Dreaming Big


Well-Known Member
For those of you who have asked how to improve your cloning and I have talked to you.... 6 days old my friends........ NOTHING WRONG WITH THEM AT ALL.... they look fresh and HEALTHY :) they will root this week.... the little thing you see is the Kerala x Skunk sprout..... Just popped up.


Well-Known Member
Bedtime.. Comment all you want. Questions anything. Don't matter to me. Flood this bitch... See ya tomorrow afternoonish......... Got Accord bullshit to deal with in the AM.


Well-Known Member
PM sent...sorry just got here babe...they all look fuckin fantastic!!!! that Spyder looks wild the way the one leaf is so much bigger on one side...guess that's a trade mark of that genetics?
you are truly gifted with a green thumb!!!! those roots look amazing!!!;););)


Well-Known Member
Done and Done...... I gotta go finish the brakes soon....... but ill be poppin in and out for a bit...


Well-Known Member
PM sent...sorry just got here babe...they all look fuckin fantastic!!!! that Spyder looks wild the way the one leaf is so much bigger on one side...guess that's a trade mark of that genetics?
you are truly gifted with a green thumb!!!! those roots look amazing!!!;););)
Which is this Spyder?


Well-Known Member
Which is this Spyder?
She also says roots look amazing,HUH dont see roots in any of your photos?

  • PM sent...sorry just got here babe...they all look fuckin fantastic!!!! that Spyder looks wild the way the one leaf is so much bigger on one side...guess that's a trade mark of that genetics?
    you are truly gifted with a green thumb!!!! those roots look amazing!!!



Well-Known Member
Gotta go work on the car now.....
BEECH- Any further advise to make this ALL look better???

Be back in a bit for responses :)
Thanks for stopping in BEECH


Well-Known Member
Its a bit confusing to me as which plants are flowering,Besides the obvious buds.
Do think your the most improved grower over the last month,If my opinion means anything.
You got 1 tent or 2 and trying to figure out how your doing so much cause if i reacall you only have


Well-Known Member
The Spyder female is flowering.(Males are in a closet with a 150w HPS)

Only 1 actually flowering in the tent.....

Everything is vegging. and Yes only 1 tent 8ft x 4ft. and i'm only using half of it at the moment........
Once they all grow and I will pull out the males to flower them separately(pollen collection)

I plan to flower 32-36 plants in that tent..... However with the BD mother having to get transplanted to a larger container, I will be losing some room to that...

She will be alone in the large pot and the rest of the plants will be in 3 gallon grow bags.... Gonna do a mass transplant 2 weeks before the SOLO cups are done. that way when I chop the last of the Spyders, I can flip at the same time...

Doing it that way gives me the time I need to collect pollen and have it ready to pollenate certain females..

Have some "Dedication" crosses to do.
For a fellow Blueberry fan...
BBYY(Female) x BD(Fem pollen) = *****'* Sapphire
BBYY(male pollen) x BD(Female) = Indigo *****

I'm not sure of what else I am going to cross at the moment. since those 2 crosses are the only thing on my mind since last night.

Anyways the longer I sit here the longer my car stays messed up..... Take care all. Check in later

Edit: Beech, Your opinion will ALWAYS count to me buddy. Thank you for all your help.


Well-Known Member
don't ya see it?

She also says roots look amazing,HUH dont see roots in any of your photos?

  • PM sent...sorry just got here babe...they all look fuckin fantastic!!!! that Spyder looks wild the way the one leaf is so much bigger on one side...guess that's a trade mark of that genetics?
    you are truly gifted with a green thumb!!!! those roots look amazing!!!
