The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
you sure?? like i mentioned a couple pages back to whoever it is putting exo clones out there at 60 quid i've already been sorted with some banging genetics (you can see them in my thread!) so i'm not in search for any "cheese", i have however said that i think i have only ever had the real cheese once that a mate got from birmingham!!

ill stick to my smelly cherries n berries mate! much more up my street for now!!

n yes i am hanging around you look like you need me in your life masterNO ;)

"You got any more picks of them two, I'm gagging, I really need a cheese strain n since I cnt afford to buy the original right now this will have to do!!"
copy and pasted from lemon heads thread, just to clear that up now ill get on with catching up on today's pages


Well-Known Member
Yeh seen them ones the 220 is just to rum everything through 1st ain't it make sure nothing too big gets through??

Never used emnaimt got a clue fuck it IMA gonna keep watching Frenchys vid over and over lol


Well-Known Member
They look like the ones I got Gary, I use them once and didnt get good results, think I just made a balls of it tho lol. Was goina use them again, I had a good few bags of dried frozen trim until the police wer doin there rounds and the guy holding it got scared and dumped it...,so he says anyway, don't think he'd even know what to do with it tho, probly smoked it lol


Well-Known Member
I need a slave like subcool, "get bowls yer bongs yer big fat slaves and come and lick the arse of the weed nerd" hasn't that kid prospect learned all hes going to from the master.....sorry lemon head I don't dig subcool but I think ur 3 days of darkness idea is lifted from his work ? Today I have taken down all my grow and stuck it in a van, im fuked eaten 5 meals today and could do with some wine, but ive got more of the same tmrw and need to be charged not fuked...sativa hash is helping thanks tho