under the sun or bulb :)
not going to feed your rant! Here just seems better to agree to disagree!
No worries dude. My rant wasn't aimed at you...... Just the comment about taste. Taste is all perspective and preference. I can taste nasty things in lots of soil weed. Most of the weed people smoke is soil because so few try hydro. The bulk of this debate is being had by people who haven't smoked or grown much hydro at all.

Also- It's not a rant, but a mere whisper, compared to the moaning chorus of scardy cats who will jump in and tell aspiring growers that if they're not doing what SubCool or "The Rev" (what a disgustingly arrogant nickname btw ever notice?) suggest, then your weed will be horrible tasting corporate shit. Fortunately, in reality, there is as much truth and validity to what "The Rev" and SubCool says as most Reverends and Preachers......

MY goodness! The raw volume of UN-FLUSHABLE, UNNECESSARY crap in most "organic" growers mediums at harvest time is ridiculous. And then they have the bare faced arrogance and pomposity to waffle on about the taste of other peoples weed! I mean seriously? Are these fucking kooks for realsies? I'm not saying that they have bad tasting weed or that their soil mixes don't work. I'm just saying that $ for $ gram for gram...... I just know they'll be tasting more rotting animal shit and foliage in their organic weed than you'll be tasting water soluble salt compounds in my hydro. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but lets be honest..... There is a holier than thou attitude to a lot of soil and organic growing, like they're working hand in hand with mother Gia while us hydro guys are like a Cannabis GM or Ford. The reality is soil requires a car or truck to lug it home..... I can jump on the metro and come home with my nutes and rockwool in a backpack. I re-wash hydroton/corn. It's all swings and roundabouts.

Soil is great. Heck, some people grow fucking great weed in soil. Is it the ONLY way? Nope. Is it the best way? Nope. Not even close according to this grower.


Well-Known Member
I've been smoking mj for 22 years, daily, and the claim that soil grown tastes better than hydro is simply not true. It's a myth based on what people want to believe, not on facts. Both soil and hydro can result in quality tasting and smelling buds, which depends largely on strain, nutes, drying, and especially curing methods, and 'not' as much the medium.

If you put it like that yes, but there's a flip side: you 'need' to address problems more quickly because they get out of hand faster.
That's so true bro! In fact you can use "organic based" nutrients in hydro systems that rival the taste of organic soil. I've always said genetics are the most important factor by far. If you take some seeds from some shitty dirt weed you are going to grow shitty dirt weed. It might be better than the dirt weed it came from but it's still going to be shitty. No let's say you take those same shitty seeds and grow it in a hydro system. Now you are going to end up with MORE shitty weed, faster. In the Navy we had a saying. "Shit in, Shit out".

I've learned a lot in the last 35+ years of growing. I don't focus much on technique so much as finding the right strain. You know, the grass is always fucking greener, blah, blah! I pretty much know which techniques work and which ones don't. I think I've learned more from my mistakes than from my success! If there is a way to fuck up, I've done twice! The first time I fuck up it's usually because I'm stoned but the second time it's always because I'm stoned! haha Anyway I regress...

I'm going to be doing some side-by-side testing with soil vs. hydro (actually Aero/DWC) this next batch. I'm going to use my Kandy Kush strain and document the whole process. Then I'm going to do a blind taste test and see who wins. I'll be comparing yield, ease of use, taste, smell, etc...

I'll post my findings here and on my website. Of course I'll also update my book and send it in to High Times magazine. They love that shit! I'm also tempted on running one of my Aero/NFT systems with synthetic nutes. What do you guys think? Doesn't everyone agree it's time to quit talking shit and do some actual scientific tests? What are the real differences? Stay tuned!


Well-Known Member
I actually use powder feed from greenhouse seeds. My main line is advanced I run rockwool, I do two in powder feed two in soil for organic people(use iguana juice for soil). If you guys are looking for good results and super simple mixing I'd def recommend the powder feed. No endless bottles to mix just a bag of powder mix in water feed plants.

i know how some feel about greenhouse seeds, but if u can put that aside the powder feed is a great product for the hydroponic grower.


Rebel From The North
No worries dude. My rant wasn't aimed at you...... Just the comment about taste. Taste is all perspective and preference. I can taste nasty things in lots of soil weed. Most of the weed people smoke is soil because so few try hydro. The bulk of this debate is being had by people who haven't smoked or grown much hydro at all.

