Huckabee Straw Poll- paul winning


Well-Known Member
In case anyone forgot about Ron Paul (the professional politician who also ran a racist newsletter) being good old buddies with former KKK grand wizard Don Black.

You dolts are trying so hard to ignore it and you should just embrace it. It can get him elected.
prove it.....that's all i have to say.


Well-Known Member
what the fuck? google Obama hates America, Obama is a Muslim, Obama is a racist, Obama is a commie and you'll be busy all day. How much of it you think is true?
those are obviously false.

that rawn pawl and his son rend pal around with white supremacists is well documented.

rawn pawl's newsletter.

rawn and rend using white supremacists last year to boost their campaign.

rend paw; knowingly hiring several white supremacists.

but it's all just coincidence, right? they deserve "special rights" with respect to consorting with white supremacists, eh?


Well-Known Member
those are obviously false.

that rawn pawl and his son rend pal around with white supremacists is well documented.

rawn pawl's newsletter.

rawn and rend using white supremacists last year to boost their campaign.

rend paw; knowingly hiring several white supremacists.

but it's all just coincidence, right? they deserve "special rights" with respect to consorting with white supremacists, eh?

cite sources that back your claim


Well-Known Member
your racial resentment is showing again.

hate crime laws apply to any race, not just the races you don't like, which is clearly black people.


Well-Known Member
If not for government fucking with freedom, the ugly part of the movement in the 60's would have never happened. It would not have been needed.
so the government made "private" businesses (that are supposedly open to the public) segregate their lunch counters, and charge blacks more for gas, and the like?

take a fucking history lesson, you dumb racist fuck.

you're dumber than red lately, and more racist to boot.


Well-Known Member
what did the stock market close at today?

is the stock market doing so well a sign of communism? i was unaware that private businesses making huge profits was kind of the opposite of communism.

but then again, you are retarded and here solely as a sock puppet to set back honest political discourse.


Well-Known Member
what did the stock market close at today?

is the stock market doing so well a sign of communism? i was unaware that private businesses making huge profits was kind of the opposite of communism.

but then again, you are retarded and here solely as a sock puppet to set back honest political discourse.
I guess the meaning of a photoshop pic escapes you dumbfucky. If you want to talk about your communist beliefs start a thread.


Well-Known Member
I guess the meaning of a photoshop pic escapes you dumbfucky. If you want to talk about your communist beliefs start a thread.
why do you keep trying to imply that the president is a communist with photoshopped pics?

why do you keep calling me a commie even though you are utterly incapable of providing evidence to support your lie?

oh, it's because you are RIU's foremost lying sack of shit sock puppet.

go the fuck away. go tend to your land and bang your wife like a porn star after working your neverending 16 hour days, moron.


Well-Known Member
why do you keep trying to imply that the president is a communist with photoshopped pics?

why do you keep calling me a commie even though you are utterly incapable of providing evidence to support your lie?

oh, it's because you are RIU's foremost lying sack of shit sock puppet.

go the fuck away. go tend to your land and bang your wife like a porn star after working your neverending 16 hour days, moron.
Actually I point out how you're a commie whenever you post your thoughts on anything, I will continue to do so. So go on a libtard rant and I will pick it apart for you. k?

Oh that pic had nothing to do with Obama being a commie, you still don't get it.


Well-Known Member
what did the stock market close at today?

is the stock market doing so well a sign of communism? i was unaware that private businesses making huge profits was kind of the opposite of communism.

but then again, you are retarded and here solely as a sock puppet to set back honest political discourse.
The stock market closed down 225 points and almost 1.5% of it's value...

You can google DJIA if you want the exact number.

It is of course Obama's fault. Well, if you are going to credit the good stock market to him and ignore the fact that as Obama rails about the evils of wall street his henchmen are handing over 85 billion dollars of taxpayer dollars to the banks every month...


Well-Known Member
was it above 15000, thereby proving communism?
It was above 15000 and incredibly volatile due to the market having no underlying basis for being so high except for the taxpayer money being pumped in by the current administration. I can imagine how shocked they are going to be when it pops... Just like real estate.

But it wont stop them, Barak just made a speech the other week about how everyone should own a home and although he thinks Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae should be dissolved he has no problem regulating the private mortgage industry while failing to understand government meddling created the last bubble. I hope they let him take the teleprompter with him when he leaves office. Without it he seems to have no clue.