Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (the search for some ladies)


Well-Known Member
Nice. I bought a coir product from that same shop, it's called Wonder Soil. Basically coco coir with water saving polymers and worm castings. The cannabis plants love it...just have to feed more often and watch out for cal/mag issues and I think I'll be golden.


Well-Known Member
5 Killa Queen X Blue Hammer ... 3 K.O. Kush F4 from sannies in my clone tub,but with 6 ..1 gal brown grow pouch`s. Under 24/0 light now to keep temp up .. just untill they pop up ..air temp up around 85 deg F. Box size is 20" x 14" x 17" deep... 1.94 sqft.. 8 .. 23watt cfls = 184 watts total and 95 watts per sq ft at 6804 lumens per sq ft 13200 lumens total. I may do some veg time few weeks at most , top them, tie them down tight then flower. Point of this is to make more seed. of the Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (make f2) as well as cross it with the ko kush f4 (3 seeds started..only need 1 female)
7 K.O. Kush F4 beans left for a future project. Will Do F5`s and a interesting cross or 2 hopefully. So here pollen bearer will be
Killa Queen X Blue Hammer, and i will not cull any male ,unless its totaly unruly. Soil ...real black magic soil,perlite, netural peat based grow mix. Seed started in sannies spongepot..watered in with provided bacto mixed with bottled spring water.

All water will be reverse osmosis filtered city water.. 0% chlorine

random starting pics... dry ferts to be mixed up and used well as... some good Fish hydrolysate and powdered kelp ( commercial source ) nitron A-35 and Earth Juice Catalyst ...

With these genes you can create anything :) the next winner is in here :) I will take them far enough to get seed....and then will try to reveg... Let Life Begin :)


yeah camera phone pics to start...2 mp... its the only thing I had on me.... 8mp + pics when things get going :)


5 Killa Queen X Blue Hammer ... 3 K.O. Kush F4 from sannies in my clone tub,but with 6 ..1 gal brown grow pouch`s. Under 24/0 light now to keep temp up .. just untill they pop up ..air temp up around 85 deg F. Box size is 20" x 14" x 17" deep... 1.94 sqft.. 8 .. 23watt cfls = 184 watts total and 95 watts per sq ft at 6804 lumens per sq ft 13200 lumens total. I may do some veg time few weeks at most , top them, tie them down tight then flower. Point of this is to make more seed. of the Killa Queen X Blue Hammer (make f2) as well as cross it with the ko kush f4 (3 seeds started..only need 1 female)
7 K.O. Kush F4 beans left for a future project. Will Do F5`s and a interesting cross or 2 hopefully. So here pollen bearer will be
Killa Queen X Blue Hammer, and i will not cull any male ,unless its totaly unruly. Soil ...real black magic soil,perlite, netural peat based grow mix. Seed started in sannies spongepot..watered in with provided bacto mixed with bottled spring water.

All water will be reverse osmosis filtered city water.. 0% chlorine

random starting pics... dry ferts to be mixed up and used well as... some good Fish hydrolysate and powdered kelp ( commercial source ) nitron A-35 and Earth Juice Catalyst ...

With these genes you can create anything :) the next winner is in here :) I will take them far enough to get seed....and then will try to reveg... Let Life Begin :)

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yeah camera phone pics to start...2 mp... its the only thing I had on me.... 8mp + pics when things get going :)

Cool, will be fun to follow! im really impressed by this strain, it grows so fast and responds well to lst. This strain will be great to scrogg. i will update whit pics soon. She is getting huge.


Well-Known Member
I had a good laugh at my own expense today guys.

So I got my 3 gallon grow bags today and decided to transplant. Started with the KQxBH...or so I thought. Apparently, I managed to mix up 2 of them with 2 Cheeseberry plants. They're all labeled, but who needs to read the labels, I know which plants are which, right? :lol: Fortunately I realized my mistake before I got things hopelessly confused.