Also- It's not a rant, but a mere whisper, compared to the moaning chorus of scardy cats who will jump in and tell aspiring growers that if they're not doing what SubCool or "The Rev" (what a disgustingly arrogant nickname btw ever notice?) suggest, then your weed will be horrible tasting corporate shit. Fortunately, in reality, there is as much truth and validity to what "The Rev" and SubCool says as most Reverends and Preachers......

MY goodness! The raw volume of UN-FLUSHABLE, UNNECESSARY crap in most "organic" growers mediums at harvest time is ridiculous. And then they have the bare faced arrogance and pomposity to waffle on about the taste of other peoples weed! I mean seriously? Are these fucking kooks for realsies? I'm not saying that they have bad tasting weed or that their soil mixes don't work. I'm just saying that $ for $ gram for gram...... I just know they'll be tasting more rotting animal shit and foliage in their organic weed than you'll be tasting water soluble salt compounds in my hydro. I'm not trying to be an asshole, but lets be honest..... There is a holier than thou attitude to a lot of soil and organic growing, like they're working hand in hand with mother Gia while us hydro guys are like a Cannabis GM or Ford. The reality is soil requires a car or truck to lug it home..... I can jump on the metro and come home with my nutes and rockwool in a backpack. I re-wash hydroton/corn. It's all swings and roundabouts.

Soil is great. Heck, some people grow fucking great weed in soil. Is it the ONLY way? Nope. Is it the best way? Nope. Not even close according to this grower.

Nice post jump... I retract my rant statement and agree with you 100% now that i know where your coming from.
and is the #1 reason i went hydro many years ago.


Well-Known Member
It's not as simple as A vs. B! Everything depends on what your goals are. If you are a medical patient then all that matters is finding what works best for your pain, nausea, insomnia, etc... You are not looking for quantity or even quality but a specific trait that benefits yourself. A medical patient is not looking at grams per watt or speed in flowering. They don't care if it takes 12 weeks to finish a plant if it helps their pain. It's not hard to grow enough medicine for yourself and a few friends at virtually not cost to yourself. Small donations can cover the costs. I'm personally from the medical side of things. I have a card and stay within State laws and guide lines. I'm not interested in making a profit off of my patients.

If you are a commercial grower then you are mostly looking at profit. That's when gram per watt comes into play. But wait, let's stop for a second and do some math. In WA state power is 7 cents a kilowatt. That means to run a 1000W light for 12 hours it would cost 84 cents a day or $26 a month. To run a 1000W light in WA it costs a little over $50 a harvest. Now of course the veg room costs more but you can run less light there. Now factor in growing costs like nutrients or soil and you soon realize it's all kind of stupid. Why? Think about it for a second. How much are buds going for? It's not hard to get a pound per light if you have the right strain. I'm just saying...

Stinkbud's 5 minute grow lesson:

-Go buy some Kandy Kush seeds and start them in Fox Farm soil in a 2 gal pot.
-Mix up some super soil using SubCool's Super Soil recipe, get it wet and let it cook for a month. Add some kelp and extra perlite to the mix.
-Crop the plants starting at the 5th internode. You want as many branches as possible. More branches equal more bud sites.
-After a month or so move the plants into 10 gal containers with the Super Soil mix.
-Build a PVC pipe frame to hold 4 inch netting. Train the plants by bending and super-cropping. Make everything grow out sideways not up.
-Keep the plants watered. Let them completely dry out between water to help keep pests in check and promote root growth. (Most growers over water)
-The plants will start to turn color and run out of nutrients around the 6-7 week. Don't worry this is a natural flush and will make the buds smoke clean.
-Wait until you know the plants are done then stop and give them another week. Trust me on this!
-Now harvest and let the plant dry as SLOW as possible. How slow? Well you don't want it to mold but a week is better than a day if that helps.
-Trim the buds and put them in a glass jar. Burp the jar every day until they smell nice and sweet.
-Now sit down at the table with all your hydro buddies and throw down. Watch everyone STFU.
-Now go find someone in pain and give them some of your medicine for free. Sorry bro, you gotta pay up.
Spread the Love.

You can expect about a pound per 1000W light if you follow this simple recipe. Or you can grow even more using my Aero/NFT design. They are both easy as fuck to grow with. I've seen thousands of first timers hit crazy yields their first time and it's usually better quality than they've ever had before.

I guess what I'm saying is let's try not to focus on quantity, it's just not that big of deal.


