How to make dabs/wax?!

for the last 3 years, my oil has been a dark golden/brown color, with the odd batch thats yellowish white like the above.





this one here I believe was 50% kief...


ive found that fresh bud (like 10-14 day off the plant max) made very blonde oil, but I dont think this current bud is that fresh... with that being said, exactly what makes it turn this color, versus the last batches ive made that are dark.. indica vs sativa thing?

ronson oil, not fully purged:



Hell, just trichs being more mature/degraded will change the color. It's not that big of a deal. You could also have been overheating it if you used heat at all. I've never had anything but amber goodness from almost any strain.
I get amber lots too.. pics are deceiving, same with the wax form. its lighter than it seems.

have you ever gotten oil like the bottom 3 pics? where its like almost white.. very light yellow?
haha ah come onnn, I barely barely whipped that stuff, just enough to break the bubbles and let some re form. ill eventually throw it in the chamber.. but even without whipping, it was pretty much that color, as seen on the blade.

but im sure once I vac purge it and or winterize it, it will go dark again... sigh
heres the colibri oil... same color. same as the ronson. I didnt get any weights. 14g each, just 1 can... I think I can do a 2nd rinse of that oz and get a nice amount back still.

its confirmed on my end.. white can red top ronson is pretty damn good shit!!!!!! ive been smoking it very underpurged on purpose, to test the smoking of it half way through purge... no funny tastes or anything, and its only going to get better as its purged.

winterizing colibri:





24 hour update. ronson oil still tastes great underpurged.

the mirror.... 24 hours later, the colibri patch has MORE white residue left than the ronson patch on the mirror, no BS. whats the explanation for that?? and I sprayed pretty much the same amount;.
Yeah i'm not sure what to tell you.. what kinda tube you using? I had a 1.5" diameter stainless tube made that's 10" long.. I ususally blast 2 cans through it.. but have never seen that color before. I get a sweet color or amber no matter what. I am a big fan of Power 5/7 butane.. I have tried them all and it seems that stuff works great for bho.. can't notice a difference really between that, vector, lucienne, etc..
I use a honey bee extractor, just a small plastic one made for honey oil with a threaded cap. works great. 1.5" or diameter and 7 or 8" long.

I usually fill with half oz and run 2 cans too, and have never seen this color before rarely, except when its very very fresh weed. its almost white in some lights when I stir it a tiny bit. very very tasty though. im scared to vac purge and darken it haha.

my oil material is usually a bit old, comes out dark and makes you tired and couch locked.
Butane will leach out things from plastic, man. I am not sure i'd be trusting anything that's not glass or stainless for doing a solvent based extract.

Even with a poly that is 'non pourous' which I buy for keeping dry sift in.. I wouldn't trust it with butane whatsoever. Even something minimal like that can change consistency or color.
ive been meaning to buy a glass or SS one... theyre all just so over priced and have such shitty ends on them and ways to secure the coffee filters.
Go to a local machine shop. They will likely have a stainless pipe bender/cutter. Go get an 8" nipple made (threaded on either end, but just tell them to do one side). I got mine made 10" long.. you can have them do any size you want.

That'll probably cost you like $20 or so.. hopefully less, was pricey here. I got mine in 1.5", wish I had gone 1.25". Still works good, though.

Go to home depot or something, and get a galvanized/threaded cap for 3 bucks.. twist on, drill tap hole in top.

At the bottom, I bought a screen door patch kit (has 5 little squares of metal mesh).. take all 5 and criss cross them so they make a nice tight grid, put it over the end of the tube and bend the edges down around it. Take a hose clamp (the round ones with all the slots you tighten with a flat edge) and put it over the end and the bent metal edges.. If you do this right, the screens will stick to the clamp after a run or 2 lol.. just put your filters under that and pop it on like a top. Tighten up and go.

Total cost is like 30 bucks for a big, awesome, will never fail BHO machine.
thats a good idea... could also re create the honey bee extractor except metal... threaded cap, drill 5 tiny tiny holes in it... and put a few layers of coffee filter circles IN the lid, as well as a layer of large coffee filter over the threaded end, thread the cap on OVER the coffee filter.. cut the excess off, and guaranteed no crumbs coming out of that end.

could put another cap on the other end, dril 1 hole for butane... hell of an idea. I work with nipples lots, its too bad theyre just dirty carbon 1" ones :( a 2" nipple would be perfect. dont see SS ones that often though.

heres some pics from tonight, some of the ronson oil... its cloudy. great stuff otherwise though

this is the winterized stuff, after evapping:





ronson oil:



plant waxes... nice to see you again:

It might sound like something you do not want to do.. But sometimes in cases of 'cloudy'.. I will put all the oil into a big glass vial.. something that can take some heat..

