How to make dabs/wax?!

no... no bueno.. screw the honey bee extractor :p

lol and theyre using ronson too..

ive been using honey bee extractor for years.. not a single blow out or problem ive ever had with it. threaded cap vs hose clamping coffee filters on... I dunno man.

ive also used ronson before and am still alive and doing great.
lol and theyre using ronson too..

ive been using honey bee extractor for years.. not a single blow out or problem ive ever had with it. threaded cap vs hose clamping coffee filters on... I dunno man.

ive also used ronson before and am still alive and doing great.

that because everything is cleaner in Canada
including our minds lol. zinggg (kidding...youve seen the shit I post)

add to the list: ronson butane!!!!!

and everclear!!!!!!!
ok.. so I went shopping. first of all, someone here was mentioning silicone goo jars... so I bought some, as well as 5 glass ones on ebay... these are how the glass ones showed up... what kind of glass powderizes like that?? wtf


and second thing I bought is this:


more experiments and pics later.
I live in canada. I dont know what the hell all of you guys are talking about.

I just did a sniff test... smells exact same as colibri.... like butane. def no mercaps or added scents like other brands.

I just did a mirror test... ronson did BETTER than colibri!!!! evapped faster, and after 5 mins, the remaining puddle of water or something (whatever it was) was smaller from the ronson squirt than it was from the colibri. I took pics, but theyre not even worth showing... just picture a perfectly clean, brand new mirror. thats what it looked like before and after spraying both brands + that tiny little bit of whatever remained that wasnt done evapping, looked and felt like water or moisture (heat + time woulda make it 100% perfect... at 5 minutes it was 90% perfect.. both brands)

ive already blasted the ronson through 14g weed, the oil smells absolutely delicious.
I am going to spray colibri through 14g and compare.

there is absolutely nothing wrong with the white can ronson that I showed.

thats twice now ive tested it, on mirror, sniff test, etc.. and its done same as, or better than colibri. so wtf is so bad about it????? seriously... have you guys even used that white canned, red cap ronson stuff???? maybe im just retarded (ask drysiftfuckwit) but I dont see or smell anything wrong at all with ronson can.... all thats left is a smoke test. then decide what to winterize, maybe ill do both brands.
It is the cheapest butane available.. read the MSDS on that brand vs. others who refine multiple times. You want to avoid any/all mercaps and butadiene.

For an extra 2 or 3 bucks a can, it's not such a big deal. C'mon, you claimed you outright bought a 60k truck.. I think $50 on a case of butane should be easy for ya.
lol first of all, ronson is the same price as colibri... its actually a few pennies more than colibri. so its not the cheapest, NIBO from wal mart is cheaper, which ive also used, which is great.

secondly, weve had the MSDSs posted here before... ronsons looked great!! nothing sketchy in it. fadedawg posted them I think. not sure where he got them from.

heres the MSDS... 99% butane whereas others have propane in them and other shit: Butane Refill MSDS 1-1-2011.pdf

trust me, im not buying Ronson to save a few bucks... I made 7000$ yesterday, 2000$ of it is profit, so today is not a day where im pinching pennies, nor is any other. I am trying ronson because im testing, and having great results so far. well see how the smoke test goes.

are you positive youre not talking about this stuff??? because this stuff does look like cheap shit:
So price determines quality? Not even close to being true. Every different manufacturer makes their butane differently, and in different mixes.

Spraying it on a mirror will not tell you if you are dealing with 50ppm or 5x that amount. Your eye isn't that good. And it really just takes looking around the internet.. there is a reason high end smoke shops do NOT sell ronson butane in their place of business.
there is a reason high end smoke shops do NOT sell ronson butane in their place of business.

lol mine does. although they do recommend colibri more. but they still sell ronson. probably make more off the colibri or else it would be ronson they recommend... keep in mind theyre just a bunch of 16 year old, justin bieber haired tight jean wearing faggots that have no idea what theyre talking about.

I dunno man.. ive got the MSDS and personally done tests, today and 6 month ago with results. I am going to be vac purging it so the 50ppm or 100ppm dont matter in my case (as well as probably winterizing too) . there is NO scents or mercaps added... or else id be able to smell them. hell ill even go lick the mirror and do the taste test.

if price doesnt determine quality... then why did you mention it being the cheapest butane available... what does that have to do with anything??? thought price doesnt matter if its good or cheap or not?? cuz its not, 6$ a can just like colibri. and yes, price does play a factor... ive seen people on this forum using actual bad butane (bernz-o-matic... zippo...etc) trying to save a few bucks a can... im talking merc filled stuff or 100% non oil butane.... ronson is 50/50 at this point it seems like.

not trying to argue, just trying to get to the bottom of this... is it good or not because my tests and MSDS's that ive posted say its OK to use.
It is the cheapest butane available.. read the MSDS on that brand vs. others who refine multiple times. You want to avoid any/all mercaps and butadiene.


Hey vp. Didn't you post a document showing what was in your Canadian white bottle ronsen?