You know what the kicker is? That stoner move was made stone cold sober...just me being a mental defective again. :dunce:


Ok this is wierd. or is it? My clones that i took 3 weeks ago has already showed sex :D the mom showed fast aswell like 1-2 days in to flower, but she was on 12/12. my clones have 24h of light. is this normal? its the first time im taking clones and my second grow ever.



Well-Known Member
It's my understanding that a clone is as old as the mother it came from, which means it will be faster to mature and show sex compared to a plant from seed.


Little Uppdate, notice the 2 tops in the back growing over my lamp, i cant move it higher lol i need to get a small cfl on top of them :)



Well-Known Member

  • inhale112

    sorry but that 1 female in that box? you say you topped 1 time at the 2nd node...seeing yours stretch... I`ll be topping at least 2 times :) Yeah ..I`m changing my mind ..gonna 2 or 3 times ...create clones, almost 100% germ rate...I transplanted last night..into 1 gal grow pouch`s... 3 jh x kq going strong this morning...1 had 3 cotyledon ( seed leaves) it`s the 4th and a runt but it looks like its gonna make it...greened up and perked up.. as of this morn... the 5th bean... popped and is comeing.. but still as of this morning is still in the sponge pot and in intensive care. please hope for the best. :) pics soon... the light colored seed I got of the K.O. Kush f4 that I was worried about....popped up at like between 40 hours and say 60 hours... all 3 were up and strong 100% germ 3 out of 3 .. transplanted ..going strong..... inhale112 ... cfl`s on the top in the back ..good idea..and or try to slowly carefully bend those tall branchs ...something tells me bud weight.. will do some bending for you mite wanna plan for support ties from up top... that looks like its gonna be a box full of buds :) Can you post some early macro / closeups of the young nugs :) ??

    Wishing all the best !!



Stonehead69 ^^

yes its only 1 plant in the tent she has atleast 15 tops, i did only top it 1 time at second nod so i got 4 tops then i did some lst. yes i will get some closeups and Thx :)

thats how she looked like


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I'm pretty impressed with the structure and vigour of these babies. I can't wait either.


Well-Known Member
And now the moment you`ve all been waiting for.... lol
Last (#5) Killa Queen X Blue Hammer finally came through today...even it only took 5.5 is a runt tho. But I have not only seen runts turn out bigger and badder... i`ve herd plenty of stories...hence me trying to help it pull through. So all Was started on 8-9-13 ... 5 Killa Queen X Blue Hammer 100% , 3 K.O. Kush F4 100% germ. Under 24/0 cycle... CFL`s. I`m looking at some big box options now...for later...
3 K.O Kush to 1 one gal...its not that I under value this strain..Not at all! ...Its just that this is ment to be a quick breeding project...I really only need 1 female there.. 3 would be great tho :) and I have 7 KOKF4 beans left and none of the
Killa Queen X Blue Hammer, so I really needed 100% out of the KQxBH. I`ll do KOKF5`s and crosses later for sure.

Goal Here : Killa Queen X Blue Hammer X K.O. Kush F4 and Killa Queen X Blue Hammer F2 regular and then feminized ... inching forward!! 0815131635-00.jpg the group. The 3 cotyledon runt 0815131636-00.jpg0815131636-01.jpg and the last runt.

Kudos to sannies....


Well-Known Member
How nice that I found this thread! I just ordered Columbian GoldxLambsbread from Sannie's and also got a 5-pack of the Killa QueenxBlue Hammer seeds. I can't wait to read your smoke reports!



Well-Known Member
Good luck on those babies stone. If they're anything like mine, they will start shooting up like weeds in no time.


1 more whit the super seeds :D welcome to he KQxBH thread :D

Stone looking good! will be fun to follow!

little uppdate of my loved girl (Brunhilda)

and guys she wont dubble in size during bloom she atleast tripple the size lol. Keep in mind i have only 250w