Well-Known Member
It's not as simple as A vs. B! Everything depends on what your goals are. If you are a medical patient then all that matters is finding what works best for your pain, nausea, insomnia, etc... You are not looking for quantity or even quality but a specific trait that benefits yourself. A medical patient is not looking at grams per watt or speed in flowering. They don't care if it takes 12 weeks to finish a plant if it helps their pain. It's not hard to grow enough medicine for yourself and a few friends at virtually not cost to yourself. Small donations can cover the costs. I'm personally from the medical side of things. I have a card and stay within State laws and guide lines. I'm not interested in making a profit off of my patients.

If you are a commercial grower then you are mostly looking at profit. That's when gram per watt comes into play. But wait, let's stop for a second and do some math. In WA state power is 7 cents a kilowatt. That means to run a 1000W light for 12 hours it would cost 84 cents a day or $26 a month. To run a 1000W light in WA it costs a little over $50 a harvest. Now of course the veg room costs more but you can run less light there. Now factor in growing costs like nutrients or soil and you soon realize it's all kind of stupid. Why? Think about it for a second. How much are buds going for? It's not hard to get a pound per light if you have the right strain. I'm just saying...

Stinkbud's 5 minute grow lesson:

-Go buy some Kandy Kush seeds and start them in Fox Farm soil in a 2 gal pot.
-Mix up some super soil using SubCool's Super Soil recipe, get it wet and let it cook for a month. Add some kelp and extra perlite to the mix.
-Crop the plants starting at the 5th internode. You want as many branches as possible. More branches equal more bud sites.
-After a month or so move the plants into 10 gal containers with the Super Soil mix.
-Build a PVC pipe frame to hold 4 inch netting. Train the plants by bending and super-cropping. Make everything grow out sideways not up.
-Keep the plants watered. Let them completely dry out between water to help keep pests in check and promote root growth. (Most growers over water)
-The plants will start to turn color and run out of nutrients around the 6-7 week. Don't worry this is a natural flush and will make the buds smoke clean.
-Wait until you know the plants are done then stop and give them another week. Trust me on this!
-Now harvest and let the plant dry as SLOW as possible. How slow? Well you don't want it to mold but a week is better than a day if that helps.
-Trim the buds and put them in a glass jar. Burp the jar every day until they smell nice and sweet.
-Now sit down at the table with all your hydro buddies and throw down. Watch everyone STFU.
-Now go find someone in pain and give them some of your medicine for free. Sorry bro, you gotta pay up.
Spread the Love.

You can expect about a pound per 1000W light if you follow this simple recipe. Or you can grow even more using my Aero/NFT design. They are both easy as fuck to grow with. I've seen thousands of first timers hit crazy yields their first time and it's usually better quality than they've ever had before.

I guess what I'm saying is let's try not to focus on quantity. It's just not the most imports thing in the whole scheme of things.
Gotta agree weight is not everything! I have a couple of plants that their yield is just ridiculously small, but the quality of the smoke is ridiculously high. Ill put it this way the first time I tried some buds out subs supersoil I stfu too! Also ordered me a charge pack that same day. While I won't completely switch to SS I have to say the quality is def there. My SS will be ready for running in a couple weeks excited to see the results.


Well-Known Member
You can expect about a pound per 1000W light if you follow this simple recipe.
I guess what I'm saying is let's try not to focus on quantity.
:lol: No... let's not focus on quantity if you expect only a pound from a 1000watter...

I've seen thousands of first timers hit crazy yields their first time and it's usually better quality than know.
Wait...what!? You told thousands of beginners a pound from a 1000w is ok and for more they should try your Aero/NFT design? :o So what did you tell them how much a "crazy yield" is? :lol: If you get a pound from a 1000watter more than one thing went very very wrong.

Sorry dude, but after reading your post above including the random and general grow tips, you shouldn't be giving lessons, you should be taking them.


Well-Known Member
:lol: No... let's not focus on quantity if you expect only a pound from a 1000watter...

Wait...what!? You told thousands of beginners a pound from a 1000w is ok and for more they should try your Aero/NFT design? :o So what did you tell them how much a "crazy yield" is? :lol: If you get a pound from a 1000watter more than one thing went very very wrong.