I think his differs from ours in the states..

Vp find the info you posted about this stuff already..

And if possible. Find a can of "power 5" and compare your ronsen to that :)

Next time I'm near some white ronsen . I'll pick up one can. Do the simple tests.

I'm all out of butane again :(((
I think I've thrown about $900 into butane in the last two months.... I down right hate that!
Hoping to buy my last case for a while, soon here :)

Also, Really hoping to get to bm next week!!! Any of yall?

Hope everyone be doing good, healthy, exciting things! Enjoy the beautiful summertimes . And most importantly, everyone go out/make yourself/Getty yourself(ves) a good delicious better than usual meal today !
lol mine does. although they do recommend colibri more. but they still sell ronson. probably make more off the colibri or else it would be ronson they recommend... keep in mind theyre just a bunch of 16 year old, justin bieber haired tight jean wearing faggots that have no idea what theyre talking about.

I dunno man.. ive got the MSDS and personally done tests, today and 6 month ago with results. I am going to be vac purging it so the 50ppm or 100ppm dont matter in my case (as well as probably winterizing too) . there is NO scents or mercaps added... or else id be able to smell them. hell ill even go lick the mirror and do the taste test.

if price doesnt determine quality... why did you mention it being the cheapest butane available... what does that have to do with anything??? thought price doesnt matter if its cheap or not?? cuz its not, 6$ a can just like colibri. and yes, price does play a factor... ive seen people on this forum using actual bad butane trying to save a few bucks a can... im talking merc filled stuff or 100% non oil butane.... ronson is 50/50 at this point it seems like.

not trying to argue, just trying to get to the bottom of this... is it good or not because my tests and MSDS's that ive posted say its OK to use.

I am not quite sure how by 'cheapest' you gathered 'price'.

Vodka is the cheapest alcohol.. price has no bearing on that. Period.

You're in Canada.. maybe your stuff is different. Nobody in California uses Ronson. I have never seen it at any smoke shop here (SF Bay Area).
yes guzias I did... its all in the last page at the bottom, both the yellow can and the white cant hat I have, as well as 2 diff MSDS and 2 seperate mirror tests on diff occasions.

straight: did you even see where I asked if were talking about the same ronson... like guzias said, there is stuff in a yellow can.

please explain your cheapness theory with butane and price with me because you have me lost. I understand your vodka theory, because we know how and what its made with... but how do you know how ronson butane is made? how do you know its "cheap" quality (not price) without knowing exactly how its made, like you do with vodka????

one thing I will give you... is that ronson seems to have a bad reputation with lighters, which is where that 5x refined shit comes in...I think its just taking out waxes and other junk so it doesnt clog the ligher tips!!! (someone correct me if im wrong, with valid proof)... I was positive I read that somewhere, on several occasions.
It is not hard to read up on how companies make their products. They have websites. You can email them. It's a pretty neat new thing these days. If you have questions.. ask them. We're talking about the same stuff. White can red top. They sell it here at Safeway and the hardware store. You have to go to a real smoke shop to get good butane. They don't sell Ronson.
k well, ive said what I gotta say, and I think I provided some pretty damn solid proof. im gonna go have a big rip right now and tell ya what I think of the ronson made oil... oh, and heres a pic, it might change the argument towards your way or mine, I dont know. definitely looks different than other oil ive made... but then again, that could be the bud I just picked up which for once, isnt kush :( well see I guess. im not a ronson king.. I use colibri 95% of the time.... I just wanna settle this damn ronson thing once and for all.

im curious to see what others opinions are... remember, read my shit on page 5!!!!!! I think I got a few pretty good points, but then again, im biased as hell!!!

lets see what others think!!
well... just had two underpurged hoots of the ronson stuff.... wow its tasty. even being extremely underpurged, there was no funny taste or anything out of the ordinary. probably so tasty because it hasnt hit the vac chamber yet.

this is some of the nicest colored oil ive produced in a long time... is it because of the bud? or is it the butane?? ONLY the colibri test will tell us :p
(ive found, even when I was real young and used ronson one time, it produced a very blonde, beautiful oil,, could have been the bud though..)

Ronson oil:

I figured so... just kinda weird how the one time I used it when I was young, made the same colored oil.. I dont know why but I remember it all vividly. and ever since then, ive known ronson as the butane that made blonde oil... I know its stupid and makes no sense... but I was young and dumb... then this, blonde oil again!!! haha. but im sure the colibri will be the same though and its just a coincidence... ask the locals here.. my oil is NEVER that blonde. EVER. EVER EVER. its always brown and dark. kinda tripped me out is all. ill run the colibri in half hour.

ps: this butane is room temp.. I prefer using frozen, but im impatient today.
Room temp or not doesn't matter. I've done 4 different strains from my room in back to back to back to back runs, all on the same tane, and all of them were similar, but different colored. Just the way it is. Your oil should turn out that color for the most part no matter what if you're using good material.