Peter King seeks the R nomination in 2016


New Member
isn't it early in the morning over there? how are you so drunk?

seek some help for your obviously crippling PTSD.
Another failure... But KFC is racist after all, isn't that what you said? KFC = racial resentment... After all that's what you're trying to deflect from "choom boy"... Is choom boy a racial slur too?


Well-Known Member
Another failure... But KFC is racist after all, isn't that what you said? KFC = racial resentment...
like i said, congratulations on reading worldnetdaily.

it would have been easy enough to refer to khalid sheik mohammed by his actual initials or KSM, but you chose to use initials that could have been mistaken for a racial reference towards a black president.

it wouldn't be the first time your racism has gotten the better of you. you did, after all, join a "like minded" group of white supremacists.

but enough of humoring your obvious deflections, tell us more about how you were privy to the intelligence operation that brought down bin laden, and all about how you know the details of it!

we are all looking forward to you enlightening us about your super awesome intelligence skillz, sistah!


New Member
like i said, congratulations on reading worldnetdaily.

it would have been easy enough to refer to khalid sheik mohammed by his actual initials or KSM, but you chose to use initials that could have been mistaken for a racial reference towards a black president.
Only a REAL RACIST like you would have taken referring to KSM as KFC to be "racial resentment"... It wasn't the first time was it "choom boy"...


Well-Known Member
Only a REAL RACIST like you would have taken referring to KSM as KFC to be "racial resentment"...
wrong again, like usual.

i googled to verify, and KSM has a nickname of KFC. in all media, he is always referred to as KSM. but his terrorist buddies apparently called him KFC because he ate lots of chicken from KFC. that's not racial resentment, and i wouldn't take it for such.

but since this nickname is not common knowledge, apart from those who read worldnetdaily, i took KFC to be a reference to fried chicken. and as you said, you are magically privy on the intelligence that led to bin laden, and obama didn't get that information from torture, and he didn't get it from KFC.

see how that sounds coming from you, proud member of the "like minded" white supremacists of the now infamous tacoburrito group?

and i see you are still avoiding the obvious delusional lie you told us, the on where you said you knew how the intelligence o get to bin laden's courier was obtained. let me just repeat, since it bears repeating: EVERYONE believes you.



New Member
wrong again, like usual.

i googled to verify, and KSM has a nickname of KFC. in all media, he is always referred to as KSM. but his terrorist buddies apparently called him KFC because he ate lots of chicken from KFC. that's not racial resentment, and i wouldn't take it for such.
You did and you cleary stated as such... do i need to remind you?

But still too stupid to google the KFC reference before making a jackass of yourself, again...

....good job on the KFC reference, your racial resentment...
but since this nickname is not common knowledge, apart from those who read worldnetdaily, i took KFC to be a reference to fried chicken. and as you said, you are magically privy on the intelligence that led to bin laden, and obama didn't get that information from torture, and he didn't get it from KFC.
Again your reading compensation is off, just like your taste in women. I said i know where SOME, SOME, came from and it’s all open source for you to read. Try googling it like you had to KFC, choom boy!


Well-Known Member
Gotta love Bucktard logic.

Well yeah, I mean sure, he invaded a few sovereign nations, dropped some bombs, killed some people, without consent from Congress, but that's not like invading a country or anything. My favorite was attributing sending 100K troops into Afghanistan as the reason we got Bin Laden.... with a small group of highly trained specialists in Paki. Woo Hoo!

This is why we will always be fighting a war somewhere, we will have the support of the wars from the sheep. I mean we have people from the left actually cheering and justifying bs wars now as long as their team is doing it. It's depressing.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love Bucktard logic.

Well yeah, I mean sure, he invaded a few sovereign nations, dropped some bombs, killed some people, without consent from Congress, but that's not like invading a country or anything. My favorite was attributing sending 100K troops into Afghanistan as the reason we got Bin Laden.... with a small group of highly trained specialists in Paki. Woo Hoo!

This is why we will always be fighting a war somewhere, we will have the support of the wars from the sheep. I mean we have people from the left actually cheering and justifying bs wars now as long as their team is doing it. It's depressing.
Hey, you need to read the manual. The President needs NO permission from Congress to kill people. Please make a note of it.

I cheer when a President does anything but talk in circles. And little dust ups are not Wars and that is why the Congress autrhorizes the weapons and use of force and all means necessary so we don't have WAR.

War declared by Congress is a Big Deal (tm) and puts the entire country into Production and no autos are made.

Read the Manual.


Well-Known Member
Hey, you need to read the manual. The President needs NO permission from Congress to kill people. Please make a note of it.

I cheer when a President does anything but talk in circles. And little dust ups are not Wars and that is why the Congress autrhorizes the weapons and use of force and all means necessary so we don't have WAR.

War declared by Congress is a Big Deal (tm) and puts the entire country into Production and no autos are made.

Read the Manual.
And then there's that pesky constitution thingy getting in the way.


Well-Known Member
M-A-N-U-A-L What manual do you think I am talking about?

The Founding Docs are the Owners Manual in our system. That the expert job of lawyers to tinker with the machine.

Do you think what I have said is not in the manual? It is specifically his job. Killer in Chief.

It is in there. It is his oath of office. Let us be more sanguine about the reality of the situation. This is a person that can have you killed for any reason, made up or not.

He has to only pass up his civilians advisers. He mentions something to the Joint Chief on the 14th hole of golf and that General will personally have it seen to. National Security.

I don't know what you think happened to Vince Foster? It was seen to.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree that He CAN, I will never agree that it's his right as afforded by the constitution. Ignoring it and getting away with it =/= following it. Due process is spelled out pretty succinctly.


Well-Known Member
Surely you are paying attention, then. The Constitution creates a very powerful position that is quite open ended in terms of Might. Nothing in his oath, precludes extra-judicial murder. It is up to him to take the risk. He is the Executive Branch. He has the power, as we see, to ignore law and get away with it.

This oath is word for word, from the Manual. It even contains the word "execute." :)

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

He has the Rights in the 9th A. He is still a Citizen, above the law, quite actually, though perhaps not technically, but certainly in practice. And he is the C & C, but not subject to UCMJ.

And when you do get caught like Nixon, you just resign. If you won't resign, like Kennedy, well there is extra-judicial murder for that also.

So, allowed by the Constitution to be President to protect it, is decoded to read, protect it by all means necessary.

Remember a President has the power of absolute Pardon. He can pardon himself and all his murderers if it came to that.

So, the RIGHT it murder? Oh yes.