Sorry dude, but after reading your post above including the random and general grow tips, you shouldn't be giving lessons, you should be taking them.
I've actually hit over 2lbs per light with my Aero/NFT system. My buddy harvested 20oz from one StinkBud Hybrid Aero/DWC system under one 1000W light. My book is titled "Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks" but that's just a catchy title. You can actually harvest a lot more with the right strains, CO2, and lot's of light. Years ago I was running just 2-1000W lights and 3 rack systems. I've harvested as much as 27oz. from one rack. If I were to harvest all 3 racks at once that would be 81oz. from 2-1000W lights or 40.5oz per light. That equates to 2.53 pounds per light. If you don't believe me go read my thread. All the pictures, plans, instructions are there. Thousands of people have done the exact same thing. Go read their posts too and you will see for yourself. Really bro, go check it out...

That doesn't matter to me though. All that I care about is quality. Remember, I'm growing medicine for patients, not running a commercial grow. I run 6 lights in flower and 2 lights in veg. Each light only costs $60 per harvest but can yield a pound of the best bud on Earth. Do the math bro. It not hard to add lights. So what if it costs me $60 more in power costs to grow with soil vs. Hydro. I save more than that on nutrients anyway.

All I'm saying is both hydro and soil are legit ways to grow. Please don't think I'm disrespectful in anyway. I totally respect everyone's opinion and value your input. How ever you decide to grow, it's all good! I wish you nothing but success and hope that you too will spread the love!


Well-Known Member
Please don't think I'm disrespectful in anyway.
Oh me neither, at most I'm being honest about what I think:

If you don't believe me go read my thread.
Well, that's the thing, I have no reason to not believe you, as it's not nearly as 'special' as you seem to think.

Really bro, go check it out...
I'm sorry, I read a load of threads here everyday, learn a lot from many people, but I have no motivation to read your thread in particular yet. You are like "look I can jump 40 inch high with my homemade shoes, check it out if you don't believe me". See my point?

If not, let me put it this way: soil, organic, nft, aero, 1gpw is very doable on all of them, especially with a 1000watter. That's coming from someone who considers himself just an average grower, but to compare to your 5 min lesson, my 1 min lesson:
- Get a tent or build a closet of 5x5x7.
- Hang a 1000watter in it, or as we call it for obvious reasons, roughly translated: "a kilo boomer" (named after cheap chickenwings deals at groceries shops..) and make sure it has a quality reflector/hood above it
- Add an exhaust and an active or passive intake (twice the size of the exhaust)
- Add reflective foil or aluminum plates on all inner walls
- Put 4 to 9 plants in it in whatever medium or medium-less system. Top the 9, or crop/scrog/lst 4-6 plants or so.
- Veg for a month or so (less with hydro or good clones) and switch to 12/12
- Don't under/over feed/water
- Uhm... geez... what else... ah yeah, sit back and poke your nose. Maybe build a small CFL germ/preveg box to keep the flow going.

Obviously there's more to it, but follow these steps and only with grower-error or some low-yielding strains will result in less than 1.5pounds. Do it with a good yielding strain, possibly with a 5.5x5.5 area and you'll be looking at 1gpw and realize that CO2 can be used to push 'that' amount further. If you need CO2 to reach 1gpw on a good yeilder you're doing something wrong which you should fix first.

That doesn't matter to me though. All that I care about is quality.
For me it's quality over quantity, I don't even really try to get max just to see what it would result in, but I still prefer the largest possible quantities of that quality. I frankly don't see how your 'I grow for medical patients' comment is relevant. Sounds a little holier-than-thou compared to those who don't. I grow for connoisseurs only - me and my wife.

I didn't realize you have 'a book', but now I understand why you pretend like a pound from a 1k watter is ok for beginners if they follow your steps, that unrealistic low yield only failed grows result in makes 'your' system's results look twice as good than it really is. Clever, like the 'spreading the love'... sounds to me you're trying to sell something that's not as good as you make it sounds. Mentioning it won't earn you the cred you might expect though, writing a book doesn't create credibility or makes you an authoritative source, it should actually be the other way around.

I wish you nothing but success and hope that you too will spread the love!
Pretty sure I won't be one of your followers, sorry. I've seen your thread the first day I signed up at RIU, but the title alone made me avoid it. I'll give it a look. Curious what else you have to say :)

I wish people a lot of success too, but won't let them think they achieved something by lowering the bar so far there's nothing left to accomplish. Always aim for 1gpw, if it turns out to be 0.75 per watt, still be happy but look for ways to improve, did you get 0.5 p/w, look for and solve the problems that led to that low amount, and if you get a pound from 1000watter then forget all you think you know and start over with the basics.

