Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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So, the issue I have with vaccination is that the manufacturers have no liability and do not have to speak regarding the issues their product is causing in settlements. The government pays for vaccine related health issues. Insurance does not cover vaccine-related sickness and financially motivated both are keeping us scared and as under-informed as possible. It is pre-meditated deception motivated by profit. The government requires us to participate in activity with questionable effects to human health under a guise of public welfare....it is easy to swallow this sort of pill. It's become generational....vaccines saved lives and they continue to harmlessly. The CHOICE to vaccinate is missing a key element in my perspective. When no transparency and liability are required of the manufacturers why make the product safe? It is criminal, premeditated, and unconstitutional. That is conspiracy by definition. My right to information regarding my health I deserve. If mandatory anything is motivated by profit, it causes concern. What other risks do we take so casually? I am not espousing vaccination or ignoring it's beneficial aspects, I have doubts about the motivations of the profiteers. If this is unreasonable tell me why. I will listen.
It is only questionable to people who don't understand medical science

The vast majority of medical professionals agree that vaccines work because it is demonstrated that they work

People are required to get vaccinated because it helps eliminate the possibility of outbreaks or epidemics, even the people at the FDA get vaccinated. What, they're knowingly poisoning themselves?

Should you have the choice to hit me in the face? No right? Then what makes you think you should have the right to get me sick with something potentially deadly? Isn't that worse than punching me in the face?
It is only questionable to people who don't understand medical science

The vast majority of medical professionals agree that vaccines work because it is demonstrated that they work

People are required to get vaccinated because it helps eliminate the possibility of outbreaks or epidemics, even the people at the FDA get vaccinated. What, they're knowingly poisoning themselves?

Should you have the choice to hit me in the face? No right? Then what makes you think you should have the right to get me sick with something potentially deadly? Isn't that worse than punching me in the face?

My point is not the vaccinations, rather the system under which the business of vaccines operate under. I never said one way or the other to get vaccinated or do not, medical science offers support in both regards. So, in case you were not paying much attention, that last comment was the first time I expressed the problem here as I see it.
O2 is toxic? I know it is flammable....but that's not what he asked.

This deserves a straight answer. Yes oxygen can be toxic and will kill you if you overdose. The horror of someone in full ARDs (not the term we use now), and you are trying to balance killing them vs oxygenating them. We learned that in Vietnam. Each time we've brought a new technology online we've killed and maimed many because of the unforeseeable consequences.

Today we can use ECMO instead of pressure and percent to oxygenate shock. But we are going to have to deal with all the unforeseen problems with ECMO (and there will be many), but thank GOD for it! I can't believe they took this long to miniaturize our EC machines. But thank god they did.

But we learn and we move forward, that's the point of actual medical research. After you bury your mistakes you learn from them and we all move forward off the gracious gift of the early adopters sacrifice.

That is why these attacks on modern medical science are so disturbing to me personally. We stand where we are on the sacrifices of other humans. Most of them dearly beloved and mourned by their families as you would be. They were mostly valiant people who paid for our knowledge.

When I see these type of threads I remember the faces and names of those I lost. The ones I carry on my heart and I wonder if the lessons they taught me and others in the community will be available for your grandchildren's use.

Or if we are devolving..... so sad....
Deep shit yo. So are we really nitrogen breathing creatures then can we survive without oxygen theoretically?
It is only questionable to people who don't understand medical science

The vast majority of medical professionals agree that vaccines work because it is demonstrated that they work

People are required to get vaccinated because it helps eliminate the possibility of outbreaks or epidemics, even the people at the FDA get vaccinated. What, they're knowingly poisoning themselves?

Should you have the choice to hit me in the face? No right? Then what makes you think you should have the right to get me sick with something potentially deadly? Isn't that worse than punching me in the face?

