Peter King seeks the R nomination in 2016

I wonder what party is going to replace the Republicans?

King is a dick that would only survive on Long Island, they themselves a bunch of backward thinking Republican hacks. He would be ripped up on a national stage because none of the southern Republican crackers would ever vote for him because he was from New York. Without those bozo's he is dead in the water. Clinton would eat his liver.
So you mean the old boys club of neo liberal hawks who are on the same page as most republicans? uh huh.

nontheist's post raise a real valid question: does being angry make you dumb, or does being dumb make you angry?

nontheist and his ilk are like a chicken and egg enigma of anger and stupidity.
Right of Nixon actually does sound extreme. Dubya was left of Obama too in ways. America has a strong position right now. The next president will be even further right if the trend continues.
nontheist's post raise a real valid question: does being angry make you dumb, or does being dumb make you angry?

nontheist and his ilk are like a chicken and egg enigma of anger and stupidity.

As a rank insult....meeh. :)

Anger and intelligence

Kinda funny how these keyword are coopted. Some bone head Researcher in the Ivroy Tower has linked low intelligence to conservative views and linked that to anger. But as usual only the "recent study" is lied about but never referenced for our reading.

However, the big 5 traits of personality is where we find anger.

Neuroticism – (sensitive/nervous vs. secure/confident). The tendency to experience unpleasant emotions easily, such as anger, anxiety, depression, or vulnerability. Neuroticism also refers to the degree of emotional stability and impulse control, and is sometimes referred by its low pole – "emotional stability".

And indeed we find strong correlations between that and low I.Q.

Personality and Intellectual Competence

By Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, Adrian Furnham (page 44, 50)

Also, I found strong evidence that anger lowers your I.Q. situationally and over time.
It gives you heart attacks and apoplexy. Smart people live longer also.

So, anger is dumbing down Ameica, don' cha know, mon?
OK I did not know who this mr. King was, but one look at he was the head of the most fascist organization since the Spanish civil war and the Nazi's themselves, makes me run for under the covers. FUCK NO I'm a conciously voting for KING, give me the green party or any other independent, HOME LAND SECURITY gives me nightmares of the writer Lindheim and his starship troopers and invasion of the body snatchers.
Aren't you an anarchist?

Anarchists are allowed to state facts.

Merica has a very strong position and Obama did a lot to make it that way. You may not like to admit it, but for me, it is part of criticizing a neoliberal trade empire.

Obama stands abreast with the greatest conquering emperors in history.
Anarchists are allowed to state facts.

Merica has a very strong position and Obama did a lot to make it that way. You may not like to admit it, but for me, it is part of criticizing a neoliberal trade empire.

Obama stands abreast with the greatest conquering emperors in history.

You sure you're an anarchist?

Facts / opinions, no difference, it's just semantics if we get to make up our definitions.
So you mean the old boys club of neo liberal hawks who are on the same page as most republicans? uh huh.

That's the obscure pertinent fact. Obama got the anti-war vote and face fucked it in front of everybody while racism took center stage.

Now the anti-war movement belongs to the right wing.

Shit's upside-down in Merica.
You sure you're an anarchist?

Facts / opinions, no difference, it's just semantics if we get to make up our definitions.

America is a fucking empire.

Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

Of course words like those sound kind to your ears, but they were not meant kindly. Obama is a warmongering emperor and that is precisely what I criticize about him. You're just a bumbling moron if you think Obama hasn't been the best thing that ever happened to the American empire.