Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

Love Mitch so much. He was all one liners, like a stoner Henny Youngman.


What's the deal with "10 characters"?
You don't have to do that to post a picture, watch my magic
Love Mitch so much. He was all one liners, like a stoner Henny Youngman.


What's the deal with "10 characters"?
You don't have to do that to post a picture, watch my magic

Everytine I try to put just a pic. it tells me I need 10 characters. don't know what I'm doing wrong??
Set Those Babies Free!Boingoloingoloing...

if there was a sound effect, im 100% positive thats what dem' boobies woulda sounded like, lol. you hella spelled that phonetically. boinoloingoloing...thats funny as hell to say

i watch videos called "le zap de spion" on youtube. they have funny stuff you may have already seen but they have alot of new stuff too, just saw this...
