How to make dabs/wax?!

material for making bho MUST BE DRY!!!!!! if you use wet nugs or trim you freeze water molecules which could eventually stop up the tube and if you continue to release gas cause a pressure explosion that will scare the shit out of you, luckily i do not know this from experience..
no it doesnt need to be dry... fresh material is not dry and makes the nicest colored oil.

and it should never be exploding the tube.... your filter shouldnt be that damn tight to the point where its building up that much pressure... the holes in the filter are your pressure relief valve pretty much... has there been many cases where the extractor exploded due to pressure, and not fire??
im not saying its not unlikely but i read that from another guy that it happened to so i immediately thought better safe than sorry even though i understand physics and probably wouldnt ever have a blow out regardless because im careful..yes alot of people have a blowout instead of a fire from what ive read and thats what i meant by explosion i mean it technically is isnt it? lol...i dont make oil much anyway only have on occasion so my bad if thats the wrong info and wet material is good to use but anyway good to take note that if you use wet material you should be extra careful not to clog your tube..
..go check the other thread for oil pics i need a good knowledgable eye i got some wax and i need an opinion on if it looks good/right lol :mrgreen:
im not saying its not unlikely but i read that from another guy that it happened to so i immediately thought better safe than sorry even though i understand physics and probably wouldnt ever have a blow out regardless because im careful..yes alot of people have a blowout instead of a fire from what ive read and thats what i meant by explosion i mean it technically is isnt it? lol...i dont make oil much anyway only have on occasion so my bad if thats the wrong info and wet material is good to use but anyway good to take note that if you use wet material you should be extra careful not to clog your tube..

yeah I guess by explosion is the only way... with my big extractor, I had it packed a little tight one day and sprayed a full can into it before anything came out the bottom.... it was getting pretty pressuried and I was honestly scared it was gonna blow up before shooting liquid out the holes in the cap.... sure enough, thank god, the holes in the cap released the pressure before the plastic honey bee extractor blew up... was kinda scared while blasting. I think I was just being paranoid.
im not saying its not unlikely but i read that from another guy that it happened to so i immediately thought better safe than sorry even though i understand physics and probably wouldnt ever have a blow out regardless because im careful..yes alot of people have a blowout instead of a fire from what ive read and thats what i meant by explosion i mean it technically is isnt it? lol...i dont make oil much anyway only have on occasion so my bad if thats the wrong info and wet material is good to use but anyway good to take note that if you use wet material you should be extra careful not to clog your tube..

A blowout is where you don't adequately attach your filter on the end of the extraction tube, and the pressure blows the filters and the material in the tube out the bottom, into the extracted oil. The blessed events are typically met with chagrin vis a vis joy, but don't involve flames or explosions.
these personal discoveries are quite amazing arnt they!

continue the hunt, try different fresh strains, enjoy!

Every time I blast I learn something new. If I didn't grow it and had to pay for starting materials I'd probably be singing a different tune however. Just trying to achieve wax for once!
Every time I blast I learn something new. If I didn't grow it and had to pay for starting materials I'd probably be singing a different tune however. Just trying to achieve wax for once!

This is why I'm going with Subcools method. I don't have enough to be messing it up. lol Seems like there's less room for error. If you have the straining material(Like the bags he used), it's free too. lol I may also try the alcohol method. Just to see which I like better.
Thc content....using water leaves you around 50 percent ish and butane usually around 80-90 percent..someone correct me if i'm wrong..however the water method will be better for extracting terpenes as far as I know
theyre both pretty damn good if you got good material, good tools and good techniques.

butane is a hair more expensive to make, a hair more dangerous, and maybe a hair less healthy while making, and smoking... BUT, it is more potent.. gotta sacrifice some things for more potency!! as well as a higher yield. BHO is almost like bubble hashs older brother on steroids.. faster, stronger, more weight to it, but harder on the body!!

bubble hash is cheap, safe, easy to make... but your return might be low, as well as the potency a little bit.

me.. im a risk taker, and I like getting really high, as well as getting a 20% return of like 80% THC material. I also dont got the money or bud to be wasting on inefficient runs of bubble hash. (I had 100g yield 7g of bubble has one day... and it was nothing special. same 100g made 18g of killer BHO. cost 50$ in butane though but well worth it!) if I were growing though, and had tons of fresh trim and more bud than I knew what to do with... damn rights id sacrifice some and make some hash.

some guys are happy with their bubble hash runs of 10% return with 60% material.
you can do that?! just soak and strain?

It's about the undried, juicy plant matter, right off the vine.

For soaking the material is poured freely and not compacted, the flowers are not damaged and do not let the juice, it freezes inside.
No risk of freezing in the ice block.