LOL... if you got vaccinated then how are you at risk to get the disease... what the hell did the vaccine do then? You are blindly accepting what the pharmaceutical industry says just because they say it (and they are also the one's profiting). The reason most doctors tell you that vaccines are effective is because they are taught by the very same people who profit from those vaccines (big pharma) and they also pay their salaries. What makes you think you have the right to try and force me to inject myself with anything? This conversation is at a standstill until you can provide one bit of evidence that proves vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. There's a reason I keep bringing it up... because you have failed to answer it (because you cannot). FDA approved drugs also kill more than 100,000 people each year, isn't that worse than punching them in the face? In fact, many doctors don't even vaccinate their own children.
LOL... if you got vaccinated then how are you at risk to get the disease... what the hell did the vaccine do then? You are blindly accepting what the pharmaceutical industry says just because they say it (and they are also the one's profiting). The reason most doctors tell you that vaccines are effective is because they are taught by the very same people who profit from those vaccines (big pharma) and they also pay their salaries. What makes you think you have the right to try and force me to inject myself with anything? This conversation is at a standstill until you can provide one bit of evidence that proves vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. There's a reason I keep bringing it up... because you have failed to answer it (because you cannot). FDA approved drugs also kill more than 100,000 people each year, isn't that worse than punching them in the face? In fact, many doctors don't even vaccinate their own children.

You are scientifically illiterate, all of these answers have already been provided for you multiple times. I won't let you waste any more of my time repeating myself when you simply refuse to listen
You are scientifically illiterate, all of these answers have already been provided for you multiple times. I won't let you waste any more of my time repeating myself when you simply refuse to listen

So predictable... back to the ad hominem's yet again. Literally absolutely nothing of what you have posted has provided any scientific data proving that vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. I am curious about another thing though... if you got vaccinated and I didn't, how do I put YOU at risk for disease? What was that vaccine for?
This deserves a straight answer. Yes oxygen can be toxic and will kill you if you overdose. The horror of someone in full ARDs (not the term we use now), and you are trying to balance killing them vs oxygenating them. We learned that in Vietnam. Each time we've brought a new technology online we've killed and maimed many because of the unforeseeable consequences.

Today we can use ECMO instead of pressure and percent to oxygenate shock. But we are going to have to deal with all the unforeseen problems with ECMO (and there will be many), but thank GOD for it! I can't believe they took this long to miniaturize our EC machines. But thank god they did.

But we learn and we move forward, that's the point of actual medical research. After you bury your mistakes you learn from them and we all move forward off the gracious gift of the early adopters sacrifice.

That is why these attacks on modern medical science are so disturbing to me personally. We stand where we are on the sacrifices of other humans. Most of them dearly beloved and mourned by their families as you would be. They were mostly valiant people who paid for our knowledge.

When I see these type of threads I remember the faces and names of those I lost. The ones I carry on my heart and I wonder if the lessons they taught me and others in the community will be available for your grandchildren's use.

Or if we are devolving..... so sad....

Still lost on this, curious2garden? "Keep telling yourself that. Do you have an answer for the two different types of fluoride (calcium fluoride, which is natural, and sodium fluoride, which is what is added to tap water and toothpastes)? Are you saying it's a good thing to have a calcified pineal gland? Can you provide any evidence that directly links vaccines to the decline of any disease? In places where polio and smallpox (monkey pox) are prevalent, it's no surprise that you will also find lack of access to nutrition and clean drinking water, lack of sanitation/hygiene, poverty, the inability to bathe, less shelter, poor medical technology, etc... all of which contribute to depleted immune systems and therefore easily susceptible to disease. You simply ignore things you don't have an answer to and then proceed to make delusional comments and/or ad hominem arguments that are completely irrelevant to try and divert the discussion. Truly amateur." Maybe if you post some more videos people wont notice how bad you got destroyed...
So predictable... back to the ad hominem's yet again. Literally absolutely nothing of what you have posted has provided any scientific data proving that vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. I am curious about another thing though... if you got vaccinated and I didn't, how do I put YOU at risk for disease? What was that vaccine for?

Watch, I'm going to explain this, then, exactly like I just predicted, you're going to ignore it and come up with some insane rationalization as to why you can never be proven wrong

Virus' evolve, I get vaccinated for virus A, you don't, virus A evolves inside of you into virus D, something I am not protected against and something that is much more resistant and dangerous to me than it is to you now because I had the previous vaccine, you know, the one designed to combat the ancestor to the one you infected me with. The virus already recognizes the previous vaccines response and is equipped with measures to defeat it.