I've actually hit over 2lbs per light with my Aero/NFT system
Point is: that's nothing special (stink)buddy. I don't want to start a pissing contest, but converted to gpw and applied to a 600watt and only 5 plants, I did that on my first and last organic soil grow after 6 years not growing (soil with mineral nutes then, hydro now)... heck, I even used a 400watt for vegging and sexing. Oh, even better, the first ten days or so, germinating and then some, they are under 54watt...

I know, you mentioned something about not wanting to make it all about quantity in your previous post already, yet at the same time you made claims about how your methods and system (i.o.w. your book) leads to high yields so...

And a little more on-topic: when I smoked the 2-months cured result of that "first and last" organic grow, it was the best weed I ever smoked in over 2 decades. Sure, my own, biased as hell, but I shit you not, best shit I ever smoked, 4 months in a row. Finished my first round hydro after that, result has been curing for about 6 weeks or so, and guess what... it's the best fucking tasting cannabis I ever smoked. Yeah cannabis, can't even call it weed anymore.


Well-Known Member
And a little more on-topic: when I smoked the 2-months cured result of that "first and last" organic grow, it was the best weed I ever smoked in over 2 decades. Sure, my own, biased as hell, but I shit you not, best shit I ever smoked, 4 months in a row. Finished my first round hydro after that, result has been curing for about 6 weeks or so, and guess what... it's the best fucking tasting cannabis I ever smoked. Yeah cannabis, can't even call it weed anymore.
I'm glad for your success! I'm sure your friends and family enjoy it also. It sounds like you know what you're doing and don't need some old grey hippy goat fucker like me to give you advice. I don't mean to offend you in any way so please don't take it the wrong way.

I know this may sound silly but I really like you. You got the right attitude! Don't believe what you hear bro. Don't believe me. Find out for yourself and make your own decisions. Fuck us old Kooks! haha Holy shit! I just realized I was wearing a fucking tie-dyed tee shirt!

Oh yea, have you ever tried Kiteboarding? It's the shit! Best sport on Earth. Google it...

Here's some of my shit. The cloner is actually quite good. Put a pencil in it and in couple of days you'll have a fucking tree! No hard feelings bro...Freinds?:)
It's much harder to obtain a large crop doing soil. The bigger the crop, the more sense it makes to do hydro. That's why cash croppers are always doing hydro not screwing about with big pots of heavy soil...


New Member
It's not as simple as A vs. B! Everything depends on what your goals are. If you are a medical patient then all that matters is finding what works best for your pain, nausea, insomnia, etc... You are not looking for quantity or even quality but a specific trait that benefits yourself. A medical patient is not looking at grams per watt or speed in flowering. They don't care if it takes 12 weeks to finish a plant if it helps their pain. It's not hard to grow enough medicine for yourself and a few friends at virtually not cost to yourself. Small donations can cover the costs. I'm personally from the medical side of things. I have a card and stay within State laws and guide lines. I'm not interested in making a profit off of my patients.

If you are a commercial grower then you are mostly looking at profit. That's when gram per watt comes into play. But wait, let's stop for a second and do some math. In WA state power is 7 cents a kilowatt. That means to run a 1000W light for 12 hours it would cost 84 cents a day or $26 a month. To run a 1000W light in WA it costs a little over $50 a harvest. Now of course the veg room costs more but you can run less light there. Now factor in growing costs like nutrients or soil and you soon realize it's all kind of stupid. Why? Think about it for a second. How much are buds going for? It's not hard to get a pound per light if you have the right strain. I'm just saying...

Stinkbud's 5 minute grow lesson:

-Go buy some Kandy Kush seeds and start them in Fox Farm soil in a 2 gal pot.
-Mix up some super soil using SubCool's Super Soil recipe, get it wet and let it cook for a month. Add some kelp and extra perlite to the mix.
-Crop the plants starting at the 5th internode. You want as many branches as possible. More branches equal more bud sites.
-After a month or so move the plants into 10 gal containers with the Super Soil mix.
-Build a PVC pipe frame to hold 4 inch netting. Train the plants by bending and super-cropping. Make everything grow out sideways not up.
-Keep the plants watered. Let them completely dry out between water to help keep pests in check and promote root growth. (Most growers over water)
-The plants will start to turn color and run out of nutrients around the 6-7 week. Don't worry this is a natural flush and will make the buds smoke clean.
-Wait until you know the plants are done then stop and give them another week. Trust me on this!
-Now harvest and let the plant dry as SLOW as possible. How slow? Well you don't want it to mold but a week is better than a day if that helps.
-Trim the buds and put them in a glass jar. Burp the jar every day until they smell nice and sweet.
-Now sit down at the table with all your hydro buddies and throw down. Watch everyone STFU.
-Now go find someone in pain and give them some of your medicine for free. Sorry bro, you gotta pay up.
Spread the Love.

