Peter King seeks the R nomination in 2016


Well-Known Member
which war's were obama's wars?
All of them. He is the commander in chief. He asks congress for a defense budget (they love increased military spending and always oblige) and he uses this approved budget to wage war.

Are you asking me which wars he has waged?


Well-Known Member
I mean honestly Buck, I don't know why you even use that line anymore. Blaming it on Dubya doesn't really let him take any credit. Sure Obama wants to end wars, by winning them all. He actually does this very well, be proud of your guy. If you are just finding a way to excuse him by blaming Dubya, you're believing that he is anti-war. He can't be anti-war if his goal is the end the wars by winning them all. That is pro-war.


Well-Known Member
when did obama escalate iraq?

do you even know what words mean?
You want to focus solely on Iraq and I don't blame you, since you are trying to paint Obama as anti-war. Obama did not start OIF. He didn't even order the troop surge in Iraq. If that is the narrow point you are trying to make, go for it, you're right.

He certainly escalated the "Global War on Terror". He certainly could have ordered defense cuts since officially, the executive branch asks congress for money to fight wars and this is the defense budget.

If he thought our stake in Iraqi oil was worth the war toll, there would probably still be US troops there imo.


Well-Known Member
You want to focus solely on Iraq and I don't blame you, since you are trying to paint Obama as anti-war. Obama did not start OIF. He didn't even order the troop surge in Iraq. If that is the narrow point you are trying to make, go for it, you're right.

He certainly escalated the "Global War on Terror". He certainly could have ordered defense cuts since officially, the executive branch asks congress for money to fight wars and this is the defense budget.

If he thought our stake in Iraqi oil was worth the war toll, there would probably still be US troops there imo.
which wars has obama started?


Well-Known Member
he only escalated afghanistan and now bin laden is sleeping with the fishes.
Airstrikes begin on Libya targets
French warplanes have hit four tanks used by forces loyal to Muammar Gaddafi on the outskirts of the opposition stronghold of Benghazi, on a day when opposition fighters in the city reported coming under constant artillery and mortar fire.
The US has also launched cruise missiles from ships based in the Mediterrannean Sea, and has taken the lead in military operations during the first phase, Kimberly Halkett, Al Jazeera''s correspondent in Washington DC reported.