This is simple basic stuff you are taught in middle/high school
Watch, I'm going to explain this, then, exactly like I just predicted, you're going to ignore it and come up with some insane rationalization as to why you can never be proven wrong

Virus' evolve, I get vaccinated for virus A, you don't, virus A evolves inside of you into virus D, something I am not protected against and something that is much more resistant and dangerous to me than it is to you now because I had the previous vaccine, you know, the one designed to combat the ancestor to the one you infected me with. The virus already recognizes the previous vaccines response and is equipped with measures to defeat it.

This is simple basic stuff you are taught in middle/high school

So... using that logic, how can you possibly use kids in well-developed countries getting diseases, as you attempted earlier, as evidence that improved living standards have no merit? Check and mate. Besides, please explain how if I have smallpox and you were vaccinated against smallpox, how I put you at risk for smallpox? Still waiting on that scientific data that proves vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease.
It's easier to just call you an idiot and move on

And the best thing is, morons like you will believe this crazy bullshit and nobody will ever take you seriously! LOL!

Dozens of successful vaccines, millions of independent medical scientists, trillions of dollars, billions of lives.

Yeeah.. pretty sure it was checkmate a looong time ago.
It's easier to just call you an idiot and move on

And the best thing is, morons like you will believe this crazy bullshit and nobody will ever take you seriously! LOL!

Dozens of successful vaccines, millions of independent medical scientists, trillions of dollars, billions of lives.

Yeeah.. pretty sure it was checkmate a looong time ago.

Translation: "It's easier if I just back out of this debate because I'm getting my ass handed to me and have been caught in a web of contradictions". Yep, dozens of "successful" vaccines and yet you cannot provide one single bit of scientific data that proves vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. I see you've gone back to your classic routine of dodging questions, failing to provide evidence, and retorting to ad hominem's..... again. I love how one of your signature quotes is "Nothing happens in this country unless there's an economic interest." yet you blindly believe the pharmaceutical industry truly cares about public health. Is that also why cannabis and hemp have been illegal and subject to bullshit propaganda all these years? Or is big pharma only corrupt and interested in profit when it comes to your precious weed?

"I is a dum dum who not know what science is or how it work. I live becuz of science but not appreciate it and make self look like huge ass because I not know what science mean.

I is believe vacseenz are bad cuz i red it on 'spiracy site. You stupid, you not know anything. I repeat self dozens of times just to make shure you know not stupid.

My aunt works for Phizer and I can tell you this..They are only interested in the bottom line which is the interests of the shareholders and investors. There is no money to be made on cures..
So predictable... back to the ad hominem's yet again. Literally absolutely nothing of what you have posted has provided any scientific data proving that vaccines are directly responsible for the decline of any disease. I am curious about another thing though... if you got vaccinated and I didn't, how do I put YOU at risk for disease? What was that vaccine for?

There are several reasons:

immunity is not perfect, and declines after long periods (different times for different vaccines).
Some people have allergic or bad reactions to the ingredients in vaccines and can't be vaccinated.
Some times the vaccine is ineffective for some people.

Pad may fall into one of these categories. Whether he is in one of these categories (which he may not know unless he got infected), or is in fact totally immune to infection, he still doesn't want to sit in a cesspool of it unnecessarily. If nearly everyone is vaccinated, and the vaccine works for nearly everyone, then those people that are vulnerable will be protected from the virus because they won't be exposed to it - herd immunity. When you don't get vaccinated you act as a potential host for that virus to thrive and spread.
.......snip...... If nearly everyone is vaccinated, and the vaccine works for nearly everyone, then those people that are vulnerable will be protected from the virus because they won't be exposed to it - herd immunity. When you don't get vaccinated you act as a potential host for that virus to thrive and spread.

Someone with public health education! Good job :) I wondered who'd get the word score for herd immunity :)
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