You can expect about a pound per 1000W light if you follow this simple recipe. Or you can grow even more using my Aero/NFT design. They are both easy as fuck to grow with. I've seen thousands of first timers hit crazy yields their first time and it's usually better quality than they've ever had before.

I guess what I'm saying is let's try not to focus on quantity, it's just not that big of deal.
First- it's about the quality of your quantity. Both are important. Let us not lie. I'm bored of hearing people say it's ALL about quality. It's not just about quality. You have to consider yield. Take tomatoes..... Is there any point in undertaking to grow tomatoes if the end result is that you don't have enough for your soupe? I mean you could have a really exquisite mini soupe......? Wouldn't that border on folly?

StinkBud- Good shit man. Glad you're on it. Ma conseil pour toi- is to drop down from the 1000w. Nothing says noob to Dutch growers like when they see N. Americans taking a sledge hammer to hammer a nail and then standing back all proud, practically demanding lavish praise and support. It's like the motoring world equivalent of American manufacturers setting fast times around easy tracks with 7 Litre engines and expecting Japanese and German manufacturers to feel rivaled. I don't think anyone who needs 1000w has really thought about growing enough!! If you did, then you surely wouldn't choose to use the largest, most expensive and inefficient of all the bulb sizes(?). 400w and 600w can do double what 1000w can. It's like Nascar(5.87L) v Formula 1(2.4L)...... Without the ugly people and the racism....... Oh wait! This is RIU! Anyways........ My point is....... In response to people like StinkBud: European/closet hydro growers are like- "Oui Monsieur..... You 'ave 'ammered zat nail.". What else is there to say to you? The alternative is to say- "Zut alors! Did you see zat? Zat clever, clever American man! 'Eee took zat fucking massif 'ammer and 'ee whacked zee tiny nail! Incroyable!"........... I have never been enticed by a light that covers a larger area, less efficiently, for more money........ I also heavily dispute the all in one soil mix....not in terms of its success, but in terms of it being turned to like a standard or as a default.... I mean does SubCool know how strong or weak a feeder my plant is in my climate? Then how can he or any other so arbitrarily propose such a long term feed plan? I like soil and organics depending on degrees N or S
...... I just don't think that the drive thru, all in one super combo, in a jumbo bucket, under a huge light is hugely clever or innovative! Anybody herding new growers down this path is merely staving off the trial and error induced learning curve that comes with growing good. They are not helping them to some sort of cannabis epiphany. You can't read one guys book, use one guys recipe or base things on one mans word and grow top draw.......... It just doesn't work like that....... Can one person teach you what makes a good wine? Can one person teach you how to design a classic sports car? Can you learn everything there is to know about making love from a one night stand?........ I'm glad you like being a teacher! Everyone likes to give advice, even better to have others follow it. I'm pleased you get over a llb a light. Getting 1g/p/w (or more) is "easy" if you drop to a 600w. You don't need to worry about cycles being shared between lights....... 1 light, 1 cycle, 1 table- 600g-900g. I'm not trying to make a revelation or be a big shot.... Lots of good hydro growers will explain this. It has been done in old threads. Even older threads showed people how to make a good soil mix and stick a plant out under the sun for the summer. None of us are that clever. We are ALL walking paths walked before...... Taking old knowledge, compiling and rehashing it, then presenting it expecting praise is fraudulent and conceited. Only the sycophantic will welcome it as some kind of revelation.I am trying to be a little bit rude because I can't help but feel you were more than a little pompous with your grow lessons....... It is my job to be pompous 'round here. It is also my job to be rude, so you can all continue as normal....... Nothing to see hear. Just jumpy0ne being pompous and rude. Move along!

As far as this topic goes...... It's all down to location for me. Part of my conversion to hydro was becoming urbanised. I left the fields and headed for the big smoke! I don't need muddy footprints leading to my door.


Rebel From The North
All this talk about 1lb to 2 off a 1000 lol

best yields to date with a ebb table 600w = 2lb 3zips and not just a fluke its almost everytime

coco runs have been real close to the above with 600w

and thats with zero co2 or pk boosters just base nutes a dialed in room and a good strain