What method do you use to tie down or tuck away fan leaves?


Active Member
I have a theory for Outdoor: In the early stages the fan leaves are responsible for the general growth of the plant (roots and steams) also to inhibit the growth of lower branches and competition from another plants; the more fan leaves with direct sunlight the faster the plants grow. In flowering stage the sugar leaves are responsible for growing the flowers; inside buds/sugar leaves don't get enough direct sunlight even if you have lots of fan leaves in the outside and they get all fluffy.


Well-Known Member
More light to the buds??? Really??? Why???

Flowers/buds generate a very insignificant amount of photosynthesis. Those leaves that you want to tie up do most all of the solar energy conversion into plant energy conversion.

Why is it so important to tie down the leaves so that the buds get all the light???

What is the chloroplast ratio between buds and leaves???

What do the flowers do with all of that light that you're robbing from the leaves???
I don't know the answer to those questions. I'm learning and I'd genuinely like to know so I'll go look for that information. I didn't get a chance today but tomorrow I'm gonna do that flashlight test that was posted above.


Well-Known Member
I have a theory for Outdoor: In the early stages the fan leaves are responsible for the general growth of the plant (roots and steams) also to inhibit the growth of lower branches and competition from another plants; the more fan leaves with direct sunlight the faster the plants grow. In flowering stage the sugar leaves are responsible for growing the flowers; inside buds/sugar leaves don't get enough direct sunlight even if you have lots of fan leaves in the outside and they get all fluffy.

what are sugar leaves?


Well-Known Member
More light to the buds??? Really??? Why???

Flowers/buds generate a very insignificant amount of photosynthesis. Those leaves that you want to tie up do most all of the solar energy conversion into plant energy conversion.

Why is it so important to tie down the leaves so that the buds get all the light???

What is the chloroplast ratio between buds and leaves???

What do the flowers do with all of that light that you're robbing from the leaves???
You can do as you please with this plant and it will grow just fine, why over think it? Oh, BTW , nice PM you sent me...just because you didn't like it being called out for calling Krspies stupid. You can certainly dish it out but can't take it eh, moron? Be helpful and stop the criticism and for gods sake...GROW up!!


Well-Known Member
ok for the record I am NOT a HE I am a she. If you read even my signature you can tell I'm not a dude and no I am NOT stupid. I obviously don't know what I'm doing and I admit it. I don't care that I'm not some farming guru. If you had bothered to read my profile you would have read that I openly admit to being a city girl with absolutely no knowledge of growing anything.I'm just enjoying the experience so get your panties out of that wad and get your dick out of your ass and act like you have some common courtesy. If you think what I'm doing is not good for my plants then just let me know because that's why I'm posting here..to learn. if you are an asshole to me I will be an ass hole to you. I'm simply here to learn folks...go take another hit. I think you need some calming effects.
I could not tell if you were a female from your signature. This day in age there are dudes marrying dudes and woman marrying woman, so no not a given. just thought I'd point that out. Carry on ! lol


Active Member
You can do as you please with this plant and it will grow just fine, why over think it? Oh, BTW , nice PM you sent me...just because you didn't like it being called out for calling Krspies stupid. You can certainly dish it out but can't take it eh, moron? Be helpful and stop the criticism and for gods sake...GROW up!!
You continue to be a laugher. I NEVER called the OP "stupid". NEVER. That's just pathetic BS that you made up.

What I did say... exactly... is that tying up leaves together is dumb. And it is dumb. I was obviously commenting on the action and not the person, but you had to twist my words into something else. So that you could look like some kind of hero in front of the lady. Pathetic.

You need to grow up and stop intentionally misquoting people. That's very weak. And that's why I sent you a private message.


Well-Known Member
I could not tell if you were a female from your signature. This day in age there are dudes marrying dudes and woman marrying woman, so no not a given. just thought I'd point that out. Carry on ! lol
hahaha good point!! check out my new signature :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
For those that are having a not so nice discussion over pms and here, can't we just get along? everyone go roll one, roll one for me too cuz I'm down to resin today. for those sticking up for me, thank you. I appreciate it.


Well-Known Member
You continue to be a laugher. I NEVER called the OP "stupid". NEVER. That's just pathetic BS that you made up.

What I did say... exactly... is that tying up leaves together is dumb. And it is dumb. I was obviously commenting on the action and not the person, but you had to twist my words into something else. So that you could look like some kind of hero in front of the lady. Pathetic.

You need to grow up and stop intentionally misquoting people. That's very weak. And that's why I sent you a private message.
stop sending unwanted PM's especially when all you can do is insult and name call. YOU grow up, Get it?? People like you disgust me. Being helpful is one thing, being an ASSHOLE is another one entirely. go join grasscity or some other low life forum.


Well-Known Member
Due to the awesome power generated by the sun, no leaf tucking or tying is needed when growing outdoors...IMO


Active Member
stop sending unwanted PM's especially when all you can do is insult and name call. YOU grow up, Get it?? People like you disgust me. Being helpful is one thing, being an ASSHOLE is another one entirely. go join grasscity or some other low life forum.
I sent you exactly ONE PM. Because you have obviously decided to make this thread into a juvenile attack thread for your own dysfunctional, self-loathing pleasure.

Ironic how you call me out publicly as a "moron" and now an "asshole", and yet you're "disgusted" with name calling and insults. Hypocrisy at its finest... And you still won't find anywhere on this thread where I called out the OP as "stupid". Just another accusation/lie that you made up.

I can only surmise that you are an emotionally distressed, angry little man. Light one up and try to have a reasonably happy life. We'd all appreciate that...


