So I have finally decided that Greenhouse seeds has horrible genetics.
My trainwreck is the only 1 of 5 seeds in the pack to pop.
It's growing now and is fuckin UGLY. N def green all the time. all weak and stretchy.
shit's practically the same height and distance from the light as my BD.
and it's just NOT what I want to keep around.
so that bitch will be super cropped to the best of my abilities.....
Weak as fuck I tell you.. pinch the stem, branch falls down by itself.
I pinch the blue dream mother.... and indent my fingers. lol
I just crimped every branch at about 8" off the pot.
I know they will pop back up to around 10-12" off the pot but that's fine with me...
Had to crimp and TWIST the main stalk near the top. just to get her lower..... hope she holds on her own........
Crimped and twisted the main stem on the Cotton Candy and Blue Thai just now as well..........
Solo cup "Swirl" entry is showing sex. appears female

we'll see tomorrow when she pops.......
Take care all. Bed time for this guy...... Tune in to the Dank & Stew grow as well.... got my 4 SxI beans in germ. as does ~Dankster~420