I'll take a torch and give it a QUICK (think 30 seconds) roundabout heating from underneath the vial.. it will usually put enough quick heat in there to burn off some of the cloud.. whatever causes it. I have no experienced a huge loss in flavor after doing so.. just be careful. Never know.
ah the ol vial.. I have done that hundreds of times, its not a problem. same thing as putting it back in the SS dish in a glob and heating it from the bottom... maybe stirring it a tad.

what is that cloudyness??

ps; 30 seconds with the torch is insane, especially when I use a propane torch!!! even with butane... just .5 second heat blast, then back off for a few seconds... heat the blade preferably or the metal... not the oil ;) I find when dripping off a blade... the first giant glob is perfect, stays a nice light color.. but as I heat the blade/oil and really force it to drip off via extreme heat (too much heat as im impatient) the oil drips that I get off the blade get darker and darker.... heat = bad for color!!!!

that beautiful white oil I posted is now that golden brown cloudy ronson stuff... :(
Yeah.. I was skeptical of the ronson.. im not quite sure what it is, but it's the same thing i've seen from many others over the years. Like I said, i'm a huge, huge fan of the power 5x.. the 7x seems to make basically identical stuff, so skip spending more cash imo.

And yeah.. the vial, lol. The 30 seconds is off and on.. get it hot.. til the point it kinda wants to bubble, ya know.. sometimes there is just trapped butane/whatever it is in there.. and i've found that heating it that way is the only way to get rid of it, sadly.
I've a request to comment on Ronson, so here is my take. I used Ronson when I first started out extracting, but also tried Powers and Vector, before settling on Lucienne 4X. The Ronson didn't have ethyl mercaptans added, but did have a fair amount of wax when sprayed on a mirror.

I haven't tried Ronson again for the last six years, and Ronson has gotten a bad rap from soooo many people, on so many forums, for so long, they may have improved their product. I would have to test it again to have a current opinion, but my first analysis caused me to seek other resources.
Yeah, same thing i've kinda seen.. I just don't think Ronson cares if we're using it for this.. it's more expensive/time consuming for them to keep refining their stuff just for us.. it's cheap lighter fuel. Shrug. I think other companies have caught on, though, and are making a killing right now with their high end stuff.
I've a request to comment on Ronson, so here is my take. I used Ronson when I first started out extracting, but also tried Powers and Vector, before settling on Lucienne 4X. The Ronson didn't have ethyl mercaptans added, but did have a fair amount of wax when sprayed on a mirror.

I haven't tried Ronson again for the last six years, and Ronson has gotten a bad rap from soooo many people, on so many forums, for so long, they may have improved their product. I would have to test it again to have a current opinion, but my first analysis caused me to seek other resources.

hmm. interesting. maybe those extra waxes you speak of are why my ronson oil is cloudy??

what do you have to say about the mirror test and how the colibri patch had more white residue than the ronson patch after 24 hours??? I gave them each just a 1 second squirt though so maybe one sprayed a bit more than the other.

I dunno... im still on the fence with ronson. I mean its not the best, and most preferred brand. if theres colibri, definitely use that... but if you had to, and were in a bind, I wouldnt hesitate with ronson one bit.. might be extra wax in it (which is why people say its bad for lighters), but as far as scents and other stuff, theres definitely none of that (which seems to be the reason people dont like it, I think) ive read where people made it sound like if you made ronson oil once, and smoked it, you were absolutely fucked for life, like it was the devil... when really, its not bad at all!!! especially if youre vac purging, or winterizing.

now what a guy should really do is test the 2.50$ NIBO butane from that would be worth the savings getting it 60% cheaper than colibri... and if it passes all the tests, AND youre vac purging, winterizing, then vac purging again. what would be so bad??? starts adding up when youre buying cases at a time @ 72$ vs 30$ a case.... (some guys have spent over 1000$ in butane in the last few months... it adds up quick!!!) I dont know if something like this is where you wanna cheap out... my words from earlier "is it really worth possibly ruining 2 precious body parts, your lungs and your brain to save 2$ a can??"

I agree with companies like colibri catching on... I mean, 90% of their sales has got to be to head shops, and im sure some places cant even keep it stocked... colibri aint stupid, theres no way that all the butane they sell annually can possibly be used in lighter refills lol. it aint possible. 1 can fills like 50 lighters and 1 lighter lights like 2000 cigarettes or like 1 pound of weed... theres no way that much gets smoked.