Well-Known Member
Tuck, don't tuck, defoliate, don't defoliate, the amazing thing about this plant is that it's very forgiving. I've done tucking, tying, defoliation, all kinds of different things to this plant and in most cases it comes out fine. Just experiment and see what happens; if you like the results great, if not, try something else. It's the only way you'll learn. Much better IMHO than just relying on the advise you'll get here. So seeds are expensive...well then use clones or, even better, breed your own seeds. It doesn't take a genius or a holier than thou attitude to grow pot. At the end of the day, it's JUST A PLANT, nothing more nothing less.

Just have fun and grow!


Well-Known Member
I sent you exactly ONE PM. Because you have obviously decided to make this thread into a juvenile attack thread for your own dysfunctional, self-loathing pleasure.

Ironic how you call me out publicly as a "moron" and now an "asshole", and yet you're "disgusted" with name calling and insults. Hypocrisy at its finest... And you still won't find anywhere on this thread where I called out the OP as "stupid". Just another accusation/lie that you made up.

I can only surmise that you are an emotionally distressed, angry little man. Light one up and try to have a reasonably happy life. We'd all appreciate that...
Wow, I honestly feel very sorry for you. You obviously have a modicum of intelligence yet you choose to berate and belittle other posters who disagree with you. I have yet to find a thread where you haven't put down other posters at some point. This is supposed to be a harmonious place where we can share and learn about this plant we all love but instead you choose to insult other posters. Nice, really nice. YOU, my friend, are the one who needs to take a hit or two and relax. You're obviously having issues with self esteem and, perhaps, question your own self-worth. Hopefully you will, at some point, seek and find some professional help before you really piss somebody off. God knows you need it!

You take these forums, and clearly, yourself, way too seriously. Lighten up!


Active Member
Wow, I honestly feel very sorry for you. You obviously have a modicum of intelligence yet you choose to berate and belittle other posters who disagree with you. I have yet to find a thread where you haven't put down other posters at some point. This is supposed to be a harmonious place where we can share and learn about this plant we all love but instead you choose to insult other posters. Nice, really nice. YOU, my friend, are the one who needs to take a hit or two and relax. You're obviously having issues with self esteem and, perhaps, question your own self-worth. Hopefully you will, at some point, seek and find some professional help before you really piss somebody off. God knows you need it!

You take these forums, and clearly, yourself, way too seriously. Lighten up!
Little man, you are clearly full of shit. And your latest PM, with the ridiculously cryptic threat, was hysterical...=>

< "It'd be awful if something happened because you pissed the wrong person off.....you never know WHAT people do for a living, now do you?" >

If you are a leo, as your last PM strongly suggested, then why don't you just take all of us down? LMAO

You are a first rate ass clown!!!


Well-Known Member
Little man, you are clearly full of shit. And your latest PM, with the ridiculously cryptic threat, was hysterical...=>

< "It'd be awful if something happened because you pissed the wrong person off.....you never know WHAT people do for a living, now do you?" >

If you are a leo, as your last PM strongly suggested, then why don't you just take all of us down? LMAO

You are a first rate ass clown!!!
Better than being a second class condescending fool, eh? Go away little man!


Well-Known Member
Wtf is all this asshattery about?
Indeed! I agree; time to stop! How about it EZ? You man enough to bury the hatchet and carry on like normal folk? I'll stop being an ass and hopefully you'll be a little less condescending to folks here.


Well-Known Member
Little man, you are clearly full of shit. And your latest PM, with the ridiculously cryptic threat, was hysterical...=>

< "It'd be awful if something happened because you pissed the wrong person off.....you never know WHAT people do for a living, now do you?" >

If you are a leo, as your last PM strongly suggested, then why don't you just take all of us down? LMAO

You are a first rate ass clown!!!
Dude, I HAVE to reply to this...LEO?? Haha no way...my point was that you seem hell bent on pissing people off and that someday you may very well get your ass handed to you on a plate...just saying be careful. I am unable to do anything of the sort since I'm wheelchair bound and would have a hard time hurting anyone. So, really, let's stop the BS and try to get along shall we?


Well-Known Member
Just a thought. If a outdoor MJ plant is growing at 100% efficiency should not the leafs be sticking straight up reaching for the sun? When a MJ plant is doing this there is no need to tuck or pluck for they are sticking straight up and already out of the way of each other.

First and 3rd pics are mine. Notice how the leafs are sticking up and not blocking any sun from lower leafs. Also I have noticed the night before a MJ plant will wilt from needing water the plants will stick it's leafs up even at night time. After a good watering the plants leafs will sleep at night if you will. Until the night before it needs water again. Not that this night stuff has anything to do with this topic. I just leafs sticking up at night fascinating.

Agree or disagree about my leaf theory? Also about how lite travels right thru MJ leafs anyway. Do the flashlight test I talked about a few pages back.

Edit repost for this thread:

  • I do remove any leafs that touch the ground when the plant is wet.

    I am firm on leaving the fan leafs. anybody can do this test. Take a flashlight out at night. Hold 5 leafs together on top of each other. The light will travel right thru them. Then shine the light up the stem of your plant. each leaf will light up like a light bulb. What I am trying to say is sun light can travel right thru MJ leafs very easy. It may look like shade inside your plant but much more is going on.

    I ran into some thick kush bushes that I had to thin out though. But for the most part I let them leafs be. One also has to consider airflow for like high Powdery mildew and moldy grow areas as far as thinning inside and bottom of plants.

    Do the flashlight test and you will see what I am talking about.​


