HSO Blue Dream(fem)... 23
Blueberry Yum Yum... 3
Blue Thai(fem)... 1
Original Blueberry... 1
Sour Blueberry... 1
GDP... 1
Spyder... 6
White 88 G13/Hashplant... 3
Cocoa Puffs... 2
**Supreme Delight... 1
Kerala x Skunk... 1
Cotton Candy(fem)... 1
SxI... 2
Gonna post my strain list everytime a new page starts from now on. so newcomers don't have to scroll through and figure out whats I gots.
That is updated including # of plants(fem and male)/sprouts/seedlings per strain
As I start to cut clones I will update the numbers of plants per strain.

thinking it's almost picture time again. maybe tomorrow. I like the new twice a week update I got going on.

Thanks for visiting!